
Finding love on dating Apps Zenistu love

Anime & Comics
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What is Finding love on dating Apps Zenistu love

Baca novel Finding love on dating Apps Zenistu love yang ditulis oleh penulis RoseMaddox1990 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. When Zenistu and Asahi match on Tender, when Zenistu finds out Asahi is a demon, he is taken aback but doesn't judge him, and they enjoy life. The only reason it's a demon slayer is due to Zenistu bei...


When Zenistu and Asahi match on Tender, when Zenistu finds out Asahi is a demon, he is taken aback but doesn't judge him, and they enjoy life. The only reason it's a demon slayer is due to Zenistu being in this a modern-day slice of life with some drama mixed in. Also, Asahi can live off human food and blood. Some demons have learned to live among humans and eat there food

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In love with a Bully Billionaire

Hey everyone. Please take note, that this book contains sex and violence. If you loved the movie and book 356 days, You will love this. It’s not 356 days. This is my book and my own plot. Please keep reading if you want to found out how Mia’s love of her life betrayed her trust and turned out to be someone she never though she could love, but the damage is done, and now she has to decide to rescue him from himself or to walk away. Mia Johnson is a young dancer that graduated from the best School in New York, with finals she hopes to become an instructor, but did not get a job from one of the dance schools that came to judge the day of the exams, but a surprise came to her when a dance school across New York hired her. Little did she know that the CEO from the business has set eyes on her the day the final exams took place. He is a young Billionaire who is arrogant and always gets his way, but Mia challenges him, and he finds it interesting. From all the girls he went out with, Mia doesn't fall at his feet like every other young woman. She eventually falls for him, but his pass still haunts him, Will Mia remain with him when she learns the truth or will they love forever be broken. “You make me sick. I hate you.” “ you don’t hate Mia. You love me.” Why did I fell in love with you, you're a bully? You don’t own my life let me go, please just let me go.” She begged the love of her life to let her loose. Even if it leaves a burn in her heart.

ramona_els · Fantasi
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大二学生白雪在一个噩梦中穿越到端木王朝,从此人生就像开了挂,段位一路飙升。 杨雪:   穿越初始,自己处于一种依赖状态,可是当一个小白不仅会害了自己,还会成为猪队友。反击!不仅能保护自己,还能拯救更多的人。   他以为,我只曾倾心与他,可是,一开始就无意识撒网的,却是自己。   端木朔:   心中自有天下,心中不能没有她。   前十年,谋权,为了权利,为了拥有她。   后半生,乱世,为了赎罪,为了追回她。   端木泽:   她再美也不过是个女人,既然得不到,再找一个便是。   相亲对象一:和亲公主。   这女的也太特么矫情了!吃饭也没她香,那么小口,看的着急。   穿的繁琐沉重,脱衣服都是个麻烦事。   相亲对象二:文艺贵族少女。   看她一整天咬文嚼字,慎得慌,时不时还伤春悲秋!这谁顶得住?换一个。   青楼头牌...   下一个......   泽王殿下,您是要禁欲吗?   端木新:   她告诉我,你去喜欢别人吧,没有必要在我这里浪费时间了;   她说,你是个值得拥有幸福的人,娶个贤妻,儿孙满堂才是正经事,   她说,苦苦相追会让她难过。   那么简单,娶妻生子,伦理纲常,便依她的意思。   端木峥:   老四喜欢的人,我偏要得到。   可是她怎么都注意不到我。   她想要幸福,可是那些幸福里没有我,我便要毁了那幸福。

木言己 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
96 Chs

A Blissful Appetite (WARNING: MATURE!!!)

The sound of rain hitting the ground of the loud Tokyo city streets filled the air as people walked home or to work on for their nightly shift. The musty smell of wet clothes mixed with sweat and exhaust from the speeding cars passing by. Soon the world went silent then... It happened. The first rabid killing in Tokyo that was ever reported around the world. The whole city went on lockdown after the attack of one man. He attacked his loving wife and didn't even know what had happened to him. "Why did you kill her?" The investigator asked. "... I didn't purposely kill her... I told you all that I blacked out then I came back and my wife was dead... Her blood dripping from my face... The rain washing it away from her flawless skin..." The husband said, his eyes wet from new coming tears. "Enough! You knew what you did you sick cannibalistic bastard!" The investigator slammed his fist down on his case file. The husband froze, unable to take the sight of his wife in his head anymore. He broke down, crying then snapped. He got up and threw his chair then flipped the table. His eyes changed from a lovely light green to pure black, his fangs revealing themselves as he growled at the investigator. He pulled his handcuffed hands apart like they were just toy handcuffs. He then launched at the investigator, shoving his fangs deep into their neck. The taste of blood exploded throughout the husband's mouth then his vision disappeared as he fell to the ground... dead. He left behind two children, both girls. One was named Hiroki, the other Tatsuri. Hiroki and Tatsuri are both half vampires. Hiroki was raised by vampires while Tatsuri was raised with human parents. Hiroki was trained and morphed into a killer machine by age 5. Tatsuri on the other hand never learned about her Vampire side... Until now. Mature Content! The images are not mine!

LucidGhoul02 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


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