
Fight for peace

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A long time ago, all the world's lived peacefully. Although not all the worlds knew about each other, everyone lived as peaceful as they could in their respective worlds. And in one of these worlds, almost everyone had supernatural abilities which were powered by substances called rubidstones. Each rubidstone lived inside it's wielder and revealed itself when the wielder wanted it to. Rubidstones only chose people who are pure of heart and a new rubidstone was created once a worthy person was born. And because of it, that world was the most peaceful among them. But one day, a wicked ruler at the far end of all the worlds rose up and decided to broke the peace which the world was living in. He went to that universe with his army of tundumons. Unknown creatures which looked like wolfs but had hands and stood on their hind limbs. Lots of lives were lost that day. But one man was able to change everything. He took the rubidstones he had gathered and escaped to a different world (earth) and spread it across the earth hoping to fulfill a prophecy that was told a long ago. And it said; "One powerful and evil person will rise up and disrupt the peace which all the worlds are living in. And when he's close to victory, one man changes everything. He won't be the one to bring back the peace though, but through him new heroes will be born. And among these heroes, a young boy will take up the responsibility and restore peace once more. He will fight with a motto that said, 'fight for peace'"

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In a midst of chaos, a thirty-nine year man with brown,short hair runs with a seriously injured seventeen year old boy on his back. As he ran, he saw an orange headed tundumon, the weakest of the tundumons up ahead. He immediately activated his power and arm guards(shinguards that covers the arms) appeared. Then with the speed of light, he moved past the tundumon and it got cut into several pieces. He then deactivated it and kept running.

"Don't worry son. You'll be okay." He said to the boy.

"Dad... it's okay."

"No, it's not okay. I can't watch you di-"

"DAD STOP." The man stopped running and held the boy in his arms going down on his knees. "Listen." The boy continued. "It's okay." The boy said and coughed up blood.

"You just have to take the rubidstones and get out of here." The boy said placing his hand on his chest and a small glow emitted from that part. He then made it into a fist and slowly took it off his chest. "You...have to... make sure...the prophecy is fulfilled." He said as he opened his palm to reveal a small gem (a rubidstone). He was shaking as tears run down his face. His father too was crying.

"No." The man said. "I can't watch you die." He said and closed the boy's palm. "I can't loose you too." The boy lifted up his other hand and started caressing the man's face.

"Everything happens for a reason. So l'm sure my death would be for a good reason." The boy said and opened his palm again as his father took the rubidstone. "I love you Dad." The boy said before he passed out. The man sat there and wept for a while. When he lifted up his head, he saw a different man standing a few meters from him. He had black,short hair and was a thick,tall person. He also looked scary. He wore a black robe with shoulder pads and had an emblem on its back. It looked like a sword and an axe crossed. He looked back down on his son.

"Goodbye Kubo." He said and stood up leaving the boy on the ground. "Kimado you bastard. My son's dead because of you."

"It wasn't my fault he's dead. Although I would have killed him in the first place. If he hadn't killed my wife and children maybe l would have taken it easy on him."

"Oh now you're blaming him. You guys were the ones who attacked us first. Why did you even do this? What do you hope in gaining from all this madness."

"It's simple. I'm just trying to prove the second part of the prophecy wrong. It might have been right when it said that someone was going to rise up and disrupt the peace you guys are living in. But you see Taro, l'm a like god. Almost an immortal." He said and gave a develish grin. "Weaklings like you can never kill me."

"You're a monster." Taro said with rage. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU." He said and started whispering incarnations.

But then, Kimado felt someone behind him. He turned his head to see a sword coming down at him. But he didn't flinch or move. He just stood there and the sword made contact with his shoulder. But it didn't cut him.

"What the- It didn't cut him."

"You actually thought that a low levelled strength like like yours could harm me. How pathetic."

"I wasn't actually trying to cut you. Just needed to distract you dummy." He said and jumped up from behind him as a huge yellow beam came his way.

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ギリシャの「フィスカルト」という村で、小さな女の子が生まれました。彼女は小さな肌にかなりひどい発疹を示していました。医療過誤やアレルギーの可能性があると考えられていましたが、医療分析の結果、彼女はアレルギーや病気を患っていないことが判明しました。また、医療過誤の可能性もなく、医療手続きは正しく行われていました。小さな赤ちゃんは、幼い年齢で危険であることを知りながらも薬を投与されましたが、どの手続きや薬も満足のいく結果をもたらさず、しばらくして小さな赤ちゃんは苦しみながら亡くなりました。彼女の体は突然爆発しました。その後、世界中で同様のケースが発生し、赤ちゃんが突然理由もなく亡くなることがありました。ウイルスによるものと考えられましたが、そのようなものは全く検出されず、それでも「幽霊パンデミック」として知られるパンデミックが発生しました。隔離される必要がありましたが、何から隔離されているのかはわかりませんでした。 ある日、すべての予想を裏切って、ブラジルの「リオグランデ・ド・スル」で小さな赤ちゃんが生まれました。その赤ちゃんには特異な特徴がありました…鱗です。その鱗は最初は単なる身体的な変形と見なされ、治療されるべきものでした。しかし、驚くべきことに、その赤ちゃんは他の赤ちゃんたちのように突然死することはありませんでした。実際、その赤ちゃんは成長し、出生率の低下が人類を前例のない絶滅に導くのではないかと恐れられていた世界の中で、5歳の小さな子供に成長しました。しかし、その小さな子供は…水中で呼吸することができました。鱗は単なる身体的な変形だと思われていましたが、実際には有用でした。赤ちゃんの両親や祖先がほとんどの時間を水中で過ごしていたことが影響して、この特異性が赤ちゃんに生まれた可能性があることがわかりました。しかし、最も驚くべきことは、その赤ちゃんが…進化した未遺伝の海洋遺伝子を持っていたことです。このケースは歴史上初めての半人間として知られ、子供たちの突然死の原因を分析する手助けとなりました。これらの赤ちゃんは「力」として知られる身体的な能力の残骸を持って生まれ、これらの赤ちゃんはその脆弱な体のためにそれを抑えることができず、さまざまな不気味な方法で死んでしまいました。 これにより、これらの能力を抑える方法が発見され、一定の年齢になると子供たちはそれらを覚醒させましたが、彼らの体のおかげでもはやどのような方法でも死ぬことはなく、これらに適応しました。 人類は差し迫った絶滅から救われ、時が経つにつれて超自然的な力を持つ人間の数が増え始めました。 2006年、オーストラリアでアヤックスという名の赤ん坊が生まれました。彼の両親が誰なのかは誰も知りませんが、彼は幼い頃から路上で一人で生活しなければなりませんでした。ある日、奇妙な男に捕まり、研究所に連れて行かれました。無実の他の人々の力を組み合わせて完璧な残り物を探している中で、アヤックスは歴史を永遠に変える力を発展させました。

JustMatt · Fantasi
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