
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · Komik
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22 Chs

Two people facing each other

...A distant day, a dream.

No, is this not a dream but a memory? This scene that I have seen countless times, it must be someone's memory. It is so vivid, filled with a sense of reality that cannot be explained by a vague dream. If I were to give an example, it would be like watching a movie. It feels like being shown an old film that someone took, with interruptions and gaps. However, unusually, this time I intuitively grasped that it had not been a long time since the last time.


An empty sky. The hazy sunset adorned the shattered earth.

The once well-planned square has transformed into multiple gigantic craters as if a meteor shower had struck. The unimaginable scale of destruction had turned not only the vast square but also the surrounding buildings into mountains of rubble.

However, despite this catastrophe on the scale of a natural disaster, there were no signs of victims. In contrast to the sight of buildings turned into clumps of earth, the figures of people have disappeared as if no one had been there from the beginning.

The scorched and pierced earth, possibly due to extreme heat beyond imagination, has turned into glass in some places. Countless objects, resembling tombstones, stand in a place where there is no one. No... if you look closely, they are swords, axes, hammers, spears... and countless other weapons that seem infinite.

A land of death where everything has vanished. The cracked center of the square. In the epicenter that can only be called a place where only broken weapons remain, two shadows stood.


One of the shadows is the golden king. Despite being in ruins, his figure is more powerful than anything else.

In shining armor that glimmers brilliantly, his body had not a single flaw. Countless scars and blood are engraved on his majestic figure, which can only be described as perfect. The armor that once protected his lower body was no longer fulfilling its purpose. His hair, standing on end like piercing the heavens, is disheveled as if it represents his exhausted state. The two swords grasped in his hands, one of them bent from the middle and the other with a large crack, present a pitiful sight. Both his body and weapons were in a desperate situation, uncertain whether they could withstand one more blow.

However, his eyes... harboring bottomless flames, crimson gems that pierce through everything. Despite the injuries to his body and the shattering of his weapons, the crimson, which still refuses to break, exudes an immense sense of self that bows to no one.


And the other shadow. Also drenched in blood from head to toe.

Appearing neither fully male nor female, an otherworldly beauty that defies categorization. Their somewhat artificial presence is as if their whole body is cracked and crumbling, like a nearly broken toy. The blood that stains their body is unclear whether it belongs to them or is the blood of others. Dripping from their tattered limbs, it is uncertain whether it is blood, flesh, or mud smeared on their body. However, despite their appearance on the verge of collapse, their right hand, transformed into a sword, remains sharp. The shadow, who has obtained their final weapon, finds themselves on the brink of death, similar to the king.

In contrast to the blazing eyes of flame, their eyes are colder than anything else. Their calmness, as if examining something, resembles the gaze of an observer rather than that of an enemy.

"Ku... Kukuku. Fufu, hahaha, hahahahahaha!!!!"

Both of them, in a state of total exhaustion, barely standing. Despite having no remnants of strength left, for some reason, the golden king was laughing merrily.

Covered in crimson, laughing uproariously while standing in a defiant posture, their appearance is truly extreme. What was so amusing to them, after laughing to their heart's content, the king lay down on the ground. He had likely exhausted his last bit of strength, unable to even remain standing.

"There remains only one move for both of us. If there is no defense, it would be nothing but foolish corpses lined up."

The golden king murmurs with a smile on his face, showing an exposed belly, defenseless. Whether this smile is a mockery directed at himself for not seizing victory, or a show of respect for the enemy with whom he fought on equal terms, is unclear.

As soon as the king closes his mouth, the shadow that stood in opposition also collapses like a cut string puppet. Perhaps their willpower has already been exhausted, as the arm that had transformed into a sword returns to its human form, indicating that they no longer possess the strength to move. Except for their immaculate appearance, they are unrecognizable from each other, but both, having exhausted all their power, fall to the ground in unison.


Brushing aside the green hair that falls over their eyelids, the shadow asks something of the king. Although I couldn't catch what they said, there was no hostility, only pure curiosity apparent in their question.

"What...――――――, it's not so bad."

Looking up at the sky turning black, the king answers with a cheerful face. Even though they had just been engaged in battle with the enemy, his expression was remarkably bright.

―――As if. As if he had found something precious.


"...Ah, have you woken up?"

A pleasant voice pulls me back from my drowsiness.

This place... it's not the grimy place I had been seeing until now. The familiar stains on the ceiling, bathed in the same sunlight. This is undoubtedly my room.

It must be early morning. Even with my groggy and slow-thinking mind, I can tell that I must have slept for quite a while. But how did I manage to make it to my room last night...?

With that question in mind, as I start to sit up, I lock eyes with Tohsaka, who is peering into my face.

"Na... Tohsaka?! Why are you here...?"

"Well, that's quite a greeting. Anyway... how is your body? Are you feeling any pain?"

Tohsaka calmly asks, disregarding my panic. Gradually, my confusion subsides as I observe her unchanged posture.

"I'm fine, really... But more importantly, what happened afterwards?"

