
Figment Of My Imagination

it felt like a dream come true... but it was never meant to last

Leah_Saevey · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


"One, two, three!" the curtains were pulled and the big screen emitted strong light, the sound of the room lowered and everyone had their attention on the source of light, in the third row at the third chair from the light she sat, alone, with popcorn and a can of soda, she tried to focus on the film but the thought of the amount of fun she could have had if he had come with her, instead he choose to stay with William and Emma. She tried to brush that thought off, after all, she didn't want to fight with him and get called dramatic, she sank in her seat, trying to process what the character was saying, only to realize how silly the plot and climax sounded to her, as the book proved, in that case, to be better.

She straightened herself and fell for her thoughts of what could have happened if the protagonist left the main love interest and followed her dreams, would she have found someone better? someone that didn't make her choose between her dreams or his love. and if she chose to stay, why? the book didn't explain her point well and Ivy gave up on the movie. The conversation seemed to be dull and weak, it was pretty obvious that they didn't write it well, or for a good quantity of the audience, as the person in front of her scoffed.

It's not supposed to be liked by everyone.

She left the criticism for the professionals and went back to the movie, or what was left. It was for her luck that it was an only eighty-five-minute movie, the screen of credits came and more than five people thanked the lord, she even heard that someone was going to give it a bad review on Reddit. She raised her cup only to find it empty, she shrugged and waited for everyone to get out so she could go out.

As soon as she hit the road, her hair came flying everywhere, making her vision harder, she pulled it back in a bun that wouldn't last more than five minutes, the first thing that she had her eyes on as she faced the streets was the couples coming out of the cinema laughing, cheering and smiling, it had her questioning was there a better film she could have watched, she stopped a taxi, giving him the location then putting her headphones on, the driver would look at her through the mirror, she crossed her arms and look through the window, the last thing she wanted to hear was the man's voice.

eight minutes into the ride, the bun was ruined and her hair fell, the building started to look more organized and fancier. "Please drop me here." the car stopped and she got out giving him extra money so he wouldn't talk, she opened the door to meet with the familiar luxury. but the difference is instead of the fancy grey aesthetic, balloons were everywhere, containers of confetti were poured on the floor, for someone else, they would have freaked out, but his parents would just buy new furniture.

The sound of laughter from the living room caught her attention, she went there to find two humans; one is tackled to the ground and the other is on top of them, tickling them.

"Iv-yy, plea-se mak-e your boyfr-iend sto-p," the girl asked for her help while her supposed to be her boyfriend continued doing what he was doing.

Ivy stood there, not sure what was an appropriate response or if that situation was even appropriate. "Where is William?"

she didn't get a response, she rolled her eyes leaving the love birds to do whatever they were doing, she got into the kitchen, rethinking what she was doing there anyway, she could have been home, or even walking around listening to something. anywhere would have been better.

she moved her leg, stepping on confetti. "shit!" that was going to be hard to clean, he walked in with messy hair and crinkled clothes, she remembered him saying that he only appears when he is comfortable.

"Just take it off, I probably have an extra pair," he said casually as if her mother would let her go inside the house with a new pair of shoes, that she didn't pick for her daughter. which also brought a new question up, what was he doing with an extra pair that was so extra that he could easily give it up? 

she nodded but still cleaned it and didn't listen, he didn't notice as he grabbed something from the fridge. two more people entered the kitchen. Emma went next to him, searching together for the something, Ivy looked at William to find him observing them, Emma turned around to them while saying, "I need a new pair of clothes, can I take some of yours, Ezy?"

Ivy took the cup of water on the counter, lifting it, Emma passed by him and Ivy whispered to herself, "want him to take it to the room?"

The words were blurry but it was enough for her to hear."Excuse me, did you say something?"

William's eyes widened, looking at his friend while Ezra remained unfazed, looking for a drink.

"Nope, "She shrugged," just cursing the weather as usual." Ivy continued drinking from the cup, Emma stood for a second processing what was said.

The answer was enough for her to walk away while the three stayed at their place.

"So Ivy, you disappeared for three days, where were you?"William brought the question to the table, emphasizing the disappearance sentence. that question made Ezra look at Ivy with frowning, his mouth opened to realize that his girlfriend was absent for the past couple of days. his mouth fell opened, with no words out.  

they fell into an awkward silence, with Ezra scratching the back of his neck with red checks, Ivy looking at the ground disliking the tension, and William crossing his arms and glaring at the idiotic friend cause of his mistake.

She decided to say something in the hope to get out of that situation. "You know, William, the usual..."

"Which is?" William glared at his friend, Ezra fell uncomfortable, clearing his throat. He kept looking around, whispering to himself, cursing how reckless he was. He closed the fridge.

Then he fixed his attention on his girlfriend. "Hey... Willy, can you leave us for a second? I need to talk to her."

She didn't remove her eyes from the ground.

"Sure you do."William rolled his eyes then walked out of the kitchen.

Ezra stood next to Ivy. None of them speaking or looking at each other. Ezra sighed, his hand went through his hair, he focused on Ivy, he watched as strands of hair slowly bother her, she blinked them away. He walked closer, putting the strands behind her ear, he couldn't help but admire how she looked or the fact that it had been a while since he saw her hair down.

He was then brought back to reality, she had head further to prevent him from seeing her face."Ivy... I'm sorry. i-"

"It's fine, you were b...busy." disappointment covered her words, she linked her hands together and his eyes went to the bracelet on her wrist.

"It's still not an excuse to-"

"Ezra," she paused," I would love to talk to you but... i... it's getting late." He tried to say something but was cut off her leaving, he followed behind, wanting to talk somewhere where glitter wasn't everywhere, and somewhere that didn't have a William that would be on his neck or throw daggers of glares at Ezra.

"You're leaving?" William asked as he got down the stairs.

"Yes, I have to-"

"Why don't you stay?" Ezra recommended loudly, a glimpse of hope filled his eyes, he tried to hide the smile e as he had a quick thought of what they do if she would agree.

"She is staying?" The tone that Emma asked with gave the vibe that she would rather not stay with her in the same room.

"She could, I could call your parents if you want... and maybe finally I can introduce myself to them."

Eight months into the relationship and he still hadn't met her parents, how lovely.