
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Prince of Alaka

Orzala lost in a reverie. This sequence of reverie was broken down by a distressed voice. Wakuba describing his first visit to city of Alaka. A clearly visible excitement in his eyes.

"I travelled many cities but no city could ever match the peak of glory that once Alaka was crowned with. Dressed as a commoner I entered the city. A city so lavish bestowed with the blessings of God of wealth.

Till the very limit of your eye sight you could only see gold. Each and every residence is covered with a gold roof. Windows framed with intricate designs of gold. Streets were filled with shops which sell precious jewels, treasures, valued gems, rarest herbs from the mountains of Trikuta, weapons with golden grips.. What not!

A fictional world straight from the papers. I was mesmerised with the level of richness. I stayed for a week in the city and never witnessed a deprived individual.

Relishing the richness of the city, I was awaiting my golden opportunity to steal gold. Twist of the fate your father, the prince of Alaka disguised as a commoner patrolling around the city caught me in the act.

Skin tone of ivory, sharp witted, valiant and his eyes were vivid orange of fire. The charisma left me dumbfounded and he took the advantage of the situation. A dagger beneath the small piece of silk cloth was all set to split my stomach into two.

To main the peace in the city he managed to move me to a remote place at the tip of a dagger. Beheading me was just as simple as cutting a piece of apple to him but he chose to let go of me.

The mercy he showed was his grave mistake. Immature mind of me was unable to perceive the message he wished to convey. I considered it as a humiliation. I felt the sympathy in his emotions that I never wished for.

The next night my foot advanced toward the palace of Alaka. The crown holds a great value to the king and its kingdom. What if it was robbed by a mere thief? King and his subjects will be put to shame. Prince will also be blamed for his incompetence.

All my life I had no one to guide me. I could barely differentiate good and bad. I only lived for my own greed. It was nothing like he dishonoured me and the work I did was not honourable either. Still he embraced with empathy by considering a life like me precious.

The palace of Alaka was as beautiful as the abode of God, heaven itself. Guarded by attentive masculine servants breaking into the palace was hard to accomplish. However, climbing a giant banyan tree standing tall near the window I succeeded in entering the royal court.

A very first thing I glanced was the golden throne. Whole court was constructed using the finest and rarest gems available on the earth. A vast crystal chandelier holding the flashes of light illuminated the entire chamber. Some illuminating rays of light were concentrated on a diamond studded crown.

Here was my target. I was ready to grab the crown but dragged back by a hand, soft, delicate, a touch of feather.

Those eyes, reddish nose, the way of bickering in the middle of cry, her glimpse was the first ray of sunshine on the drop of water."

Sobbing Wakuba.

Patting his shoulders Orzala tried to console him.

"Who was she?"

"The dearest of your father, his daughter"

"Me! How? I don't remember a thing"

"It's not you. It was never you. It was always her"

"Who? Who she was? I want to know", Orzala burst into tears. She always considered herself as the dearest daughter of her parents. Their action made her think so and it was true. But now she was rearranging the thinks in mind. A question popped out of her mind that her parents never trusted their daughter with their secrets.

Gathering back her heart that was broken into millions of pieces, ahe pleaded Wakuba to advance his story.

"It might hurt you but it is the truth. Your father a prince, a dragon warrior has the long lifespan unlike that of a commoner. When I met him he had already passed hundreds of seasons. He had seen the whole life cycle of his dearest humans."

"How many women did he marry?"

"He just married once, as far as I remember he married an assassin, a half demon"

"How many more riddles?! My mother was right this journey will reveal my true identity."

"I was talking about her, Sanaita. She was the dearest daughter of your father but never gave birth to her"

Hearing this Orzala's lightened mood was improvised a bit.

"Yes. She was a boon of sacrificial ceremony made to God of creation. Coming back to the story I left, I could not resist her cuteness, her saccharides talks. With those little fragile hands, she dragged me to her royal chamber. Soon a maid came running addressing her, her hands pushed me under the bed.

"little queen, your dear father is fond of you and want to take you the secret chamber"

Hearing that she jumped with happiness. Maid left. She called me,

"Thief! I know you are here to take the wealth because you are hungry. My father told me to be kind to the people. So take this fruits and gold with you. I will not tell my father. Go back to the place you came from".

I was chuckling due to her innocence. Telling that she bid a bye and left. Touched by her kindness I was about to leave the palace but coincidentally had a glimpse of the secret chamber. Glow that was radiating from the chamber was unique. Getting close to the chamber I heard the talk, a name 'blood stone and seven stones of creation'.

Suddenly, a hard hit on the head, my world turned black and I only felt hands lifting my body and the very next view was horrifying.