The last thing I remember is escaping with Archer from Rider's Noble Phantasm. I have no idea what happened to the school's barrier, how the other students are doing, where Rider went, or whether Tohsaka and Saber are safe... I lost consciousness and collapsed due to the effects of my Mystic Eyes.

"The school is, for the time being, fine. The archery range is gone, and the rooftop is quite damaged, but there were no casualties from the buildings. Some students might need to be hospitalized for a while, but everyone is safe. So, you can rest assured."

"...I see. Everyone made it through safely."

Not a single person died. Everyone is alive. I didn't realize that something so ordinary could feel so heavy.

At the moment the barrier was activated. And when I witnessed my classmates, who had fallen powerlessly and resembled corpses. In that instant, I thought it was too late, that I had failed to save them... But that wasn't the case. This time was different from ten years ago. Although not unscathed, we were able to save everyone. We made it in time.

"Kirei is handling the aftermath. Concealing everything completely will be difficult after such a commotion... but dealing with matters involving the Servants is his job, and somehow he will manage to cover it up."

"What about the Servants...? By the way, Tohsaka, are you and Saber okay?"

When I ask that, Tohsaka furrows her brow in a troubled manner. Being here like this means that both Tohsaka and Saber must be safe... but something seems to have happened based on her expression.

"We were fine while fighting Lancer and Caster... But-"

Before she could finish, Ilya and Berserker intervened during the battle between me and Archer against Rider. The situation nearly escalated into a three-way brawl, but then Rider's Noble Phantasm attacked, and they disappeared along with Lancer and Caster.

Ilya and Berserker remained unharmed, so it would have been dangerous to continue the fight... But for some reason, they left the scene, so Tohsaka and Saber joined Archer, who was carrying me, and they contacted Kotomine before retreating to this house.

"I see. Rider went over to your side from the rooftop."

"Yes. While fleeing from Archer, she must have collected Lancer and Caster. As a result, none of the Servants were defeated. In the end, we're back to square one."

Tohsaka shrugs her shoulders. Indeed, the balance of power hasn't changed much... But even so, we should have dealt a significant blow to Rider and her forces.

The barrier that covered the school has disappeared, and there were no casualties. Rider not only failed to recover magical energy but also exposed her True Name and Noble Phantasm, using up most of her remaining magical energy. Although Caster could potentially recover the accumulated magical energy, their faction's power will greatly decline. On the other hand, we didn't suffer significant injuries. Regarding Rider, we can say that we gained a tremendous advantage.

"So, both Archer and Saber are safe, right?"

"Yes, they are in top form, especially that golden guy. If we leave him alone, he'll start arguing with Saber again, really... Shirou, if you're feeling fine, make sure to keep an eye on him."

With a light sigh, Tohsaka stands up with a signal and heads toward the door.

"I have my own things to take care of, so if you need anything, just call me. Yesterday was hectic, so you should rest for a while."

"Yeah, got it. Thanks for everything, Tohsaka."

I wave back at her and Tohsaka leaves the room.

...Now then. Now that I'm awake, I can't just stay here forever. I have to properly thank Archer, who carried me, and Saber, who protected me at that time. I also need to discuss what our next steps should be. There is so much to do.

I quickly change clothes, wash my face, and step into the living room. Inside, Archer and Saber, sitting and enjoying tea with mandarins in hand, turn their heads toward me. Saber, recognizing my presence, narrows her emerald eyes slightly.

"Shirou, how is your condition?"

"I'm perfectly fine. Thanks for yesterday, Saber. I'm sorry for causing you to worry."

"I see... That's good. I'm relieved that you're safe, Shirou."

Saber shows a relieved smile. I can tell from her gentle smile that she truly rejoices in my well-being. Naturally, my own smile unintentionally slips out. I take a seat at an empty chair and address Saber.

"I heard that you fought Berserker. It seems you're okay too. That's a relief."

"Yes. I was engaged in a minor skirmish. It was not as dangerous as the confrontation you and Archer faced against Rider's Noble Phantasm."

"Which means the topic of Rider is..."

"Yes. I've heard about it from Archer."

Rider, the Servant. Her true identity is Medusa, one of the Gorgon sisters, a monster famous in Greek mythology.

Originally, she should have been a monster on the receiving end of defeat by heroes, not an Heroic Spirit. It is unclear why she has manifested as a Servant, but as expected, she possesses gem-like eyes that turn whatever they see into stone, a terrifying Noble Phantasm. Although I managed to avoid being turned into stone by losing consciousness shortly after she released her Noble Phantasm, had I been exposed to her Mystic Eyes for an extended period of time, I would have ended up as a silent stone.

In addition to the Blood Fort Andromeda and the Mystic Eyes of Petrification, she possessed that last Noble Phantasm she used at the very end. Judging from the fact that she didn't use it until the end and the tremendous light it emitted, that was probably Rider's true trump card. But since she immediately withdrew from the scene and the light was blinding, we still don't know its true nature...

"...Right. I forgot to thank you, Archer. Thanks for saving me."

Saying that, Archer, who had been silently observing us, raises an eyebrow.

The surprise attack by Caster's familiar. And Rider's final Noble Phantasm. If it had been just me, I would have undoubtedly lost my life. Thanks to Archer's help, I'm still alive. I always thought of him as a selfish and arrogant Servant... but maybe our relationship has improved a bit.

