
Forced to become protagonist by system.

Well, this is a story of guy named ye chen. He is an otaku who like to read novels and manga and watched anime. One day he heard some noice in his head and thought he was hearing things but he again heard the noice with some blue panels in front of his eyes. [DING, found suitable host for system ] [host has given three choices please choose one choice in 10 minutes] [Countdown: 9M 58S left] Seeing this first ye chen became shocked then disbelief and then happy and he yelled " yes! I fucking get the system.!" Then he heard yell from his side apartment " Shup up bastard.!" "Aah, sorry sorry." ye chen became embarrassed. Well let's see how our protagonist began his journey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorry for bad English and the cover is not mine. pls comment and give reviews. thank you and enjoy.

Romushi_33 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Talking with villain's mother

After Ye chen come into the house and Luna asked him to sit on the sofa in living room and offer him glass of water then go to kitchen for preparing some snacks. ye chen sit on the sofa and drink water while looking around the house.

after sometime Luna come back with tray of snacks and tea and put on the table in front of sofa and then sit beside him on the sofa chair.

Luna took one tea cup and asked him to join her and said " Sorry my grandpa is outside in the clinic."

"Oh well no it's okay I will meet with him afterwards." said Ye chen while enjoying the tea.

"Wow the tea is delicious." Ye chen praised her genuinely. Hearing this Luna's face got red and she said "Thank you."

Then they talk about their study's, life and stuff. Hearing what Ye chen said Luna first became shocked and did not believed him. But then Ye chen show her by checking her and telling the symptoms and conditions she was experiencing because of her late time menstrual cycle lately. And then she started to believe him little and this way they talk for hours until Ye chen's phone rang.

Ye chen checked his phone and saw an unknown number he doesn't know who called him but he still answered the call and seeing him Luna got up and said " I will go and make lunch."

" Okay but I don't like bitter things." Hearing this Luna laughed and said " Okay my sweet little brother."

Hearing her Ye chen shake his head and thought ' I don't understand girls.' then he said "Hello".

"Oh hello I called you because I am free a little now we can talk for like 30 minutes."

"Oh so it's madam. Well Can I know your name please."

" Oh well yeah My name is Qu Misahi. what is your name?" "Well my name is Ye chen you can call me little ye."

" Okay little Ye so what you want to talk with me?" "Oh well big sister it was like this I know that you are busy and have so much work. but you can't neglect your son just because you are busy."

" Well It is my family's matter of what I do little guy you shouldn't meddle in it." " Well I wouldn't if it would have remain a family matter but your son is causing disturbance to others life and even destroying someone's day and life." " What you mean, I still don't get the point."

" Well What I mean is your son was taking a girl forcefully on the street." " Yeah and?"

"Haah You still don't understand how serious this matter is for the girl." " Boy can you stop being mysterious and talk little openly you are making me really impatient you know."

" Okay then I will say with an example okay?" "Hmm okay."

"Well try to imagine yourself jogging in the park in the morning feeling fresh air without much pollution and feeling refreshed after good night sleep." " Yes I am imagining it. It feels good."

" Feels good, right?" "Yeah"

" Okay then you are jogging and feeling good but suddenly a hand stop you."

" who was that bastard doesn't he know me?"

" wait wait let me finish first don't just get so angry, well the one who stop you was thug who live around there."

" What, he dare to stop me doesn't he know who I am?"

"No he doesn't and even If he know you he would not care I mean he has no good grades and many bad friends and he like to harrass girls."

"So you are telling me he come to disturb me when I have free time."

"I mean yeah but first let's continue okay?"


" Well he block your path and said " Are you free for drink."

"Oi is this bastard dumb who drink alcohol in the morning."

"Exactly and that is why you told him "Sorry I am busy." and turn beside him for starting your jogging again but he caught your wrist."

" How dare he caught my Wrist did this guy asking for death."

" I mean no he is not you are alone in the park without your bodyguards then a thug came out of no where you are and ask you to have drink with him but when you decline him he grab your wrist and then do you know what he said?"

" What?"

"He said "do you dare to say no to your dad let me punish you." then he forcefully take you somewhere and do this ******** and that********."

"Okay STOP STOP I not want to listen anymore."

" Um okay."

"So what was the point here tell me clearly or else I will not forgive you."

" Well the point is easy the thug was your son and you were the girl who was unlucky and didn't meet someone like me."

"Oh I get it so that's how it is That bastard son of mine will pay for ruining my mood."

" Um what I mean is you should better take this seriously I mean Just think from your perspective how would you feel if someone forced you and what would happen to a girl's life. some might even commit suicide and some might never come out of their home. and I think your son is experienced in this kind of things so I think he have already ruined so many lives. you get it right what I am saying."

" Yes I understand my mistakes. I didn't take this seriously before because I thought every problem can be solved by money but I guess not."

"I am happy that you understand."

" hahaha thank you."

" Hmm so let's talk about other things so your mood will get little better. okay?" " Alright sweetie." then Ye chen ask her about her meetings and all the things which a business woman like to hear even though Ye chen felt strange talking with her he was still happy so he doesn't care about the strange feeling. and like this they talk for 30 minutes.

Then Misahi said " Sorry sweetie my time is up." Misahi started to call him sweetie. " It's okay big sister." and he called her big sister.

" Well I will call you when I am free again. okay?" asked Misahi with some expectations. " Yeah of course. and please take care of your son." " Oh don't worry about him your big sister will punish him severely even if he is my son." " Oh hahaha thank you. then bye and take care big sister."

"you too sweetie. " then Ye chen cut the call and took deep breath and said to himself " Wow, I never thought someone would call me sweetie I wanna cry."

[ Why sweetie aren't you my sweetie don't worry from now on this Onee-san will call you sweetie so you won't feel bad]

" Hahahaha thanks onee-san. "

[ Hahahahaha]