
Chapter 1 (Father’s criteria)

You either get married or you lose the thought of ever being the next CEO in my company! Barry thundered leaving Luke in total shock. Bu..bu…but dad you can't do this to me, Luke tried to reason calmly with his father. 

I've made my decision and it's final. You're 30 for crying out loud and you obviously cannot tell me you don't have a lady in your life. It's not hard. Just bring her home, have a wedding at least that way you'll be responsible enough to know how and what it takes to be a man. Handle a woman. Your wife, and you'll know how to handle my company properly. Barry ended. Luke knew his father's decision was final. 

Barry Reeds (Luke's Father) is the CEO of Reeds organization. Although he divorced his wife a long time ago, he's still very much in the game of bedding young women. 

Luke on the other hand didn't take this trait from him. He's a staunch workaholic and would rather sleep in the office than sleep next to a woman.

Dad! It's fine I'll bring her home, Luke replied to his father, with his head low in defeat. I wanted to take things slow but since you insist, I'll bring her home, Luke added. Seeing the glee on his father's face, he knew he needed to act fast. Now that's my boy. I can't wait to meet her,Barry said patting Luke on his back.

Lastly before I forget, you have until the end of this month to bring her home, Barry added with a smile, leaving Luke more dumbfounded.

Luke knew he had already lost the war before starting. He didn't have a woman in his life, now he's father is requesting he gets married. 

After much thoughts on what exactly to do, Luke decided to call his mother. Although he hadn't spoken to her in ages, but right now he needs her help and that's all that matters.

The call rang twice, and he could hear someone on the other end. He knew that wasn't his mum's voice.

Mariah: Hii good morning, this is Mariah speaking, the boss is currently unavailable to talk to you at the moment. can you leave a message, and I'll be sure to relay it. 

Luke: Good morning I'll love to speak to my mum this minute! He sounded with an air of authority.

Mariah: oh sorry sir. (She said with a surprise on her face)

She's currently in a meeting sir. But I'll be sure to give you a call once she's done.

Luke: You had better do. Unless you want to get fired. He hissed hanging up the phone.

Mariah shook her head, as the caller didn't really surprise her. Her boss Elisa is equally as rude as her supposed son. 

Being Elisa's Personal Assistant and sales woman, Mariah has always been treading on thin ice, as nothing ever pleases Elisa. 

She looked around to see if her boss was done with her meeting so she could relay the message from her son.

Ma, your son called. Mariah said, relaying the message to her boss. Elisa's face lit up in excitement. Luke called? She asked again, I'm sorry ma; I didn't ask for his name, but he said he wanted to speak with his mother, and he gave me little or no space to ask questions ma. Elisa smiled, it sounds exactly like my son. Ring him back she added with a big grin on her face, and clear my schedule for the next one hour.

Elisa (Luke's mother and Barry's ex-wife) gave birth to Luke when she was 23, and now she's currently 54. Although she hasn't seen her son in over ten years, but she was always keeping tabs on him. Dropping messages, calls and even voicemails but he never responded to any of them. Hearing Luke called, gave her a million and one questions in her head. She knew her son was still angry at her because of how things ended with his father.

She was still young and she wanted more to life. She felt she was to beautiful to stick with one man for the rest of her life, and since Barry was always buried in work, she just wanted more care and attention, and the gardner gave her that, until she was caught cheating, hence leading to their divorce. Even though Barry gave her more than enough money to get her a new life, she still misses the void of her son in her life. She travelled to a different state, and started up a clothing business, and now she's ranked amongst the top 10 in the state.

The loud music from his phone jolted Luke back to reality. He just realized he was so buried in his thoughts that hours passed by and he didn't notice. Seeing the caller gave him little hope, as he realized it was his mum calling back. He knew how surprised she must have been, hearing he called. He successfully avoided her for most of the time since his parents divorced. And even though she calls and texts and drop voicemails he just acts like he never saw them. But today is different, he needs her help and he didn't have who else to turn to.

Luke: Hi mum.. how are you?

Elisa: Luke my baby, is that really you?

Luke: (rolls his eyes) how are you mum?

Elisa: (Grinning from ear to ear) I feel so much better talking to you. I've missed you. Are you fine? I was surprised when I heard you called. I'm sorry, I was in a meeting. Is something wrong? Is your father fine? Are you al….

Luke: Mum!! Just stop I'm fine. And you can call dad to ask if he's fine too. (Luke replied with a scoff on his face)

Elisa: Oh my baby! Mummy's sorry I was just too excited and concerned.

Luke: Yeah mum, I get it. Anyways I need your help… I need..

Elisa: Anything for my boy(she added smiling)

Luke: (Fustrated) Mum can you just wait! I'm serious. Dad wants me to get married, unless he won't make me the CEO! Can you believe that mum?! I'm his only child, so why is he making me do something for what's my right? Like imagine that mum!

Elisa: awwww… my baby is now a grown man (Elisa continues, feeling proud of herself). 

Luke: Mum I need you to be serious, I'm not kidding.

Elisa: (almost sounding disappointed) can't a mother be happy for once? (She asked).

Anyways I don't see what's wrong in what your father said. You're not getting any younger Luke!. Just bring the young lady home and finalize your relationship into marriage. It's a win-win for you. You get married to the love of your life and you become the CEO. So tell me what do you need my help for? To plan the wedding?

Luke: Mum I knew telling you would be a bad idea, I just didn't think it will be this bad, (Luke said feeling more depressed than before). I just have till the end of this month to bring her to dad. You know what? I'll figure it out on my own.

Elisa: Luke.. what exactly do you want?

More time? Or what? Honestly it's not that hard. You definitely have a woman you're seeing, so just bring her home that's all, Any woman would die to have your last name my love. 

Luke: Tell me more. That's why you also still use the name even after the divorce. I totally understand. (Luke said sarcastically).

Elisa: Luke! You'll not speak to me in that manner. I was once a Reeds, and divorced or not, I'll always be a Reeds.(Elisa said with a tone of authority).

Luke: I'm sorry mum, I was just joking. Anyway I'm off to go find a solution to my life. We'll talk again some other time. Do take care of yourself Mrs Reeds! (Luke laughs)

Elisa: still being sarcastic hun! Just don't forget to bring her to me too before the wedding. I'll love to meet her too, also please eat well and take good care of yourself. I love you.

(Elisa added before dropping the call)

Elisa felt so much better talking to her son, she knew how authoritative her ex-husband can get, but somehow she supported his decision this time. She smiled at the thought of being a grandmother soon, and all she had in her thoughts were regrets. She wished she didn't cheat, probably her son would be way better than he is at the moment. She sighed heavily and decided to go out for a walk.

Luke felt a little bit better talking to his mum, he realized how much he missed her and decided to do better in keeping up with her. Although talking to his mum was a dead end, he decided to talk to Matt about it, after all Matt is his best and only friend, mayb he'll be able to talk to his father, and somehow convince him, since Matt has never run out of solutions in the entire time they've been together. He always comes up with ideas that work. Hopefully this will too.

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