"Hmph, I am a Servant after all. I will lend a hand to my Master in times of crisis. Even if it's just a sideshow, I have no interest in witnessing a boring ending."

That emotionless voice and attitude of Archer's remain unchanged. It seems that for him, his own enjoyment takes priority, while the life or death of his Master comes second or third. Perhaps he only helped me because it wouldn't be interesting if I died.

These past few days, I've been having strange dreams... most likely fragments of Archer's past. In those dreams, he was like this. A supreme ruler who calmly commands and orders others, a figure who is more suited to that than anyone else. Even in the face of death, it's hard to imagine this hero bending to anyone's will.

But one question remains. Is this overwhelming sense of self that he possesses something inherent to him... or have I ever seen him in a dream showing an attachment to his own entertainment? Although I've only had a few dreams, it's always been Archer as a solitary king. Ruling over everything, not caring about his loyal subjects, and now, looking at me and Saber and calling it entertainment, he seems slightly different.

There was one dream I had this morning. After fighting against a person with green hair, Archer was laughing joyfully, completely different from his usual serious demeanor... perhaps that was the catalyst for a change in Archer. The first time he showed interest in someone who defied him. Even now, with lost memories, I vaguely remember that moment.


Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly notice something odd. I've already seen Tohsaka, and Archer and Saber are visible, but... weren't there a few more residents in this house?

"Come to think of it, what about Fujimura and Sakura?"

"If it's Taiga, she said she won't be able to show up at school for a while due to the incident. She wanted you to pass on her regards.

As for Sakura, her fever has gone down slightly... but she's still not in the best condition, and she's still sleeping."

Saber calmly answers, as if she were stating the weather forecast. Archer remains silent, still reclining. It's hard to tell who is whose Servant... but that's beside the point.

As I suspected, Fujimura didn't come here. Even if she is safe, Fujimura is a regular faculty member. With such a commotion at school, she must be busy with investigations, aftermath, and taking care of the students. It's regrettable to burden Fujimura, who has done nothing wrong... but I am partly responsible for causing this disaster. If only I had made a decision sooner, we could have avoided such a catastrophe. I have to apologize to Fujimura in some way.

Just a little longer. Considering the potential loss of lives if something had been slightly different, I tremble at the danger of my own actions. The Holy Grail War... a mad ritual where lives are taken, where even unrelated people can be caught in the crossfire. At least, it's a relief that Fujimura and Sakura were not directly involved.

"Sakura is still sleeping... She's getting better, though, according to Rin's estimation. It's fortunate that she didn't suffer any major harm."

"That's good to hear. If she's recovering, I'm relieved. In reality, it should have been me, as her upperclassman, taking care of her... but I was asleep yesterday, so... I've been causing nothing but trouble for you and Saber. I'm sorry."

Yesterday, when we headed for the final battle against Rider and the others, we couldn't be by Sakura's side. During the day, while we were away, a familiar housekeeper who knows her took care of Sakura... but I collapsed midway, so Tohsaka and Saber must have taken care of the rest.

It's fortunate that Sakura's condition is improving. If she had been suffering from a serious illness, we would have had to take her to the hospital. Shini and Rider are still missing, and if it had come to hospitalization, there would be no one to accompany Sakura.

I want to be by Sakura's side. However, I can't just leave the villains who see humans as expendable and have killed hundreds of innocent people. That's why I decided to participate in the Holy Grail War. If only I could defeat those Servants who act foolishly, then I wouldn't have to worry about it... but...

"Considering the effect of her Noble Phantasm, it's better to think that it ended with just that. Shirou, you don't need to feel responsible."

"It helps to hear you say that... By the way, about her Noble Phantasm, that shining thing she used at the end... did you figure out what it was?"

"No, it was sudden, so I couldn't discern its true form either... However, if Rider's true identity is Medusa, then that Noble Phantasm is—"

"—The offspring of that guy, the two magical beasts. It's probably one of them."

Following Saber, who showed a pensive expression, Archer, who had been silent until now, spoke decisively.

"Before she released it, Rider slit her own throat. That thing was born from her own blood. Speaking of monsters born from Medusa's head and blood—"

"—Pegasus and Chrysaor. Considering the flight ability, white light, and their fame, it's probably the former.

I only caught a glimpse of it, but it was on a completely different level from ordinary magical beasts. When it comes to defense, it might rival or even surpass dragon-kind. If we're going to face that, we need to be adequately prepared."

Cutting off her own throat to summon it, and the glimpses of its features. Given that Rider's true name was already known, Saber and Archer quickly deciphered the true nature of her Noble Phantasm. In the Holy Grail War, the secrecy of information is crucial, and witnessing the current scene reaffirms that. Once a Servant's true name is revealed, even their hand becomes clear.

"Pegasus... A winged horse that can fly? It doesn't seem that strong to me, though."

"If it were a regular Pegasus, that would certainly be the case. But the Pegasus Rider summoned is the original source of the legends that have survived until this era. It's not an ordinary opponent."

"At least, not one I can defeat in my current state."

