An Angel scientist who was cursed and banished by his own race found Earth, with the last of his power he used a parasitic technique to link his soul with the condition being the most talented youth on the world with no cultivation. MC who was only 13 years-old above-average student had found his way into the Cultivation world, he had only one talent - Fateless. He had no fate or destiny, he could be a scholar, king or even a god depending on how he led his life. It was the greatest talent yet at the same time it was also the most useless talent which was the reason his soul got linked to the angel scientist. This talent wasn’t rare but was almost impossible to develop or make use of, but with the eccentric angel, what would his life lead to?? Release would be slow and irregular as each chapter would be 2,000 - 3,000 words
Floating Angel Island
One of the corners of the Angel Races territory, Garden of Eden, a bloodied figure was resting on a rock, it had six wings on the back of its body, but they had bloodstains all over them. Heavy breathing could be heard from the bloodied angel, but despite all that, no one would refute that the angel looked beautiful.
From afar a few figures could be seen flying towards the angel, they looked just like the angel woman on the rock except that the woman on the rock being badly injured.
There were a total of seven figures in the air, three men and four women. When they saw the injured woman they started to fly even faster with a cold expression on their face. After reaching the figure three of the angels descended from the air while the other four surrounded the bloodied angel.
Out of the seven angels, all had four wings except one of them who had six wings. The six-winged angel was one of the three angels who descended to meet the bloodied angel. He was walking right in the middle with the other two angels walking behind him, this showed that he had a higher position than them. The other four angels had taken out their weapons and were aiming at the bloodied figure with the intention to kill. They each had a different weapon with one of them even resembling a rocket launcher.
When the six-winged angel reached close enough to the bloodied angel he spoke in a cold and hateful voice.
"Light, why did you do it?? No, knowing you, I'll probably get a stupid answer that I don't even want, do you even repent for what you have done??"
Light looked straight into the man's eyes and said.
"Mike, you know me so well. I did what I did just because I was curious, I don't regret it and so I definitely won't repent it"
"Even in this situation, you talk as if you have a high hand. Because of what you did the entire angel race would lose its reputation and all that for what?? To satisfy your curiosity??"
"We'll the thing I created can also be beneficial to the angels, and it's only the elders who think that our reputation is ruined. It isn't that bad, in fact, they should be grateful to me for creating that thing, or to be more precise for improving that thing. The one who created it is not me, I was wrongly accused"
When Mike heard that his previous cold face now looked threatening, he was barely able to keep himself from ripping her from limb to limb after hearing that.
"Your sentence was supposed to be death for your crimes but knowing you, the elders have changed their decision"
Light looked surprised when she heard him and asked.
"Changed their decision?? Did they actually decide to not kill me after all that?? Knowing them, I seriously can't believe your words"
Hearing her say that, Mike let out a smirk and his face lost all traces of anger. His current expression was now similar to that of a cat that was going to play with its prey. Seeing that Light knew that it wasn't as simple as a death pardon knowing those elders, her sentence was probably much more severe than death.
But despite that, she wasn't scared and was thinking of how to escape from this place and what she would do after escaping. She had developed the ability to keep calm even in dangerous situations, this ability of hers had let her live a much longer life despite how many death sentences were there in the laws of this place.
"Light, you were one of the greatest scientists of the immortal world, though you had your shortcomings your ability was undeniable but too bad your strength doesn't match up to your greatness. Now, the elders have decided that your judgment is to be cursed and banishment to a lesser world"
Hearing that even the previous calm and collected Light was surprised, usually, death or life imprisonment were the most severe punishments in their race. But the punishment that was placed on her had crossed the borders of their reasoning, placing a curse on someone without proper justification was one of the severest crimes in the universe, of course as long as one had a proper reason they could place an equally severe curse but doing that would still make people look down on you.
Curses can't kill, that was the basis of a curse but they would put a person through an experience far worse than death and they even have to pay a high price to use even the smallest of curses and hence, no one would resort to using curses at it was quite illogical and it would be better to just kill a person instead.
