
Part Nineteen

After all that just happened we decided it was getting late and should go home. We both said goodbye to everyone and we went to the car and drove off. Devon held onto my hand as we were going home. "Did you have this all planned out?" I asked and he said "for the jobs no, but for the fair yes". "What do you mean?" I asked and he answered "I saw the flier at the airport so I took it and hid it from you. I didn't know about the jobs,but thought it would be a great opportunity to put the flier up. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist it". "It was beautiful" I said and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

When we got home we went inside and I swear the moment we got inside he grabbed me and started to kiss me. Once again we made love like our lives depended on it. He was definitely happy with me saying yes and I'm glad I did.

I woke up early the next morning and Devon was still asleep. Looks like I'm making breakfast today. I got out of bed and put on one of Devon's shirts and went into the kitchen. I turned on the radio and started to cook. I grabbed some ingredients from the fridge and the cutting bored and started to chop stuff. Then while I mixing the waffle badder It wasn't me by Shaggy came on. I'm singing everyword to it.


"Yo, man


Open up, man

What do you want man?

My girl just caught me

You let her catch you?

I don't know how I let this happen

With who?

The girl next door, you know?


I don't know what to do

Say it wasn't you


Honey came in and she caught me red-handed

Creeping with the girl next door

Picture this we were both butt-naked

Banging on the bathroom floor

How could I forget

That I had given her an extra key

All this time she was standing there

She never took her eyes off me

How you can grant the woman access to your villa

Trespasser and a witness while you cling on your pillow

You better watch your back before she turn into a killer

Best for you and the situation not to call the beaner

To be a true player you have to know how to play

If she say you're not, convince her say you're gay

Never admit to a word when she say

Makes a claim and you tell her, baby, no way

But she caught me on the counter

It wasn't me

Saw me banging on the sofa

It wasn't me

I even had her in the shower

It wasn't me

She even caught me on camera

It wasn't me

She saw the marks on my shoulder

It wasn't me

Heard the words that I told her

It wasn't me

Heard the screams getting louder

It wasn't me

She stayed until it was over

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed

Creeping with the girl next door

Picture this we were both butt-naked

Banging on the bathroom floor

I had tried to keep her from

What she was about to see

Why should she believe me

When I told her it wasn't me

Make she know say that she really know no right prefix

Whenever you should see her make da gigolo flex

As funny as it be by you, it not that complex

Seein' is believin' so you better change your specs

You know she not gonna be worrying about things from the past

Hardly recollecting and then she'll go to noontime mass

Your answer, go over there but if she pack a gun

You know you better run fast

But she caught me on the counter

It wasn't me

Saw me banging on the sofa

It wasn't me

I even had her in the shower

It wasn't me

She even caught me on camera

It wasn't me

She saw the marks on my shoulder

It wasn't me

Heard the words that I told her

It wasn't me

Heard the screams getting louder

It wasn't me

She stayed until it was over

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed

Creeping with the girl next door

Picture this we were both butt-naked

Banging on the bathroom floor

How could I forget

That I had given her an extra key

All this time she was standing there

She never took her eyes off me

Gonna tell her that I'm sorry

For the pain that I've caused

I've been listenin' to your reasonin'

It makes no sense at all

We should tell her that I'm sorry

For the pain that I've caused

You may think that you're a player

But you're completely lost, 'coz I say

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed

Creeping with the girl next door

Picture this we were both butt-naked

Banging on the bathroom floor

How could I forget

That I had given her an extra key

All this time she was standing there

She never took her eyes off me"


When that song finished I kept singing the Chorus. It was really catchy and it's stuck in my head now. As I was humming and cooking a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a pair of lips started to kiss my shoulder. I knew it was Devon.

"Mmm what smells good" he asks as he quickly gives me peck on the lips. "Of course because it's my cooking" I answered as I put a small piece of bacon in his mouth. "Now go sit down" I said to him and he smacked my butt then he did as he was told and I prepared two plates of breakfast for us and put it on the table.

I sat down and we both began to eat. In the middle of while we were eating Devon stopped, held my hand and said "So babe when do you want to have the wedding? I don't care when as long as I'm marrying you". I stopped eating and thought about it. "How about in December in the winter on the 10th" I said and he said "perfect" as he kissed my hand.

I took a bite of one of my bacon and then said "do you know who you are going to pick to be your best man" and he said "probably Brendan. Have you picked your made of honor" and I said "of course Isa's going to be my maid of honor. You honestly think I have a choice on the matter". We both giggled a little on how I said that.

We finished eating breakfast and Devon grabbed the plates and washed them. "Let's start unpacking" Devon said and I said"okay I'll get started". I went into our room and began to unpack our stuff.

Throughout the rest of the day Devon and I just finished unpacking and when were done are apartment looked amazing. I was really tired when we got done. I went ahead and took a shower and got ready for bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was knocked out. I eventually was joined by Devon in the bed and we both fell asleep.

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