Archer declares, casually as if discussing today's weather. It takes me a moment to realize the lack of urgency in his words... but when I digest their meaning, I'm truly astonished.

"I can't win... Archer, you were overwhelming Rider just now, weren't you?"

"But I failed to finish her off. Once they retreated, they will most likely use Caster's mana, even at the cost of injury. It would be difficult to defeat Rider in her recovered state.

Furthermore, her Noble Phantasm is a problem. It doesn't affect me, but it's useless against Pegasus. I don't have any Noble Phantasm that can resist it."

Archer calmly analyzes the situation. Despite his arrogant and insolent personality, his strategic insight as the golden Heroic Spirit is surprisingly accurate.

Pegasus, a tenma with defensive capabilities that rival even dragon-kind. Its ability to freely soar through the sky and its exceptional acceleration are nothing to scoff at. It's fortunate that Rider intended to retreat from the beginning this time, but it would have been difficult to escape if she had used that speed against us. Servants can temporarily achieve speeds surpassing the sound barrier, but on average, they would still lose to that tenma.

To defeat it, we would need the ability to launch a surprise attack before it's summoned, or something with speed, firepower, or defensive capabilities surpassing the tenma. However, Archer is not Assassin, and the only weapons I have at the moment are dual swords and armor. Certainly, I can fight against a regular Rider, but it seems unlikely that I can win against Pegasus.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do... Saber, don't you have any ideas?"

Saber fell into deep thought, and Archer, who had been silent, spoke without hesitation.

"It's impossible to fight against them."

I'm momentarily taken aback by Archer's nonchalant analysis. Despite his arrogance, he must truly believe that he can't lose.

"Can't win... Archer, you overwhelmed Rider so much."

"But I failed to finish her off. Once they retreated, they will most likely use Caster's mana, even at the cost of injury. It would be difficult to defeat Rider in her recovered state.

Furthermore, her Noble Phantasm is a problem. It doesn't affect me, but it's useless against Pegasus. I don't have any Noble Phantasm that can resist it."

Archer calmly analyzes the situation. Despite his arrogant and insolent personality, his strategic insight as the golden Heroic Spirit is surprisingly accurate.

Pegasus, a tenma with defensive capabilities that rival even dragon-kind. Its ability to freely soar through the sky and its exceptional acceleration are nothing to scoff at. It's fortunate that Rider intended to retreat from the beginning this time, but it would have been difficult to escape if she had used that speed against us. Servants can temporarily achieve speeds surpassing the sound barrier, but on average, they would still lose to that tenma.

To defeat it, we would need the ability to launch a surprise attack before it's summoned, or something with speed, firepower, or defensive capabilities surpassing the tenma. However, Archer is not Assassin, and the only weapons I have at the moment are dual swords and armor. Certainly, I can fight against a regular Rider, but it seems unlikely that I can win against Pegasus.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do... Saber, don't you have any ideas?"

"...I do have something. With my Noble Phantasm, I can definitely defeat Rider, even if it's Pegasus."

The heroic spirit of the sword, Saber. We still don't know her true identity, but her abilities surpass those of any other Servant except Berserker. If she can confidently claim victory against the powerful Rider with her Noble Phantasm, then her own Noble Phantasm must also possess tremendous power. As a heroic spirit of the sword, it's likely that her invisible sword becomes her Noble Phantasm.

"However, my Noble Phantasm is a bit difficult to handle. It has a wide range, and I need to chant its true name to activate it, so it can't be easily used without seizing the right moment."

"True name...?"

Come to think of it, when Lancer used his spear, he would shout the name of the spear. Are there rules like that for using Noble Phantasms?

"Yes. Our Noble Phantasms unleash their power by chanting their true names. Some, like Rider's Mystic Eyes, have a constantly activated power that functions as a Noble Phantasm, but for the most part, it's safe to assume that true name release is necessary."

I see... So that's one reason why Noble Phantasms can't be used casually. If you mention the name of the weapon, the name of the owner would also be revealed. It would be great if we could finish off the enemy that way, but if it's blocked or evaded, it could lead to the worst result of only our information being taken.

And it takes time to speak the name. It may only take a few seconds to utter the words, but in a battle between Servants who exchange blows at a rate of several hundred times per second, even one second is too long. It's probably for that reason that it can't be used without finding an opening.

"I see... So if we can somehow create an opening, Saber can defeat Rider?"

"Most likely, if it's just Rider alone. Depending on the situation, we might be able to defeat Caster and Lancer as well. In a battlefield like yesterday's at school, it would be difficult to use it due to the extensive damage... But in a place without people, like a deserted forest or mountains, it wouldn't be a problem."

"A place without people..."

The grounds of our school, not to brag, but they are quite large. If even there is inconvenient for Saber's Noble Phantasm... Fuyuki City is a developed city to a certain extent, and I can only think of places larger than that with no people, like the Mion River or the outskirts of the forest.

"A place without people... If the Riders have their base there, we could also invade from our side. But we have no idea where their hideout is..."

"Wait. Bring me a map of this city, mongrel."

Instead of Saber, who was lost in thought, it was Archer who reacted to my muttering.

