
Ghost in the forest

In ECE - A

Everyone is Writing a test...

Banu: Priya and ishu, escaped in the name of Camping... They are lucky...

In Camping spot... For NSS students...

Old age home located near mountains., An beautiful and peaceful spot.

Ms. Kaira was in charge of these students and informs students, " Students... Come out... this was the old age home you all are going to stay here for a week... Be kind and humble with others... Your performance will be noted."

Priya's mind voice, " Wow 7 days... I would return home after 7 days... No studies... No stress... No club meeting... No test... . And no disturbance of that crazy jerk, wow even now onward 7 days I can stay here without the freaky jerk disturbance. I am going to enjoy these days... La la la la la... Hey wait it was an old age home how I can enjoy it here "

Ishu: wow... This place looks romantic. If he comes, it must be my rupture movement in my life.

Priya stares at Ishu... " She always like that... "