
Chapter 31: Jameson

Jameson held Annalise tightly against him for nearly a minute before stepping back to look at her. She was thin and pale and he was concerned but instead of mentioning it he simply answered her question. "I thought you'd want your mother's necklace for your wedding."

Her face twisted as she reached for the pendant handing from the silver chain around her neck. "How... it was lost when we..."

"I went back and got it. My sword as well." He said patting the hilt of his mother's sword. "I couldn't leave them at that inn."

"Jameson, that was dangerous. You really shouldn't have."

He smiled. She looked like she might blow over in a strong breeze and never get back up, yet she was worried for him. "It was costly. Not dangerous."

Her blonde eyebrows creased. "How costly?"

"I think I filled damn near every larder in the village." He smiled.

"I will reimburse..."

"Nonsense. Between the Amerthine fortune and what I've made on my own over the years, it won't be missed. And the people will be fed through winter."

She smiled sadly. "Thank you, Jameson. As Morea's princess, you have my gratitude."

"I don't want your gratitude, Princess." He said as he stared into her eyes.

"Then what do you want?" She asked softly, a strong breeze sending her long curls into her eyes.

"Your word that you won't marry him."


"I understand that this was his demand for surrendering, but you don't have to do this, Annalise. The man committed treason. He should be hung, not given Morea's most precious treasure."

She blushed slightly, her gaze locked on the stone path beneath her feet. "Jameson... I agreed to marry him."

Jameson felt sick. Then angry, followed by dizzy... and sick again, all in a matter of

seconds. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Why would his woman... "why?"

"I..." she took a step back. "I made up my mind, Jameson. You shouldn't be here."

He took a step forward grabbing her hand. "What the hell, Annalise? I came here to save you!"

"I am not in need of saving!" Her voice was loud and firm but her eyes were close to watering.

"Henry said..."

"Jameson, I don't know what Henry told you but I am the one who agreed when father asked... I didn't want you to here until afterwards..."

"That's sick, Annalise! I've been a mess with worry... and you were just, what? Picking out wedding dresses and flower arrangements?" She just nodded, her gaze never meeting his. "I thought you loved me?"

"I... did."

"Did?" He scoffed. "Was I gone from sight for too long? Found the next willing victim, did you? Perhaps it's best I don't have any more brothers. Though, I would have guessed it would have been Henry."

She said nothing but instead fell to the ground, tears flooding her face, sobs echoing off the stone walls. Guilt tore through Jameson like never before. He had spoken out of angry and he had hurt the only person in his life that mattered. He moved to her, dropped to his knees and pulled her against his chest. "I'm sorry, Annalise. I'm an ass. I know you've your reasons."

"Is that how you truly see me?" She said through her sharp intakes of breath.

His arms tightened around her. "By the Seven, no. I'm an ass, Annalise. I was hurt and angry and I spoke without thought."

She clung to him tightly, her chest rapidly raising and falling as she continued to cry. "I love you, Jameson! I love you more than life itself. That's why I have to do this! Why I have to marry him!"

"Please, Annalise, explain this to me! Because it feels like my heart is being tore from my chest. When last we were together, we were tangled under the sheets, bare. And now your marrying another man?"

"I was given an ultimatum." She whispered against his collar. "And the consequence was beyond what I was willing to pay."

"You might have said yes, but it was forced Annalise, what is worth ruining your life this way."

She was silent for a long moment, the breeze blowing her hair into his face. The smell of roses overwhelming, yet comforting. "You." She finally answered and Jameson needed no more information.

He knew what had happened. Alion... or the king, had threatened to hurt him if Annalise didn't comply with the demands. He knew the ways of war better than most. He had used similar tactics... but to have them used on the princess, his princess, had his blood boiling. "Stupid girl." He sighed. "You really think I'd want you choosing my happiness over your own? I've done much to deserve punishment. You have not."

"Jameson, I..."

His lips silenced her. His kiss leaving her breathless and him as well. He stopped only only enough to swallow down gulps of the chilled winter air before his lips found hers again. "You're not marrying him."


"I'm serious, Annalise, and I'll show you just how."

He stood, picking her up, and carried her into a private prayer room. Once the door was shut and locked behind him he threw a fireball into the fireplace lighting to wood. He pulled off his cloak and laid it on the cool tiles before grabbing Annalise and laying her on his cloak. He kissed her again, then his lips traveled down her neck to her chest. he pulled her to her side untying her corset. Once the ribbon was pulled free, he slide the gown down her shoulders exposing her full chest. His lips and teeth branded her sternum. She nearly yipped as his teeth marked her between her breast, a place only a lover would know.

His lips met hers again as she moaned. "Jameson..."

He smiled down at her. "That's going to be there a while."

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