Thinking that he might have come up with something, I hurriedly brought the map of the entire Fuyuki City that was stored in the cupboard. I also took a pen from the pen holder.

Archer finished eating the mandarin orange peel, cleared the table, and spread the map on it. It's quite old, but it's a map issued by the Geographical Survey Institute. There haven't been any major changes in the terrain, and there shouldn't be any significant differences. The only thing to note is that there was a moderate-sized earthquake a few years ago, but I didn't hear any news about any particular changes.

"Mongrel, where is your school located?"

"Ah, it's around here..."

I uncapped the pen and circled the area around the school with a black line. I'm not sure what Archer is planning, but Saber seems to have grasped his intention and looked into the map with a surprised expression.

"Shirou, please lend me that pen."

Captivated by her serious gaze, I reflexively handed her the pen still with the cap on. Accepting it, Saber began drawing a straight line next to my clumsy circle.

"Yesterday, Rider escaped in this direction. There is also the possibility of deceptive actions to deceive us, but considering Rider's exhaustion, it's highly likely that she chose the shortest route back to her base."

"Exactly. That tenma was her last resort. There's no doubt that the Riders have their stronghold somewhere in this direction. However, if we follow this line, we reach the mountains. It would be somewhat troublesome to be cornered in the mountains... Mongrel, what is in those mountains?"

As instructed, we followed the line drawn by Saber. And in the middle of the line connecting the school and the mountains...

"Ryuudou Temple. It's probably where Rider has her base."

The location of a familiar temple that I had visited several times was marked.

Ryuudou Temple is inhabited by many monks in training and has active exchanges with its parishioners. It's surprising that such a noticeable place would be used as a hideout, but the enemy group has Caster as their Servant. With the power of the Heroic Spirit specialized in magecraft, manipulating the consciousness of a few dozen people should be an easy task. Although the condition of being in a remote mountain may seem inconvenient at first glance, it's irrelevant to Caster, who can even enable spatial teleportation.

"I see. If this temple is their base, it's more likely to be Caster's stronghold than Rider's."

"Come to think of it, Ichinose, who lives there, mentioned that there has been an increase in suspicious foreign women recently... So, those were most likely referring to the Servants.

By the way, Saber. How do you know about Ryuudou Temple?"

"Shirou, this Holy Grail War I'm participating in is not the only one. Therefore, I am familiar with the major locations of this city. I am already aware of any changes that have occurred in the past ten years, thanks to Rin's guidance.

This temple is one of the prominent spiritual spots in Fuyuki City. It can be said to be an excellent place for magi. It's just perfect for Caster to gather mana from the people in the town."

The location of the Riders' base that we couldn't grasp until now. It's the result of comparing the information each of us has. But now, there is no doubt that the enemy Servants are hiding here.

Once we identify their base, all that's left is to launch an attack. The enemy, particularly the Servant of a magus, is bound to set up traps in their location... The Riders right now are exhausted from yesterday's battle. But if we leave them alone, the Servants who can gather mana from the town without waiting will recover, and we will be in a predicament. We should prioritize haste over caution in this situation.

We need to call Tohsaka later and develop a thorough plan. The enemy is a cunning Servant who easily saw through our intentions yesterday. There is no way they haven't anticipated our moves.

As I was about to speak, Archer, who had been leisurely drinking tea, suddenly had a displeased expression.

"Mongrel, I've run out of tea. Hurry and bring more."

"...Can't you just do it yourself?"

"You fool, serving is the duty of the common rabble. Don't dare treat me, someone like myself, as an equal to the likes of mongrels."


Since it seems that logical arguments won't work with this golden man, I reluctantly head to the kitchen to fetch hot water. Along the way, I casually notice that the fridge has almost empty shelves.

Come to think of it... Over the past few days, although the number of people to feed has increased, the frequency of grocery shopping has decreased. I thought I had stocked up enough food, but with the increased number of people, the stock seems to have run out. I believe there are still some cup ramen left as a last resort... I'll have to give up on that and buy groceries. It's impossible to prepare lunch with just green onions, eggs, and milk... Also, the tea leaves that Archer and the others are currently drinking have run out as well.

"Sorry. I'm out of tea leaves and the fridge is empty, so I'm going to do some shopping. Lunch might be a bit late, so bear with me."

"Wh... Shirou, do you plan on going out alone?"

"It'll be fine. It's a holiday today, so there will be many people out, and it's daytime, right? Besides, we made quite a scene yesterday, so I think the Riders are laying low... Other Servants wouldn't launch an attack in broad daylight in the middle of the town either."

"That might be true, but there's always the possibility of something happening. If you're going out, then I or Archer should..."

"But that would attract even more attention. There will be a lot of people in the shopping district, and I'm just going out for a quick shopping trip, so there's no need to worry too much."

I pacify the persisting Saber with a lukewarm response. Archer, on the other hand, is completely indifferent from the start, eating another mandarin orange. It's becoming unclear who is whose Servant in this situation.

Certainly, going out alone might be dangerous, but there is some basis to believe that it's safe. Moreover, if I were to bring Servants with such conspicuous appearances, it would only cause unnecessary commotion. It could potentially provoke other Servants and magi and stir up unnecessary trouble.

