
Favorite Crime

Is cheating bad?

SeoGhelts · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1

"She's Lia Andromeda. Starting today, she'll join your team" a woman introduced me to a group of 4 people. I applied to this company a month ago as an accountant and luckily, I got accepted.

"Avery, make sure to teach her your routines" the woman said to a beautiful woman, probably in her 28 and looks expensive. I guess she's the assistant leader because she's sitting in a corner, away from the others.

"Yes, ma'am" she said and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"You can use this desk" she said and pointed a desk beside a man. I smiled and nodded before going there. The man waved at me while smiling so I smiled back.

I guess they're all kind.

I started arranging my desk with all of my things. I noticed Avery went out of our office and they all went to me.

"Hi, Lia! I'm Minji" a girl with curly hair said and extended her hand. I accepted it and smiled

"This is Ella" she pointed a girl with a short black hair. I smiled at her

"And this-" the boy beside me, cut her off

"I'm Ethan!" he said, excitedly, and extended his hand. I accepted it

"And Avery Davis is the assistant leader. The one who went out earlier" We all looked at the door when a tall, handsome and a familiar man entered the office. My eyes widen. It's Lucas

He entered another door inside our office so I guess he's the team leader

"And that's Lucas Davis. He's the team leader and Avery's husband" I looked at Minji when she said that. "He's married?!" I asked, trying to hide my shocked face

"U-huh. Team leader and assistant leader of Accounting team. It's a goal right?" She winked at me. They all went to their desks when Avery came back in. I continued arranging my stuff.

Avery came to me and smiled. She handed me a folder the second I sat down after I arranged everything.

"This is the company's expenses for the last 2 weeks. Tally and finalize everything and make sure that it's the same with this" She said and handed me another folder

She smiled at me "You can do it today right? I'll need it tomorrow" She asked and smiled. I think she's nice.

"Yes, ma'am. I can do it" I said and accepted the folders

"Oh drop the 'ma'am'. You can just call me Avery" She said and extended her hand to shake. I smiled and accepted it

"You can ask me anything. The only rule here is, don't do anything except work if it's time to work. That's easy and reasonable right?" She asked so I smiled and nodded.

"Good. Tell me if you need help" she smiled one more time before going back to her desk.

Hours had passed. I'm halfway through the work, Avery gave me. I heard an alarm and looked around

"It's lunch time" Avery announced. Everyone expressed their happiness, arranged their desk and stood up

"Lia, come on! Let's eat" Minji said. I smiled and nodded. I arranged my desk first then my bag before standing and went out with them.

There's a lot of workers when we got out of our office and it's noisy. We went inside a restaurant beside the company and sat down on a long table.

I was shocked when Avery and Lucas sat with us too. I don't know why but my heart beat faster when Lucas took the chair in front of me. I sighed. Pretend that you don't know him, Lia

I think Minji noticed that I'm nervous so she hold my hand under the table

"Don't be nervous. They act casual and friendly when we're not inside the office. That's how professional they are" She whispered.

It's not the case, Minji

I just nodded and took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Let's order shall we?" Lucas asked. We nodded and looked at the menu.

Lucas raised his hand to call the waiter and ordered. "One pesto chicken pasta and a meatball pasta" He said.

"What's yours?" I looked at him when he asked and he's looking at me. Why is he talking to me?!

"Uhh.. I'll have the meatball pasta too" I said to the waiter. They told their orders too and they're all talking while waiting for the order.

After that night, I never saw him again. Who would've thought that we'll see each other again.. At work..

"So how's your first day, Lia?" I got shocked when Lucas asked me

"It's fine, Sir. I'm happy that Avery trusted me with a report she'll need tomorrow. It's like a good start, I guess" I said and smiled but my heart can't stop beating so fast.

"Don't worry, hon. She's a fast learner too! I checked her background and she's so smart" Avery said to him. I just smiled

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked that made me shocked.

I shook my head and told him no. It's true though

"Well, I'm sure your future boyfriend will be lucky to have you" He said and smiled. I just nodded. What is he talking about?!

"What about you, Sir? When do you plan to have your first baby?" Ethan asked and they all teased them.

"Guys, stop. We're still enjoying our company as husband and wife. And we're still busy with work. I'm afraid we can't focus on our first born since we both have a huge responsibility inside the company" Avery answered and smiled.

"I'm so happy that I saw the two of you got married. I saw how Avery did everything just to court him" Ella said.

"You courted Sir Lucas?" I asked, shocked

"Yes. surprising, isn't it? I had a lot of rivals before. A lot of girls tried courting him too" Avery answered

"But only you got my attention" Lucas added and looked at Avery, very precious

Everyone teased them again but the food already arrived so we started eating while having a conversation about their daily lives.

I looked at Avery. She's so pretty and well-mannered. No wonder why she got Sir Lucas' attention. She's smart too to get that kind of position. Sir Lucas looks cold and intimidating. His aura screams authority. It is really a couple goal. Their future children will be lucky to have them as a parent.. I smiled bitterly

I want someone like Lucas too...