
A Nightmare

As the beautiful birds whistled and the sun rose.

It was a stunning and peaceful morning considering the massive storm that pass through the city.

The patients and doctors were relieved especially for Jane.

Jane was about to give birth.

When the storm hit the city.

She was overwhelmed with joy as she told the nurse to allow her family in to see her.

Tom who was fast asleep when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

His eyes wide open,he was informed to join his wife.

The doctor entered the room with a look of despair.

Jane's smile turned upside down.

She asked with a frightened voice,"is my child alive"

The doctor replied but with a low tone,the child is alive.

Jane and Tom were relieved but asked the doctor the issue.

The doctor replied "you son is alive but he was born with a chronic disease"

They both asked anxiously if the doctor could explain their child's disease.

The doctor said the boy has leukaemia which after a long period would advance and become fatal.

Both Tom and Jane were shocked with the realisation.

The doctor replied if they took the boy home ,he could possibly die.

The doctor suggested that they had to perform surgery but it would be expensive.

But Jane said they did not have the money to pay for the surgery.

  The doctor then suggested that"they had to leave the child to his fate"

"Jessica " the mother of Jane overheard the conversation and was extremely upset at the words of the doctor.

But to her surprise, her own daughter said nothing.

She was stunned at the fact that Jane would leave her own son to die

Jane said to tom that they should go home.

Jessica with a stunned expression told the doctor she would take full responsibility of the child.

  The doctor warned her that she would be risking her own well-being but Jessica was determined.

    But the doctor said in other for Jessica to take the child,she needs to agree to one condition.

  Jessica agreed and with a fired look,she took the child and left Jane and Tom who still said nothing.

  Jessica named the boy Jason.

  A few years passed but the was no improvement in Jason's illness.

  But Jessica was getting worse so Jason felt guilty.

  Jessica found Jason with tears in his eyes because he knew she used all her savings to treat him.

  Jessica said "what's the matter Jason"

    She came near me and wiped my tears.

    Jessica was determined to find the best doctors in the city to cure my condition no matter the cost.

    The next morning Jessica prepared breakfast for Jason and left the house very early.

  She left to meet a prestigious doctor about Jason's disease.

  Jessica was in such a hurry she forgot her cell phone.

  But she could not turn back since her  appointment was almost time and she could not afford to be late.

  She arrived just in time and went in to meet the doctor.

    The doctor asked Jessica to explain her grandson's disease.

She explained Jason's condition and the doctor went silent.

The doctor suggested that they had to perform a special surgery to replace Jason's failing red marrow bone

A year passed after I had the surgery and I greatly improved but unfortunately my grandmother Jessica passed away due to her disregarding her own health

This devastating event made me inconsolable since I had lost the only one who truly cared for me

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