
Forbidden Wizard of Hogwarts

the sun curse, the arbitrary shuttle movement, the indestructible Susano, the mystery of countless changes, and the supernatural magic that destroys everything. This is the birth of a legendary wizard named John Anderson!

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Chapter 6: the king who kills wands

Dumbledore believes that this is not a coincidence, because according to the information provided by Professor McGonagall, the home address of the little John Anderson wizard is almost exactly the same as the place where the powerful magic power broke out at that time.

  But it is almost impossible for the obscurus to live more than ten years old. According to Professor McGonagall, the little wizard is alive, and there is nothing wrong with him.

  He was once fortunate to read a famous detective novel in which the male protagonist once said a truth that is, "When you eliminate all kinds of impossible things and clues, then no matter how absurd that remains, it is the truth."

  Dumbledore is now very interested in the little wizard named John Anderson, but he still suppressed his sneaking past to observe his behavior. After all, Hogwarts is about to start school, not to mention that time. There are more important things waiting for myself to arrange.

  The most important thing this year is about Harry Potter. Dumbledore has personally sent Hagrid to the place where he currently lives to conduct fait accommodating discussions. I believe Harry can also be at Hogwarts this year.

  Not long after Professor McGonagall left, Dumbledore looked out the window in melancholy. The gear of destiny had begun to turn gradually, and no one could stop it.

  Fate is not a sleeping slave.


  A few days after Professor McGonagall persuaded him, John had been in the leaky cauldron, Gringotts and Diagon Alley with his parents. After all, he wanted to go in person when watching movies in his previous life.

  When in Gringotts he exchanged pounds for galleons, because Annie and Hudgens were economically prosperous and the families behind both were families with a certain status in British upper-class society. Huggins traded a large quantity of Jin Jialong for John to let him buy whatever he wants! The rest is kept as a precaution.

  At the same time, John also saw so-called goblins in the magical world. They are wise and cunning, and according to their understanding, over the years, there have been many races of magical animals that die or are about to become extinct, even as domestic ones. House elves are all enslaved by human beings, but the special group of goblins are very intelligent. They control the economy in the magical world here in Gringotts, and goblins have their unique culture, spells and language. Even magical alchemy techniques.

  The more John thought about it, the more he felt that this group of goblins was terrifying.

  And the long-awaited leaky cauldron deceived John, gave him the first impression of just two words, dirty and noisy, but some of the children's drinks in him were really great. They were muggles. They never been in touch with the magical world.

  When buying a wand in the area Diagon Alley in, something happened that surprised or shocked John.

  In the magic wand shop, when John touches a magic wand, the magic wand and John are like two repelling magnets, which will directly let the magic wand fly out, and some are so serious that the magic wand will be killed directly in his hands. He died, for which John also planned to lose money to Ollivander, but Ollivander believed that the wands in his shop were defective, so he did not accept John's compensation.

  In the end, John had no choice but to ask for a second time, and casually pointed to a magic wand to take it away. With Ollivander's professionalism, he thought he shouldn't just do things like this, but when he thought of the magic wands that had just inexplicably died, they were like his own son, so Ollivander succumbed in the end.

  John returned home, sat in his own room, but thought annoyed, how should he cast spells without a wand?

  magic without a wand?

  John shook his head. This is a very profound magic technique. It doesn't mean that you can use it if you want to. Moreover, if you can't touch the wand at present, it means you have broken the path of magic.

  The palm of his hand opened, and the magic book appeared ghostly. John looked at the magic book thoughtfully. It is most likely because of the magic book, an immature idea emerged spontaneously, difficult. Can't you use the magic book as a medium to cast spells?

  The more John who thought of here felt that this possibility was very great. Didn't he expect that this book with big eyebrows and eyes would be jealous?

  In the next period of time, John opened the magic books and textbooks he bought from Chamfer Alley, intending to verify some of his guesses, and soon John locked a simple spell, "floating spell".

  Just as John was soaring in the knowledge in the book, the system on the magic book clinked for a long time~

  [Enter sage mode]

  John also heard this unsentimental electronic sound, but there was a question mark inside his head.

  Sage mode?

  Why did I suddenly enter the sage mode without desire when I was only 11 years old this year? This is unscientific, but soon John is flying and learning in this misunderstood mode, and he has to say something really sweet.

  Because he found that under this model, his learning ability is simply growing by leaps and bounds. It is easy to see all the ten lines and never forget, and the thinking ability and imagination in his mind are greatly increased, and there are even more magical effects. It means having fun while learning.

  It didn't take long for a magic skill on the system to add a spell skill.

  Magic Skill: Levitation magic [Getting Started] (5/200)

  John looked at the property interface of his system,

Seeing that my own floating spell has already started, then it is time to quickly experiment.  A book with a purple cover appeared on the palm of his hand again. John looked at a pocket watch on the table, and muttered to it: "Wingardium Leviosa". The magic book and John itself instantly produced a kind of the mysterious link, as if the two merged into one, a purple light floated on John's body, and the dark green pupils of his eyes were directly dyed purple pupils by this light.

  For a moment, the pocket watch on the table seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand, and then it slammed into the wall of the room with an incomparably fast trajectory that was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

  Kuang~ After a violent sound, John saw that the pocket watch that used the magic book to use the floating spell was directly knocked into the wall and fell into the dead.


  Looking at this situation, John slowly fell into contemplation, because according to the magic skill of Levitating Charm, the power should not be so exaggerated, because according to the performance of the original book, beginners can only make a feather float. , Even if his current magic power is indeed comparable to that of a wizard who is about to mature, it should not be such an exaggeration, after all, the Levitating Curse is just getting started.

  Then John felt a slight sense of weakness in his body, like the result of certain young people doing certain sports due to desire.

  However, this should be the result of the loss of magic power after using magic, but this is unscientific, because the magic power on one's body is so great, a floating spell should not cause such a result.

  Then the problem should lie in the magic book, so the magic book not only prevents you from accessing other magic wands, but also uses the magic book as a medium to use the spell, which can greatly double the power of the spell!

  And when he was casting the spell, John could clearly perceive that the magic book eliminated the hidden state and became visible. The magic book is a special item that no one can see except himself, but when he uses it as the medium casts a spell, this invisible ability seems to be erased, making the magic book visible.

  Although it becomes visible when the spell is cast, the magic book is bound to oneself, and others cannot snatch it and touch it. It only uses the magic book as a medium to cast the spell.