
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (3)

Reina sat down, patted her cheek hard. This was not the time for Reina to relax or sleep. There were more important things she had to do. That is to learn more about the owner of the body she is possessing.


Her eyes stared at the two maids who were still lowering their heads with frightened faces not far from the bed.


Based on Joana's memory that remains in her head, they are both personal servants who have served Joana since Joana was the duke's daughter.



Reina looked at the beautiful pink-haired woman.

"I am hungry."


Rosie's face, which was tense at first, has become relaxed. Even a relieved smile spread across her face,

"Yes, her highness, I will bring your food immedietly."


Rosie walked away, leaving Reina and Annie alone. Suddenly, There was an instant silence between them. Annie's head was still down, making Reina forced to think harder, diving into Joana's memory in her head.


From Joana's memory, her relationship with the two maids was very good. Even before Joana became empress, the two of them were like friends to the lonely Joana.


Urrghh ..

Reina furrowed her brows as a memory of Joana's attitude after becoming empress popped into her head.


This stupid girl blinded by love has completely changed. Her kind and innocent personality turns into cunning and full of anger.


Even when Joana feels frustrated with her relationship and the king, Joana will take it all out on Rosie and Annie.

Starting from punishing them with whips, to starving them for two days in a row.


"You're crazy Joana, really crazy."

Reina muttered.


Reina didn't realize that as a result of her muttering, Annie immediately lifted her head, staring at her mistress with a confused look.

In fact, ever since Joana opened her eyes, Annie had felt that her mistress was a little strange. Annie was even prepared to face the worst punishment as usual.


However, Joana did not punish her. Just sitting in her position with an expression like she is in the deep thought. Sadness suddenly flashed back in Annie's heart.


Joana, was probably thinking about what else she could do to separate the king and Roxanna.

Ah, my poor mistress.

Before entering the palace, a smile never left Joana's face. However, once entered the palace, Annie had never seen her mistress smile like before.


Her beautiful face was covered with rage, and her crystal eyes no longer sparkled, but were dim with sorrow.


Joana's call breaks Annie's daydream. The purple haired girl lifted her head, looked at Joana who was also staring at her with a .. warm eyes?.

"Forgive me,"

Joana said softly,

"Forgive me for constantly forcing you to do evil deed for the sake of my ambition to win the heart of the king."

A sad smile formed on the corner of Joana's lips.


Annie's eyes suddenly widened. She quickly shook her head, then returned to her knees and slammed her head against the floor again,

"Not her highness, I'm not forced at all. I am willing to do anything for her highness, even though the consequences I have to lose my life.. "

Annie's words stopped when Joana's hand cupped her cheek. Annie's eyes widened even further when Joana suddenly knelt in front of her.


Her mistress's beautiful face, which usually looked cold and cruel, now turned soft, as if Annie was looking at Joana, the duke's daughter, not Joana, the empress.


Joana put her head against Annie's head,

"I'm sorry Annie, I'm sorry,"

She whispered many times,

"Even because of me, you must sacrifice your body for that old man. I am sorry."


Reina's brows furrowed again when one of Joana's flashes of memory popped into her head earlier. Memories of how Joana ordered Annie to sleep with Marquess Izirick, one of the king's confidants so that her plan to separate Roxanna and the king would run smoothly.


It felt like, if Reina met the real Joana, Reina would happily slap that woman's face so that she would be aware of all her madness.


Annie again looked at Joana with disbelief. Without Annie knowing it, her tears began to trickle down, wetting her cheeks which were still covered with scars that had not completely disappeared, as a result of the punishment given by the Marchioness Izirick who became very angry when she found out that her husband had a one-night affair with Annie.


"Please your highness, don't apologize."

Annie started sobbing very hard, making Reina grabbed Annie's body and hugged her tightly.

Ah, Joana, what a fool you are, you have wasted those who love you so much for the fake love of that cruel king. So, Joana, let me borrow your body, and I'll show those two humans how important honesty and loyalty are.




"Sorry, your highness."

Annie again wiped her eyes that were starting to swell with a handkerchief. Meanwhile, Rosie, who had just returned to her side, looked stunned.


Initially, when Rosie heard Annie's crying voice from outside, Rosie thought that the girl must have received another punishment from the empress.


Rosie had even suspected that the empress had asked her to get food not because she was really hungry, but to make it easier for herself to punish Annie alone.


Ah, it should be Rosie who was in Annie's place. In fact the order to have a one-night love affair with Marquess Izirick was given to Rosie.


However, Annie, who knows that Rosie already has a lover who is the empress's personal bodyguard, immediately offers to replace Rosie.


Rosie hastily opens the door, hoping that she can immediately beg for forgiveness so that the empress doesn't punish Annie. However, what Rosie saw made her mouth open wide.


In contrast to her imagination, Annie was currently hugging the empress tightly. Even the empress helped Annie to blow her nose.

The sight that Rosie thought was familiar made a feeling of nostalgia rise in her heart.


In the past, they were like this too. Whenever Annie and Rosie made a mistake, Joana would hug them like this after punishing them.

Perhaps noticing Rosie's startled gaze, Joana turned her gaze towards Rosie. A wide smile formed on her red lips,

"Come here Ros, don't you miss my hug?"

And without Rosie noticing, her feet moved on their own, stepped quickly towards Joana and entered Joana's arms.


A hug that seemed to say,

"Welcome, Rosie."

The hug that Rosie always missed in her life.

In her heart, Rosie said,

"Welcome back, my lady."