
Fighters Spirit

A new transfer student finds himself the target of bullies and ends up beating them to a pulp.

Jase_Lezz · Seni bela diri
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15 Chs

Kingston High-Lee

Steve: This class is so boooring.

That there is Steve Larington. Tall, Stupid, and a damn Jerk. He'd prey on the newer students of Kingston High. Beat them. Then put them to work. That was until Lee showed up.

The door of class 2-C opened up. A boy walked in, his looks were average, and his only defining feature was an impressive scar on his right eye. He stood at five feet and ten inches.

Lee: Sup. My name is Lee Lenchu. I transferred here from Small Rock High. I hope to make some or even all of you my friends.

He spoke with such informality and confidence, Steven wasn't a fan.

Teacher: Oohhh shoot, forgot some of the work in my car. Don't worry guys, ill be back.

The teacher quickly leaves the class. As the door closes, Steve begins to walk closely toward Lee.

Steve: Lee, is it?

Lee: Yeah, that's my name.

Steve: I don't like you, bitch.

Steve threw a wild haymaker at Lee's face. Steve grinned like the devil himself. Everyone's thoughts were the same.

Class: Unlucky bastard.

But to their surprise and especially Steve, Lee blocked the haymaker.

Lee: That shit was painfully obvious.

Lee threw a jab and then a right hook to Steve's body then, He jumps and with his knee, he decks Steve in the dome of his head.

Everyone was shocked to have witnessed something unheard of. The strongest person in class 2-C has been knocked out cold by a newcomer.

Random Student #1: You should have seen it.

Random Student #2: It was all over in a flash.

Random Student #1: I've never seen anyone fight like that.

Word of Steve's defeat began to spread like wildfire. Most people saw it as a chance to breathe peacefully, others saw it as a challenge as Lee had changed the hierarchy of Kingston High.

Meanwhile at Kingston High. Lee was about to create his first ally.

Jacob: You're Lee Lenchu, right? The guy who took down Steve Larington?

A short boy, about five feet tall, asked him.

Lee: Uh yeah, who are you?

Jacob: My name is Jacob.

Lee: Well, Jacob, is there something else you want?

Jacob: Not really. I just wanted to meet the person who beat Steve. He hasn't been seen at school since you knocked him out cold.

Lee: I'm guessing he caused a lot of trouble.

Jacob: Yeah, he started as just your everyday bully but when he was accepted to join the Fray he was never the same.

Lee: The Fray?

Jacob: Oh yeah, you're new here. The Fray is like a fight club. If you're an alright fighter, they let you join and if you rise high enough in the ranks you even get a cool nickname.

Lee: That's a good amount of exposition, thanks.

Jacob: You're welcome.

Jacob stands there, awkwardly, for multiple seconds.

Lee: Wanna sit with me?

Jacob: Sure, I don't see why not.