

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

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28 Chs

chapter 3 Blue hoodie panda

Finally they arrived where Ronak and Rohit were there. They were sitting on a round size Jhulla (also called as family Jhulla coz atleast 6people can sit there and enjoy the ride).

Ronak:"you again! It seems to me like u came for revenge right? It's fun" he laughs. Ronnie said "we want to sit on that Jhulla. U ruined our game now atleast let us have the ride of family jhulla."

Advait said in a tough voice so can u please get off from family jhulla coz we want to sit there."

Both Ronak and Rohit laughs and Ronak says "u can straight up say u all wanna get revenge on us but do u really think i wouldn't know it? Look behind."As he said that behind were other guys who were actually a lot bigger and stronger compared to them. They were 5 guys.

"yaaaaaa! What in the.., who are those guys and they look much older than us and even older than Ronak maybe." Ronnie says it while being shocked. All of them were shocked by seeing them and

"it's not fair those guys are with these Brain deads? No way we are gonna make it" Sameer said it with anger. "who are you calling that? Ronak asks.

"it's not.. w.. what we imagined! How come a brain dead like them have guys like these in there group!" Advait also said while being nervous. "if they were in these Brain dead group then why didn't they show up before?" Parat thinks about it. "Hey Ronak the way u called us we thought of someone to be a fight but why did u called us to babysit some kids." One of the bald guy was mocking them.

Everyone laughs in there group. "i don't know maybe u should show your some babysit skills." Ronak smilingly says. All of the guys came close to the kids. All of them were scared but they didn't wanna give up coz all of them knew it's no use running away now they can catch up with us and here begins the gang fight.

The big guys were dominating the kids group and most of them got injured . Ronnie, Sameer, Abhimanu were knocked down by two guys and the third guy was beating Sameer by throwing at him the tennis ball.

"Here take it how is it now let me hit your face, enough hitting your butt with my ball."

"no! No! Plz i .. will...n...n...n..not forgive you!" Sameer says it while crying in pain.

Advait was fighting with other guy but it seems like he was also getting his shit beaten. "You bastard! Come here i... I.. will hit ..hit you why aren't u stopping at one place." "First try to even touch me kid u aren't even keeping up with my speed. Enough playing u look tired by trying to punch and kick me but I guess now play time is over." The bald guy who was fighting Advait seems to be a skilled fighter. He hit Advait by just one hit on his left side of neck.

Arjun was doing well since he knows karate and he has to do his homework given by karate sir. But still not enough to beat that guy who knows boxing. "U seem to learn karate huh. U are doing pretty well even though u are a kid who knows how strong u are gonna become! I can't let that happen " The boxer guy throws a punch at him . Arjun tries to block it but still got his hand broke coz the punch was strong enough. "aaaaaaha!" How is that possible? I swear i harden my skin and bone to block it but still." Arjun screams. Boxer man replied by smiling "u ofcourse did it but your hand and bones are not strong enough to block my punches here take another one."

Boxer man hits Arjun again but now Arjun got hit on his nose and it injured him so hard now his nose is started to bleed.

"shit. I can't land him a punch. I got tired so i don't have much stamina to even didge his punches and that's why he is taking advantage of it and hitting me on my chest, and my face." Advait is tired and can't fight now.

Meanwhile Ronak and Rohit are enjoying the scene and suddenly from behind Parat came and punched Rohit head so hard . "aaaaa!" As he screamed all the bad guys stopped fighting and looked at him. Parat then pulls his neck with his elbow and then he kept pressing Rohit neck and said "i will keep on doing this until u stop hitting them and Ronak! U will pay! U will pay!" He said it in a monstrous voice. He said he kept pressing Rohit neck even harder. Advait got motivation and suddenly stood up. The guy who was fighting Advait was a karate student who got surprised and shocked. Advait said "Yeah u are right! We are! We are! Gonna let them pay for their own shit!" He also said in a monstrous voice.

"hey u leave Rohit now he is gonna die if u kept on doing this to him Paras." Ronak screams.

Parat isn't going to hear that and is focused on Rohit. "huhhhhhhj!

