The gods are worse than devils, and the sages are corrupt. The chains of fate are broken and a forgotten tapestry begins anew. As a mere mortal, he slayed the gods and shattered the fetters of fate. And now as a divine being, he will act as his heart desires, pleasing only himself.
A crazy looking young man with pale alabaster skin and raven black hair just shy of reaching his waist knelt down in a vast green field. A light breeze ruffled his black clothes, and the warm sunshine cascaded his pale skin.
It was an almost idyllic scenario, if only the young man weren't drenched in golden ichor and countless corpses littered the short grass. Gargantuan behemoths twice the size of sky scrapers and exceedingly beautiful beings that were so pretty that looking upon them was sacrilegious, leviathan like monsters and even a few humans here and there.
Suddenly Ren burst into laughter, however only a maniacal chuckle that would send shivers down a grown man's spine managed to escape from his lips.
"I did it, didn't I?"
He threw a bitter glance at the corpses and his face contoured into a wicked smirk. Each of these corpses had once been a god, untouchable beings who had ruled over countless domains and were overlord of countless citadels. What filled him with a twisted sense of glee, though, were the ethereal golden strings fluttering lightly in the wind, and the complicated tapestry that was beginning to take form.
"Yes... I have done it..."
Who would have thought that fate could be broken, and the gods could be slayed? To the mundane human, it was virtually unthinkable, but he, Ren Styx, had done the impossible.
Ren pulled out the broken sword by his side and then grimaced slightly. He had completely for forgotten about the ghastly gash running down his torso. Even if he had now become the first - and most probably last ever godslayer, he was still a human.
Or was he though?
The pale young man watched as the injury slowly healed up by itself, until it became an almost invisible pale scar.
Killing over three hundred thousand different deities over the short time span of one meagre week was as exhausting as it was impressive. Well, it was still a bit more impressive than exhausting, but still.
Ren lay down on the short grass, and was gently snoring away in a few moments. He was nothing if not completely spent.
Meanwhile, at about the same time, the Hundred Great Sages were all gathered together to address a grave issue.
For some strange reason, someone had disappeared from the Radar, and they could not connect with the deities.
These Hundred were the ones chosen by the gods themselves. They served as the eyes, ears and mouthpieces and conveyed information between the heavens and the world. These hundred were the greatest seers and oracles to have ever lived, each one of them being able to read the tapestry of Fate and accurately predict the future.
The tapestry of fate, running across every single person, place, animal, or object, ran from the far reaches of the past down to the far fetches of the future. Using it, they could accurately pinpoint each person and what was bound to happen to them, stop calamities far before they could manifest, and arrest traitors far ahead of time.
But today, something was seriously wrong with the Tapestry.
Ren soon awoke from his quick nap and satisfyingly heard his spine and ribs pop.
"Ah, that felt good."
He had not slept in almost a full week and dark bags had even gathered under his eyes, making him look even more creepy while he murdered gods - what wouldn't be creeped out when a very pale man with very dark saggy bags underneath his eyes was cutting down your kinsmen with a giant sword?
But now, he was completely refreshed and felt like a million spirit stones. Though, taking a quick whiff off his armpit, his face twisted into a very ugly expression.
"I still need a bath though... a really, really long one..."
Standing up, Ren noticed that all his grave injuries had been reduced to pale, barely noticeable, very small scars, and to his surprise, the smaller ones dripped crimson red blood, but with a very slight, barely noticeable, golden tinge.
Ren's face darkened as he stared at the injury. It couldn't be what he was thinking... right?
"Ren Styx, you bastard!"
An ivory haired woman with ivory skin stained with crimson red blood and covered only with a tattered cloak crawled out of a fallen cave - cursing and frothing with anger while she was at it.
"Dumb jerk, doesn't he know that it's rude to gag a woman and stuff her into a freaking cave?!"
Twilight Silver continued to rave at the top of her voice. They had set out together on what was supposed to be a mundane idyllic walk between lovers, but somewhere around The Mountain of Transcendence, he gagged her with her own panties, stuffed her into a cave, and abandoned her for almost one week. If that wasn't wrong, then she did not know what was.
"Stupid Ren! We-"
Then a look of confusion slowly washed over her face.
Why was she angry? She could have sworn that she was furious a moment ago, but for some reason, she couldn't remember why.
"How strange..."
Trying to recollect her train of thought, Twi felt even more confused.
She had ventured into the woods with... somebody? She was very sure that she had not come out alone, but she just couldn't remember who. A blank silhouette was the only thing she could get no matter how hard she tried to recollect.
She had travelled along with that silhouette, talked with it, ate with it, and even spent s night of passion with it, so how the hell could she not remember the face?
Back with the Hundred, they had finally figured out the issue. Fate ran across the universe, linking every single thing in existence together. But right at the middle, there was a human sized hole.
"Find him."
In the past three hundred years, there had only been five Fated Ones. Three were dead, and one was fated to be fateless. The last was still being watched by their radar, but the fated to be fateless guy was missing.
"You don't think he did it, did he?"
Nelly shook her head and put her face in her palm. She had watched Ren from his childhood and knew that he was destined to cause ruin. Who the hell would have expected that he would really cross over to the Heavens?