
Feud And Love

That night the weather was so cloudy when Alma Wijaya arrived in the center of Jakarta. She brought her pot belly alone to the big city to meet her husband, who had not returned for two months. 'Finally, I arrived at this city. I'm sure my husband will be happy to see me come' Alma muttered while smiling broadly. Armed with the address written on white paper, Alma asked the taxi driver to take him to that address. Unfortunately, her husband no longer lives there. Luckily there was a good person who told me that her husband was in Mention Hill, an elite housing area specifically for the rich. Alma got back in a taxi and asked him to take her to Mention Hill. 'Why is Arfha there? Does he have a business meeting? However, it's already ten o'clock in the evening, chances are he'll be home soon. There's nothing wrong with me waiting for him outside' Alma muttered while catching his breath because he felt a little tight and uncomfortable because of his big stomach. It didn't take long for Alma to arrive at Mention Hill. Again, she had to accept disappointment when she saw the husband she had longed for, instead leaving a luxurious house with a beautiful and slim woman. Arfha and the beautiful girl stood facing each other near the black Ferrari car. who exactly is the girl that is with Arfha? Is Arfha secretly playing behind Alma? Did Alma return to the village or stay quietly in the center of Jakarta with the man who disappointed her?" ................................................................. ............... Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel. If you like it, don't forget to support this novel by giving Power Stone as much as possible. And write your opinion in the review column and comment column so that I can correct what is wrong. One Power Stone and comments or reviews from you guys are my motivation to write. Happy Reading!

Linayanti · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Not easy to say

Alma wore a black dress mixed with pink, she also tied her hair in a ponytail. So that he can easily move everywhere.

Suddenly Alma's cell phone rang, she saw a new contact "Who's calling?" Alma thought, he just kept staring at his cellphone which was on. Alma hesitated to answer the call.

Alma then let his cellphone ring, he put it back right on the table. After that Alma went out to see Aletta.

"Honey, you have finished bathing, wow, you smell so good" Alma saw that Aletta was already tidy, she also smelled the distinctive fragrance of Aletta's body. Alma was really excited to see her little daughter, it seemed that Aletta was also very happy today. He kept smiling cheerfully.

Alma and Mrs. Yulia sat on the guest chair "What's wrong Alma?" Mrs. Yulia asked, she looked at Alma as if she had something to say.

"Mother, it seems that Alma has to find a job, Alma can't just stay at home relying on mom and dad," replied Alma.

"It's best when Aletta grows up"

"But Alma feels bad mom, Alma has been too much trouble mom and dad. So for Alma it's time for me to go back to work"

"What do you want to do Alma?"

"Whatever mother, the important thing is that Alma makes money from the right way"

"I leave it with you Alma, because I don't want to force you"

"Believe me mother, Alma works for our family. Pray for Alma, mother"

"I always wish the best for you Alma"

Maybe it's time for Alma to work, because he already feels better than before. Alma also felt ashamed because he kept bothering his parents.

Finding a job is not easy, but Alma will not give up until he tries. Nothing is impossible as long as Alma has a will. God will surely provide a way out.

Exactly 11.00 am.

Rita's doctor suddenly came to Alma's house, he brought some gifts. Doctor Rita knocked on the door while waiting in front.


Hearing a knock on the door, made Mrs. Yulia go out "Tek!" The sound of the door opening.

Mrs. Yulia seemed familiar to see someone's body standing in front, she watched from behind because doctor Rita deliberately turned her body.

"Who?" Mrs. Yulia asked.

Doctor Rita immediately turned her body to face Mrs. Yulia "Good afternoon mother, it's me Rita"

Mrs. Yulia smiled friendly, she warmly welcomed the arrival of doctor Rita "It is an honor to see the doctor come to the house"

"Thank you mom!! Is Alma home?"

"There... The doctor's better come inside, let me call Alma first"

Doctor Rita then went inside, he was waiting for Alma in the living room.

"Alma there is a doctor Rita in front" said Mrs. Yulia.

Alma was surprised to hear doctor Rita's arrival. Because before they both never had a promise "With whom mother?"


"Wait a minute mom, Alma will be out soon"

"Yes, mother wants to prepare a drink first"

"Okay mom"

Sitting room.

Alma then came to see doctor Rita, he was with Aletta. Alma felt awkward even though they had been friends for a long time, because their closeness became tenuous since they were both busy after having their respective jobs.

However, Alma's fate is not as lucky as Rita's doctor, she can take the world of education. Meanwhile, Alma can only sit until junior high school. Doctor Rita and Alma's closeness has always made people cynical. They are not happy to see doctor Rita befriend Alma.

"Doctor Rita is old?" Who is Alma?

"No really ... I just arrived. Oh yes I just brought this, Sorry for making it simple" Doctor Rita gave the gift to Alma.

"Doctor don't bother, I'm getting bad"

"Oh my gosh Alma you're just like me. You don't have to be awkward like that"

"Yes, we will never be on the same level, we are too far apart"

"You started again!! Here let me carry your daughter"

Alma then gave Aletta to Rita's doctor "She is very sweet, just like you"

"Hopefully he can have a career like Rita's doctor too"

"That's for sure!! Cup...cup...cup...hey beautiful, how are you? It's been a long time since we met" Doctor Rita asked Aletta to talk, he was very happy to see Aletta's tiny lips.

"How are you? Are you feeling better?" Ask Rita's doctor.

"Yes," Alma replied with a smile.

"Thank God... May I ask you one thing?"

"About what?"

"About the household"

Suddenly Mrs. Yulia came into the living room, she brought warm tea and some snacks "Please enjoy" Mrs. Yulia said while putting glasses and jars on the table.

"Thank you mom," said Doctor Rita.

Mrs. Yulia is very kind and polite, she respects her doctor Rita even though she is much younger "You're welcome!!

"Okay mom" answered the doctor Rita and Alma.

After Mrs. Yulia left, Rita's doctor continued his conversation. He asked Alma about marriage. I don't know what made Rita's doctor think about discussing it. Was it because he was curious about Alma's household or something else.

But Alma didn't want to think negative, he kept smiling as if there was no burden. She didn't show any trauma on her face, Alma tried to look relaxed Even though inside she was really devastated.

"It seems the doctor's question looks serious?"

"Not really Alma, actually I want to confide in you. Because so far you are the only person I trust to share stories with, even though I have many friends"

"As long as doctors believe in me, I'm ready to be a good listener"

"Actually I was asked to marry by my parents"

"Where is the problem?"

"The problem is that I'm not ready to get married, because I still have doubts about marriage"

Alma smiled again, he stroked the back of doctor Rita's hand "There is nothing to doubt, because marriage is worship"

"Are you happily married?"

Alma was silent, because he felt he had failed in the household. He didn't dare to respond to Rita's doctor's question.

"Alma why are you silent? Sorry if my question is wrong"

"No doctor!! Honestly I can't answer the doctor's question"

"It's okay Alma, I also can't force you to answer"

"If the doctor doesn't mind, allow me to give the doctor a message"

"Not at all Alma, in fact I am very happy if you share with me"

"When the doctor gets married, choose a man who has good morals and is responsible. A man who fears his God"

Hearing Alma's words touched Rita's doctor, while she didn't have a boyfriend. How should he choose.