"hey stop it u are pressing it too hard." Rohit can't breath it seems he is having a tough time in breathing. Then Ronak pulls Parat off and punched him in the face. Then Ronak kicks him on his stomach .

hahaaaah!" Parat starts crying too. "you suddenly got us off guard but that doesn't mean u can beat us ." Ronak said it with confidence . Advait sees all his friends lying down and injured. He couldn't do much coz he also was injured and weak.

"why? Why did this happen? These bad guys are supposed to be beaten. Why are they bullying us ? Those who bully people are themselves weak! So why.. why is this happening? I can't save or protect anyone i am weak i know but what am I gonna do? Only i am left here. I can't save anyone." Advait thinks about it.

Then suddenly from above a blue portal got opened and it was wide portal. A thing came fast enough and landed on the same place where the gang fight was going on. It landed on Advait and it knocked him off.

"Why i didn't got hurt?"

"Who is he now?"

" Thank you for saving me from getting hurt u didn't have to do it."

"Didn't knew saving me would damage you so bad that u got knocked out"

"who is this?" Rohit said with a confused face. "no a better question is what is this!" Ronak is also confused.

He weared a blue hoodie and his skin colour was too fair. He had black lines blow his eyes. He had a tiny black spot between his nose. He then looked around him that he is surrounded by all the humans there.

"So this is world of humans! It's also called Prithvi Lok"

"what's a panda doing here? "Ronak asks. "this panda can even talk bro!" Rohit is scared that he can talk too. "Panda panda panda! What's it doing here and did it came from above? Everyone keep calling him panda and we see the blue hoodie kid get really pissed off.

"Anyways we don't care we have done our job. We finally beat all of them maybe we should leave them or they might die if we beat them more" They all laugh.The blue hoodie kid watches around him that the kids have been knocked out one of them is crying hard yes it's Parat.

The blue hoodie kid understood what's happening here and thought to do something about it.

"Hey where are u going?

"Atleast give the money to me so that i can treat them through a doctor" The blue hoodie kid said. "Huh!" Everyone started laughing around even Ronak and Rohit.Ronak came near by him and said "Hey u panda i think u should be in the place called zoo or Africa jungle. We don't have any business with you neither do u with all of us. "Yea we were just playing and having fun" one of the bald guy's said. "U call this fun! Ok then i am also in the mood of little fun"Everyone started laughing again . "yea guys let's have fun with this panda thing hahahaha." Ronak makes fun of him.

"I don't like to hurt pandas but who the fuck cares!" One of the bald guy said.

The blue hoodie kid got angry and used his right hand palm and hit Ronak so hard on his chest that Ronak got flying and fell upon Rohit. Ronak got knocked out and seems having trouble in breathing too.

The other guys got scared and two of them just started running but the blue hoodie kid walked fast enough and came right in front of those two guys who were running, he used his palm again and with right hand he knocks off that guy with tennis ball and with other hand he knocks off the other guy with one hit. other guy who was a boxer runs ahead and tries to punch him but blue hoodie kid dodges all of it and uses his both hands and grabs his both hands and twists the boxer man hands brutally."Aaaa!" the boxer start to scream and falls down.

Then he immediately runs behind to the ground and reaches the guys. The blue hoodie kid used his right hand and hit on his side neck and the guy got knocked out. The other guy realized and ran away from there taking the two guys who are knocked out and boxer guy runs away too, Rohit finally pushes Ronak and wakes Ronak, Ronak gets up slowly and Rohit takes him away with help of boxer man.

"Huh. It was easy enough. Although I was told to not hurt any humans unless they attack u but..."

"They called me a panda! I can't take that that too from these bastards who were bullying the kids who were much younger than them"

"I guess now only i have to heal them"

After some time all of them got consciousness and woke up and saw that the damage and pain they got is gone and they got healed too. All of them were surprised and the blue hoodie kid seem to have gone from there.

"my wounds have gone?!" Ronnie is surprised.

"i don't even remember what was the thing with which I got knocked out?!" Advait start to think. "i remember i was kicking there ass" Parat said with his face down. "liar! I know u were crying with your tears from only a kick from Ronak." Advait mocks him, "u remember that thing huh!" Parat shouts at him.

Ronak says "anyways it's night guys and i don't know what happened but now i have to go home or else my parents would beat me up"

Everyone went to there home and nobody knew about the blue hoodie kid. Who is he? Where is he from?