But the elders of the Angel race had decided to do just that to her!!
"A curse, the angel race which completely looked down on using curses is now actually going to use a curse on one of their own?? How hypocritical"
"You don't have to worry about all that, the official sentence to you would still be death while burning down all copies of your research, no matter what it may be to prevent another angel from following your footsteps and 'improving' something like 'that'"
Hearing that Light now had a cold expression on her face, she was an easy-going woman and wouldn't take much offense to most things but to a scientist, their research is their legacy, the proof of their existence. Burning it down would be the same as stating that she never existed in this world.
"You've truly opened my eyes on how hypocritical our race truly is, and how changing ourselves is almost a lost cause. My crime isn't even a crime if one truly looked at it and yet you all decided to point your fingers at me while even burning down my research. Mark my words, the downfall of our race would surely happen through my hands, even if you've burned down my research, it all still exists in my mind and I will surely bring it all back to light one day"
Hearing that Mike didn't say anything more and took out a black ball when he did that the area around the ball had an eerie atmosphere.
"This orb contains a curse which would destroy your cultivation, body, and mind, one stage at a time while only leaving your soul behind, of course, even your soul would be damaged making you no different than those ghosts in the Netherworld. Truly a life worse than death, one of the greatest curses from the Devil World"
Even Mike who was holding the cursed ball had his hands trembling, showing how scared he was of this curse. But Light still had her expressionless face while thinking of her escape possibilities.
"We've paid a lot to get this curse, hopefully, another 'Light' doesn't show up in our race. But we'll make sure that such a thing doesn't happen anymore"
Light then closed her eyes and looked as if she had accepted her fate.
Mike then crushed the ball and a black fog surrounded his hands. He pointed at Light and as if sensing his intentions the black fog made its way towards Light and started to completely cover her up. She didn't resist and let the black fog do as it pleased.
It started to go inside her body through her eyes, mouth, ears, nose, vagina, anus and some of it even through the pores of her skin. Seeing her not resisting, Mike looked satisfied and said.
"At least you didn't resist and accepted the decision of the elders, you've upheld you're last grace as a -"
But just when he was about to finish his sentence, the black smoke burst out of her body like a bomb and Light's body fell to the ground lifeless.
Mike and the remaining angels who were affected by the explosion got up and inspected her body.
"Well, it seems that she destroyed her soul willingly, well even then she would fall into samsara and the curse would still affect her, she would be even more pitiful than becoming a ghost, at least as a ghost she would still have some chance of regaining her mind and body but now… Sigh, if only she didn't do what she did"
He then put his palm forward and a small golden fire came out heading towards Light's body. When it came in contact with the body, it lit up like a matchstick in a barrel of oil and completely burnt up the body without leaving even ashes behind.
"Don't take it personally, this was just to make sure you don't come back. All of you, Light resisted till the bitter end and burnt up her own body with heavenly fire, if the actual story leaks out, all seven of us would be the next to be burnt"
The remaining angels only nodded their heads silently and didn't say anything till the end.
But just as all of them left, the black smoke condensed down and a golden figure manifested in the air, this figure had the same appearance as Light except her body was golden with black fog like holes and cuts.
"Sigh, hiding the fact that I was cultivating my soul was truly a wise choice on my part, as expected of myself. But the situation is still dire, I guess I can only go to a lesser or lower world to reduce the speed of the curse. It seems that I would have to 'temporarily' follow the elder's punishment, ahhh how frustrating"
Saying that with a fed-up expression she waved her hand and a silver portal opened up in front of her while at the same time the golden glow lessened on her body along with the black holes and cuts being healed. Even she was a little surprised by the reduction of black fog.
"Well curses can only do what they are made for no less and no more, after destroying my body and spiritual power it its goal is to only harm my soul and nothing more, with me using up my remaining soul power in this state, it would make me no more than a normal soul-fulfilling the condition of the curse and erasing it at the same time. Guess I don't have to worry about removing this curse if my plan succeeds"
After that, she went through the silver gate which closed up after she passed through leaving no existence of itself.