After managing to persuade the worried Saber, I take out a set of winter clothes from the room, grab a shopping bag and wallet, and head to the entrance. I need to hurry before it's noon and the shopping district becomes crowded, and I need to buy the necessary items.


I step outside. The winter cold is as harsh as ever, more painful than just feeling cold. My breath turns white, and the sun appears hazy. The world is blanketed in white, as if it could start snowing at any moment.

"...Brr, it's cold."

I thought I dressed warmly enough, but I shiver more than expected due to the intense cold. I briefly consider going back to get hand warmers... but it's not worth going all the way back for that. I'll just quickly finish shopping and return home.

I tightly wrap my scarf around my neck and head towards the shopping district through the usual route. The noticeable decrease in the number of people passing by might be due to the weather, but... the commotion at school yesterday is probably the main reason.

No matter how much Itono tried to cover it up, it's impossible for such a commotion to go unnoticed. Everyone must have already known that something significant happened at school. With the recent incidents of gas leaks and disappearances, not to mention the numerous incidents hidden beneath the Holy Grail War, it's natural for people to avoid going out.

When I reach the shopping district, which is about 30% less crowded than usual, I quickly go through the familiar shops to finish my shopping. Kind shopkeepers and elderly ladies kindly tell me to be careful because it's dangerous lately, but I respond with an ambiguous smile to brush it off. I can't possibly say that I'm involved in that commotion.

Feeling a sense of unease and a hint of guilt, I leave the grocery store with a bag full of ingredients. Instead of going straight home, I suddenly decide to take a different route.

Passing through the less crowded residential area between the deserted shopping district, even the alleyways where children usually play freely are now occupied by only a few stray cats. The abnormality of things that should be in their proper place but aren't brings about an eerie feeling beyond mere curiosity. Feeling a faint chill, I pass by the cats.

"There's no one here either..."

As I make my way through the alley, I arrive at a small park. It's located within an apartment complex, and various play equipment for children is lined up... However, as expected, there is no one here either. Only a rusty swing sways sadly, creaking.

Just a few days ago, I had a conversation with that girl... Illyasviel von Einzbern. She is Berserker's Master and an opposing magus. Because I rejected her well-intentioned offer, it ended up resembling a falling-out... But I still want to talk to her again. I couldn't see Illya as a bad person, and the words she whispered at the end, saying she came to kill both Kiritsugu and me, still bother me.

What happened between me, someone much older, and Illya, a girl much younger, who seemingly have no connection? It's one thing if it's just me as a Master, but why would even Kiritsugu be targeted with hostility? If I ask Saber, who was Kiritsugu's Servant ten years ago, maybe I'll find the answer. But I still wanted to hear the reason from Illya herself.

I came to this park today with baseless hope that Illya might be here. However, such expectations rarely work out. My detour seems to have ended in disappointment.

"Oh well, I should go back."

With the shopping bag hanging, I turn around in the deserted park. Just as I'm about to head back home...


In surprise, our eyes meet. A white-haired girl is looking at me as if she has encountered a ghost. Wrapped in her coat, she gazes up at me with a shocked expression. Was our second encounter a coincidence or destiny?

"What are you doing here, Shirou...?"

"The same could be asked of you. Why are you here, Illya?"

It's dangerous... I was about to say that but then I realized that the concept of danger doesn't apply to her. It's foolish to tell the Master of Berserker, who boasts the strongest Servant, "Don't go out because it's dangerous."

On the other hand, Illya, who met me unexpectedly, had an unmistakably surprised look. Blinking her eyes and opening her mouth in astonishment, her appearance is childlike, and it somehow brings a smile to my face. Seeing that expression, my wariness as a Master starts to feel a little foolish. She's just a girl who should have no danger coming her way.

Bending down, I meet Illya's gaze from a few steps away. I speak in a gentle voice, trying not to frighten her.

"I wanted to talk to Illya... Is it okay if we talk?"

"N-No, it's not that! But... I said I would kill you, Shirou, so why..."

I suddenly realize that it's absurd to expect her to be concerned about her safety. After all, Illya is the Master of Berserker, the strongest Servant. It would be foolish to worry about her safety.

Meanwhile, Illya, who seemed perplexed by my invitation, moves her eyes around. In her expression, I can see a mix of pure surprise, confusion, and a faint sense of fear.

That fear seems to stem from the possibility of being rejected. My wariness towards her completely disappears. Whether she's a Master or a magus, Illya is just a girl who, at this moment, seems to enjoy the rare act of conversing with others. There's nothing dangerous about her reaction, as if she's afraid of receiving a negative response.

I crouch down and make eye contact with Illya, who is now sitting on the bench in the corner of the park. In her hands, she holds the takoyaki skewered on a toothpick. I place the package containing the takoyaki on the bench. I intended to share it with Illya from the beginning, and seeing her happy is the best outcome. I'll forgo bringing back souvenirs for everyone waiting at home this time.

"Takoyaki is delicious, isn't it?"

"Yes! Japan has so many delicious things. The castle's cuisine is also delicious, but I've never had anything like this before, so it's a bit refreshing."

