

The seemingly normal life of college students Sano Kawai and Hiroki is interrupted when a strange artifact pulls them into another world on a school trip

Atrinoch_12 · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 4

By the time I wake up, I lost track of how many hours went by since I was dumped on the bed and left carelessly. I scratch the back of my head as I rise up from the bed. I glance outside the window. Several other houses line the opposite side of the street, although not too many. 

The stone and cobblestone road was covered by snow, as usual. Trees, some leafless and bare. There was shrubbery and plants growing that normally would not back in my homeworld.. By far, the most interesting flower I saw was one which looked like a snowflake. A few early risers were in their front yards, working on some sort of gardening, or simply just enjoying the atmosphere. A few people would walk down the street occasionally.

The early morning light was a strange, yet oddly warm tinge of pink, warm unlike the wind that blew. "Some things never change around here, huh… ? I decide to take a stroll through the village to get the morning started. 

While I do, a lot of things go through my mind.. Venerate-san and Agloria-san's deaths were so sudden.. I really wish I could've gotten to know them more… If only.. if only I wasn't so powerless ! But this affects Airie, more than it does me… 

why am I being so damn selfish… ?! I kick an opened crate out of frustration.

When I take a deep breath and exhale I start to feel better.. But the stress is still there. "I should go find Airie…" I then continue walking forwards. Eventually I reached the village center. When, I did I saw Airie standing idly outside the village gate, staring off into the distance. I call out to her, but she says nothing. I walk forwards to her direction. Even when I'm right beside her, she barely notices me. 

She's taking this way worse than I thought.. A bit of sadness wells up in me before 

I finally work up the courage to speak. "H-hey there… Airie-san…" Then she finally takes notice of me. "Uh.. oh.. Kawai-kun.. It's really early… you shouldn't be up at this time… go back and get some sleep.." I shake my head. "No, no, no, that won't do… look.. I just, want to say this; I know this is hurting you, so damn much… If I can do something to help you, just let me know.. kay' ?" 

She doesn't say anything, but nods appreciatively. Another thing pops into my head. "Oh and, uh, Airie-san… Remember that day, when I made that joke about

you loving your mom ? Uh… I'm sorry, like really.." I bow to her, overcome with shame, regret, guilt, and a billion other countless negative emotions. "It's… it's not your fault… Kawai-kun.." I give a silent remark of approval by nodding..

"Well, I'm going to go find Feyr and Ruige-san. How about you ? Aerie-san ?"

"I.. think I'll just stay here for awhile longer.." I give a thumbs up and then walk off towards the direction of the hill leading towards the former Trafsing household.. As I traversed the cold winterscape, a mix of dread, and anger 

went through my head.. I recounted all the events that happened ever since I came 

to this world… Hiroki and I got separated, I met the Trafsing family, Airie and I took a stroll through town, and then.. I shudder.

The familiar mountain, which was once a welcoming, and heartwarming 

Sight, was now a harrowing nightmarish hell on earth… I nearly throw up, but I keep walking. Eventually I reached the house.. Several village guards are there, investigating the property, searching for clues about the murder.. Signs written 

in a language I don't understand are propped up. 

Feyr notices me and runs up to me. "Kawai-kun ! W-what are you doing here ? This is a murder scene you know ! You should be resting in the village !" I shake my head in disagreement. "No Feyr-san.. I feel partially responsible for this… I should be somewhat involved…" "Kawai-kun…" Feyr is sympathetic.. "Agh.. I don't know, pal. As one of the captains of Hoarfrost Village's guard, I can't simply let an innocent individual, resident or not walk into danger like this in my jursidiction you know… "Please ! I'm begging you ! I need to do this ! Plus, my friend's been taken by the Chasmic Void… I need to get him back !" 

Feyr sighs.. "Chasmic Void, huh… Well, one of the witnesses of the invaders did mention something like that… And some sort of shadow ratio or whatever, that these no-good-scumbags want…. Apparently you also have one of these…" His eyes widen. "W-wait a minute.. This is a good opportunity… Kawai-kun, I have an idea of how you can help." 

When he says that, I feel somewhat relieved.. "Really ? H-how ?" "Well… It's kind of dangerous, but, we could use you as bait…" "WHAT ?" I shout. The heads of several other guards turn to my direction. Feyr offers a silent apology, as he leans closer in and whispers- "Okay, well, you have something they want, right ? This Shadow Ratio thing.. If we use that to our advantage… we can confront them.. Then again, we'd better do this at Snowflake City.. apparently, this Chasmic Void group is an organization of powerful Darkia mages…"

I say questioningly- "Snowflake City ?" Feyr perks up his head. "Hmm ? Oh well, Snowflake City is the capital city of the Winter Kingdom of Nenuvis. Needless to 

say, most of the country's brawn is located there.. We'll need our mages to counter that scary bunch…" 

Mages huh… I was never into that sort of thing, but my brother Hisashi is. He's a total nerd, otaku, so on. But it was a nice quality about him. Unlike it is for most people. I think back to the old days, when I would talk to him about that stuff.. I wonder what he's doing now… 


Hisashi was sleeping in his bed in his dimmed room at home when all of a sudden, some strange unknown force pulled him into the other world of Geonis. "Mmm.. ah.. Wow.. this dream is.. Oddly realistic… " His eyes open. "Brrrr ! Aghh, what the hell !!??! It's c-c-c-old- A-CHOO! Damn it… my allergies couldn't have acted up at a worse time, huh ?" 

Expect the next few chapters (2-3-ish) to be about our new character Hisashi.

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