

While calmly sipping juice ,a young man could be seen reading some sort of text from his laptop and by the look on his face ,the text must've been some kind of boring work files or intruction manuals.

But in reality,  the young man was actually reading a BL novel and it was specifically the 'good part'

Even though he was reading this ,his face was like a sheet of paper with the words "Bored" and "Disgusted" printed on it.

"Seriously dude.Who the fuck wrote this? A 3 year old?" Mumbles could be heard from his mouth while he endured reading the crappy story.

"Okay ,seriously. Wtf? Even if I still haven't had sex with a man before ,I atleast know that there is no way that there is a living breathing human on earth that has a 30-inch penis. "

Rubbing his forehead ,he continued to endure it cause maybe just maybe it'll get better. Though his real thoughts were actually like 'What kind of ass do you need to have to fit that shit inside of you '

Putting his juice down ,he continued to scroll down ,his hope for this story slowly plummeting down each second.


He hugs me by waist and continue to thrust in my bunbun


What kind of grammar- and bunbun?! Tf?!


"Kitten- ah I-I'm close."

"Hn. Nyaa! "I Meowed.



The young man rolled all over his bed and groaned in annoyance.

The title and description was captivating, for him atleast so he endured up till this point. The title was "Doctor reincarnation system"

The description is quite long but the summary of it is in the story this guy doctor dies and gets a system ,and then goes on worlds and meets a lover that follows him through the worlds. Typical reincarnation story .

Though this one.. Wheeewww he shivered when he remembered the cringey grammar and sex .

He was hoping it would be a great book. But then.. Life.

Sighing into his pillow he got up when he realized it was already 2 in the morning.

How long was I reading? Geez. I haven't even eaten yet .

He wanted to read novels like the ones he read before. The good ones. He couldn't find any and got desperate that he even started to read BL novels. He found a few great ones but then the amount was slowly shrinking into a small ball.

Bored, he even started to read the ones that were atleast tolerable. *sigh* how he wished to just forget the good books he had read and read it again so he could experience the thrill, sadness and hapiness the novels contained.

Walking down the stairs, he reached the kitchen and got a bottle of water first. Thinking of what he could eat for dinner-or rather breakfast?

Suddenly, he heard the quiet creak of the front door.That's odd.. He's living alone. He quietly reached for the closest thing near him ,which was a frying pan .

He suddenly felt like rapunzel holding the frying pan with both hands ready to strike.

Quiet footsteps could be heard cause of the creeky floor. The young man hid under the table and waited for the intruder to come .

When he saw a pair of feet from under the table he immediately striked. He tripped the stranger and bonked him(intruder) on his head with the frying pan .

Panting a bit from the excitement he took out his phone and started to call 911 while removing the mask the stranger was wearing.

"Hello, 911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi, so um ..an asshole broke into my house ."

"Where are you right now sir? Are you safe? "

"yeah ,I actually knocked him out. "

"I see. Could you please tell us your address sir? So we can send people on the way. "

"Yeah, it's xxxxxxx .Thanks."

"Yes, please go outside and stay on the line for me please. "

"Okay ."

The young man slowly stood up and when he took a glance at the culprit he unconsciously gasped.

"Sir. Is everything alright? "

"Yes,  um ..yeah everything's fine ."

"Are you outside already ?"

"Yeah .. I'm going. "

He continued to walk outside and was about to open the door when a loud sound pierced the silence of the night.


"Sir? Hello? What was that? Sir? Sir? Si... "

All sounds around him were suddenly blurred out and replaced by a loud ringing sound but he somehow heard the culprit that was laughing maniacally.

"HA! How dare you hit me?!You bitch! "The intruder was laughing while pointing at him. The young man barely heard him cause he was clutching his side.

"*cough* brother.. "

"Brother?! You're no brother of mine! "

Nonetheless the young man still smiled at his now known brother ."I always knew you were evil. "

"Tch. Die already and go to hell! I'm sure you have a place there. "

Police sirens suddenly surrounded the house.

"Shit! This is your stupid fault Milo!"The brother cursed as he tried to get up but fell back down cause of his bleeding head .

With a few last breaths Milo, left with a few words that made his brother grit his teeth in anger.

"Yeah ,I have a place in hell. It's called a throne. "

hi.. :|

Yandere_chincreators' thoughts