

There's a boy standing next to the bus stop every single day giving out flyers; a boy with jet black hair, pierced ears and pale white skin that seems to emit an ethereal pearly glow, making him look like an angel from heaven. Well, maybe he is, Jimin thinks as he glances every so often in the boy's direction while waiting for his bus.

Taehyung nudges him and whispers,"What are you waiting for?"

So Jimin does what he does every other day, he walks up to the boy and silently takes the flyer that is being handed to him, blushing deeply. The boy nods a silent thank you before looking away and Jimin can hear Taehyung let out a loud sigh.

"What?" Jimin asks, gripping the flyer tightly in his right hand.

"Seriously? You're not going to even ask him for his name? You've been crushing on him for how long now?" Taehyung shrieks, causing Jimin to wave at him to keep his voice down. He earns an eyeroll from his best friend and a sharp jab to his ribs that has him clutching his side and howling in pain.

"What was that for?" he whines.

"Go and ask that cute guy for his name or I will fucking burn all your snapbacks Park Jimin," Taehyung hisses, jabbing a finger on Jimin's chest.

He flips Taehyung off and throws him his most disgusted look ever before admitting to himself that maybe his best friend has a point. He's been taking flyers from this beautiful stranger everyday, a wordless exchange that has Jimin's heart racing like an F1 race car. He takes a tentative step towards the boy, summoning all his courage from every inch of his body and he's about to open his mouth to say-

"Fuck I can't do this."

"What do you mean you can't do this?" Taehyung furrows his eyebrows, crossing his arms across his chest.

Jimin chews his bottom lip nervously, his fingers playing with the hem of his t-shirt.

"I dare you to write your number on the flyer you just took and hand it back to him."


"You heard me," Taehyung grins mischievously, fishing a pen out from his jeans pocket and waving it in front of Jimin's face.

He hesitates, staring at the pen and the flyer in his hand, his eyes going back and forth between the two items. He's really not sure if he should follow Taehyung's advice; what happens if the boy thinks he's a creep? They don't even know each other's names and here Jimin is, giving him his phone number?

But Jimin knows that he's always been playing it safe throughout his whole life, never really taking risks (the biggest risk he took so far was befriending a certain Kim Taehyung) and he hasn't had many great opportunities so far so this time, he decides to push the away his inner demons and grab the pen that's in front of him.

Taehyung giggles as he watches Jimin scribble down his number hurriedly and when he's done, he almost backs out; he's too nervous, his palms are sweating, his fingers are trembling and he bets that the beautiful boy can smell fear from a few metres away.

But he's come this far so he marches determinedly over to the boy and stops in front of him, holding the flyer out.

"Oh, is there something wrong with the flyer?" the boy asks, surprised that he's being handed back one.

"Uh.. no… I just-" Jimin stammers, staring at his shoelaces because he can't seem to look into the boy's shimmering chocolate eyes.

"Do you have a question?"

"No.. well, yes actually… Uh.. I was just wondering.." Jimin stutters and stops; he can't seem to get a full sentence out before he shuts down with embarrassment.

The boy takes the flyer from him, an eyebrow raised in confusion and scans the flyer. Everything seems to be accurate; all the information is printed correctly and there doesn't seem to be any- oh.

He looks up from scanning the flyer and says,"I'll text you."

Jimin blinks. Did- did the boy just take his number?

"Hey, you okay? I said that I'll text you."

"Ye-yeah. Uh okay then," Jimin laughs nervously, trying to wipe his sweaty palms on his jeans without the boy noticing.

The boy nods and starts walking away and then Jimin realises that he hasn't gotten his name yet so he manages to tug on the boy's sleeve before he gets too far and he's about to ask when-

"I'm Jungkook," The boy says, turning around.

"Oh uh, Jimin," Jimin replies, feeling his cheeks burn. (He can hear Taehyung laughing way too hard in the background.)

"Jimin, huh. That's a pretty name," Jungkook grins, winking at Jimin before walking away.

Jimin is rendered speechless. He's so focused on Jungkook's back that he doesn't notice Taehyung come up beside him until he feels his best friend pinch his cheek.

"See, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" Taehyung laughs.

"Fuck off," Jimin whispers darkly, walking over to join the queue that's forming for the bus that has just arrived with a cackling Taehyung in his wake.

cross-posted to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3887461

apairofseokscreators' thoughts