
chapter 1

Jd the main character a spoil brat guy who totally not believe about love. he had only live his life being always go lucky, having a luxurious life he only care about Himself Until one day he go to island having a vacation to relax and enjoy. then he saw a beautiful girl👩 who live in a beautiful island,

she is Mecy a simple girl and strong woman a family breadwinner, she is a loving daughter in her family, she never experienced in city lifestyle, and Mecy have a best friend Carl who always protecting her in any circumstances.

main awhile Jd enjoying walking 🚶in seaside and simple seeing Mecy in the other side in the beach,he was totally appreciate Mecy's beauty but he was indenilial with hiis feelings,he set his standards and doesn't believe about love 😍 to prove about his believe he totally go to Mecy he want to talk and to know about Mecy.

Jd: hi Ms. I'm Jd a corporate owner of lux a luxurious bar in the city and about you.?

Mecy: hello I'm Mecy.

Jd: Mecy can I ask you something.?

Mecy: yes sir what it is?

Jd: how old are you? and how long have you been staying here in this island.?

Mecy:since birth, and it almost 20 years. why are you asking me about that?

Jd: I want to hire you to be my personal tour guide because you live here, maybe you can stroll me to your beautiful island.. isn't okay for you? Don't worry I will pay you.

"Jd is a guy who always wants to get what he wants. Mecy is a family breadwinner she is workaholic girl, she will do everything for the sake of her family.

Mecy:its okay for me I need some extra income for my family.

Jd: okay deal.

Mecy: oops sir how much.?

Jd: how much you want I can pay you.

Mecy: okay 1 thousand per day.

Jd: okay you'll start tomorrow, see you here okay.

Mecy: Okay sir Mr. stranger

with smile.

"after talking to Mecy,Jd Smile while walking 🚶 going to his room he was confused why he was smiled and feel happy when he talk to Mercy he feel his heart bit paster, he was excited for tomorrow tour with Mecy. and then next saw her best friend Carl and they talk"

Carl: why are you happy right now?

there's something happened why you're day now is a happy day?

Macy: yeah I'm happy right now because of a stranger.

Carl: why? strangers? why are talking to stranger?

Mecy: Carl don't worry I'm fine I smiled because I have a extrawork tomorrow.

Carl: work with strangers?

Mecy: yeah I'm being his tour guide and pay me per day.

Carl: okay Mecy I'm always here if that stranger do bad to you call me I will right there. okay.


"early in the morning Mecy prepared in her all day work. while Jd he was so ready and prepared himself about his island tour with his beautiful tour guide"

Mecy waiting in seaside to her Mr. stranger being a tour guide then she see Jd walking going to her.

Jd: Hi I'm sorry I was late.

Mecy: it's okay. Sir Mr. stanger

what part in the island you want to go first.

Jd: Ms. tour guide what part in the island that tourist what to go back.

Mecy: Mr. stranger I think we go the right side of the island we can see a beautiful cave there and you can wish there.

Jd:okay we can go there.

"they walk going to cave,and they arrived there Mecy talk to Jd"

Mecy: sir we are here before we going inside you we need to pray and then when we going outside in the cave you can wish what you want to wish.

Jd: okay I don't have wish I think I have anything that I have.

Mecy: okay but why are you alone.?

Jd: what do you main?

Mecy: I main why you are here alone no one with you so I think you have anything but you don't have someone with you.so you need to wish sir.

Jd: Mercy you are right but I don't need someone to be with.

Mecy:why sir?

Jd: beacuse we never own a person they have their own mind so no one can stay with you.

Mecy: you are wrong sir, their is someone being with you no matter what if that someone loves you.

Jd: Mecy are you truely believe in love?

Mecy: yes sir.being I love is the greatest thing we can have in our life.

Jd: I don't think so.

Mecy: so do main sir you don't know how it's feel?

Jd: yeah cause I never believed about love.

Mecy: okay sir. I think I will the one can wish and I wish you could feel how to fall in love.

"they are going to cave and enjoying seeing the inside view then when they going out Mecy have wished"

and after that they where totally walk separate after the cave tour and Jd confuse, why he feel sad when he walked away form Mecy.

In the next day early in the morning Jd is already ready to leave the island he's vacation is over, then he was in the passenger boat 🚣 he remembered Mecy,

about Mecy's wish for him.

after vacation Jd back of what he believed in, he was still a spoiled brat guy in the city he gonna do what he want to do.

and then Mecy is still doing her best to provide her family 👪. when her father got sick, she need to work tipple time to have more money 💰 to pay hospital bill for her father and Mecy decided to work in City to got a huge income.