"I see. Illya said she usually stays at the castle. What kind of food do you eat normally?"


Seemingly pleased with the takoyaki, Illya's expression gradually changes from confusion to a smile. Once her mood switches, she becomes lively and starts talking happily about her daily life. It's not much different from our previous conversation. Whether it's something we talked about before or something new, Illya continues to speak cheerfully. As I felt before, the act of conversation itself seems to be a rarity and a source of entertainment for her. It's concerning how unusual her circumstances are. Even as a magus, it's strange for her to hardly ever leave her base and have almost no interaction with others.

"Hey, Illya."

"What's up, Shirou?"

Illya looks up at me, chewing on takoyaki. Her innocent red eyes meet mine, and I carefully choose my words.

"I heard that you brought maids with you here. Besides them, do you have anyone else to talk to?"

"Hmm, besides Sella and Leysritt, not really. Berserker can't talk, and there's no one else... Well, in the past, about ten years ago, there was someone who used to play and search for walnuts with me."

She murmurs quietly. Illya, who had been looking at me, averts her gaze and looks up at the cloud-covered sky. The sky, which seems like it could snow at any moment, is covered in thick clouds. The sunlight is blocked by a white veil and only manages to reach us in small amounts. I wonder what she sees beyond the gloomy winter sky as she keeps her thoughts to herself. I stay quiet, following her gaze.

In a corner of the small park, where only the sound of the wind can be heard, time passes silently. We remain silent for more than enough time, and just as my ears start to ache from the cold wind, Illya quietly speaks up.

"...Shirou, how is Kiritsugu doing now?"

Looking up at the sky with distant eyes, her voice barely audible as if it could fade away any moment, Illya asks me. The slight trembling of her shoulders is likely not only due to the cold.

She told me a little about her parents before. The person who played and searched for walnuts with Illya ten years ago. Emiya Kiritsugu, who appeared as a Master in the Holy Grail War around the same time as Illya. The complicated hostility Illya directed towards Kiritsugu.

With these fragments coming together, I can vaguely imagine the relationship between Illya and Kiritsugu. The reason she declared that she would kill both him and me. When I met Illya before, I told her about Kiritsugu, but... except for being saved and taught magecraft, I didn't mention anything else. However, judging from her current demeanor... Illya probably senses the answer.

I recall that beautiful moonlit night. Kiritsugu, who smiled in relief after hearing my words and passed away. My father, who left behind a young girl and never had the chance to meet her again, what was he thinking in his final moments?

"He's... dead. Five years ago."

"I see. Kiritsugu is... gone."

Illya murmurs, still looking up as if contemplating her words. The person to whom she had directed such intense emotions no longer exists in this world. Where should she direct her feelings towards someone who doesn't exist? The expression she wears now, as she lost the person she had emotions for, is not a joy from her enemy disappearing, but rather a sadness tinged with emptiness.

"Maybe you had forgotten about me after all."

"No... It's not like that."


Surprised, Illya turns towards me. Her eyes are filled with an expression of disbelief.

Illyasviel, despite her appearance as a young child, is a girl who, from what I can gather, had awareness even before the previous Holy Grail War... At least ten years ago, she should have had some understanding and had contact with Kiritsugu. Otherwise, her story and what I know about Kiritsugu after that wouldn't connect. Illya's youthful appearance and the passing years contradict each other, but she is a legitimate magus. It wouldn't be strange for her to look slightly different from an ordinary person.

Kiritsugu never mentioned having an acquaintance named Illyasviel, and I never knew either. But it's not that he didn't talk about her... Perhaps he couldn't.

Kiritsugu's health deteriorated rapidly, and he frequently traveled abroad. Every time he returned, he would tell interesting stories and bring back various souvenirs... But now that I think about it, did he lean towards a particular northern country? The cold snowy country where Illya was and the country where Kiritsugu traveled. The two match.

Kiritsugu must have tried to meet Illya many times. It's unthinkable that such a kind father would leave behind a young girl, and the number of times Kiritsugu went on trips was too frequent. However, no matter how much he wanted to meet her, for some reason, they never had a chance to reunite... Until the very end, Kiritsugu never mentioned Illya.

As I say that, Illya quietly smiles sadly.

"I see. If we couldn't meet even though we tried, then it can't be helped."

My words seem to have lightened her heart a little. Her words, directed towards Kiritsugu who is not here, sound like the fading of her hostility from before.

Illya's intense emotions towards Kiritsugu... Weren't they the reverse side of her affection for him? Because Illya is Kiritsugu's...

"I waited for ten years until the Holy Grail War. If there's no one left for revenge... why did I come here?"

I have no words to offer in response to her heavy confession. Ten years is not a short time. Illya had held a grudge against Kiritsugu for all those years.

However, now that she has come to Fuyuki City, Kiritsugu is long gone... and a part of the reason for her animosity is slowly fading away. The emptiness that comes when the person you should direct your feelings towards is gone... I, who learned that ten years ago, can somewhat understand her feelings. It's because I understand that I can't casually speak to her.

Illya bows her head, and I remain silent. The air in the park feels even colder, as if we are in the midst of an icy blizzard, despite the absence of snowfall. Only our breaths, melting into white mist, fill the air.

"Even so. Even without Kiritsugu, my purpose remains unchanged. I am a magus of the Einzbern and the fulfillment of the Holy Grail is the longstanding wish of my family."

Soon. With determination shining in her eyes, Illya declared as if shaking off something.

The Einzbern. I've only heard that they are a family involved in the beginning of the Holy Grail War from the Tohsakas. For over a thousand years, they have been a lineage of magi pursuing the completion of the Holy Grail. Their obsession surely surpasses the realm that ordinary people can fathom.

For someone like me, who doesn't even have a normal understanding of a family, let alone being a magus, it is difficult to comprehend the weight of bearing such a lineage. However, this girl carries it all on her own. She jumped into the Holy Grail War, knowing that she could lose her life.

If that's the case, then I also... If Illya intends to continue fighting, as a Master in the Holy Grail War, there is something I should tell her.

"Illya. Do you know that there is a monster in Fuyuki City targeting Servants?"

"What... What is that?"

Caught off guard by my sudden words, Illya's face tenses up. Judging from her reaction, it seems that she, too, was unaware of its existence.

A creature that is neither a Master nor a Servant. Maybe Illya might have known about it, but apparently she didn't.

I furrow my brows and describe the characteristics of that creature to Illya. Its black, thin appearance and numerous tentacles. Its abnormality that even makes Servants sense the danger of death. The current situation where it indiscriminately attacks people in the city and causes incidents. That eeriness when it intervened in the battle between Saber, Lancer, and Rider.

It has nothing to do with Saber, Archer, or Lancer. If Rider can control that monster, there would be no reason for her to set up a barrier. Caster, who gathers mana with a plan, is the same. Berserker, who lacks reason, and Assassin, who specializes in covert operations, are not the ones either. I can't imagine an ordinary magus being able to command a threat equivalent to a Servant... and if even Illya, who was the only possibility, has no idea about it, then that creature is an outsider even within the Holy Grail War.

"I don't know. What is that...? I haven't heard anything about it."

After finishing my explanation, Illya shakes her head in rejection.

If Illya wasn't aware of it either, then it was the right decision to inform her. That creature's true nature remains unknown. No matter how exceptional Berserker may be as a Servant, I don't think Illya would be safe if she were to confront that jellyfish-like being. If she encountered it without knowing anything, Illya would also be in danger.

At that time, I thought I was going to be eaten. Even though I don't possess instincts as sharp as Saber's, Archer's keen eyes, or Tohsaka's knowledge of magecraft, I instinctively felt that way. If I had left it alone, there would undoubtedly be a repeat of what happened ten years ago.

"Archer, too, and... something is happening in this Holy Grail War that I don't know about. Maybe that's why I can't sense Archer's presence properly."

Illya murmurs in a low voice, lost in thought. Her childlike innocence has completely faded away, and now she has the face of a thoughtful magus.

"...I don't really understand, but for now, can I assume that Illya has nothing to do with that thing?"

"Yeah. This is the first time I've heard about it. I've never heard of someone who is neither a Master nor a Servant intervening in the Holy Grail War before.

Thank you for letting me know, Shirou. I'll also investigate about that strange creature on my end."

"Yeah, I appreciate it. If such a thing exists, it will become increasingly difficult to continue the Holy Grail War."

That's what I intended to say seriously. But Illya responds with a wry smile, as if she saw something strange.

"You're really weird, Shirou. I didn't know about someone like you. I should have kept quiet since I didn't know about someone like that. If my Berserker were to be defeated by it, wouldn't that be a problem for you?"

Although her Japanese is slightly off, I understand what she means. It would be considered foolish by someone like Archer to provide information to an enemy Master out of goodwill.

However, I was the one who received goodwill first. It was Illya who went out of her way to inform me of the danger of Archer. So, this is a draw. In the language of magi, it's called an equivalent exchange. I'm not Tohsaka, but I think it's not good to leave debts unpaid, and besides...

"If Berserker is defeated, then you will be in danger too, Illya. It's not good to put a girl in a dangerous situation. Regardless of whether you harbor hostility towards me or not, that doesn't matter... Simply put, I don't want a girl to get hurt."


As soon as I said that, she pouts and turns her head away. Maybe it's just my imagination, but her cheeks seem to have turned red... Did I say something to make her angry?

Even though it may seem foolish to worry about danger in a battle for life, it's because I don't want Illya to be in harm's way. Even if she harbored hostility towards me, it doesn't matter... I simply don't want a girl to get hurt.

"Yesterday, you didn't come out, but... even today, when night falls, that monster might appear again. It's dangerous for Illya to be alone, so let's go back home..."

Wait. While she mentioned staying in the mansion, I wonder where Illya usually lives.

As I pondered, Illya, who had been avoiding my gaze, finally returned to a cheerful mood and turned to face me, nodding as if she understood something.

"Come to think of it, I haven't told you, Shirou. So, it wouldn't be fair if only I knew where your house is."

"Huh? Did I tell you, Illya, about the location of my house? How do you know?"

"That's a secret. I know everything about you, Shirou."

She proudly puffs up her chest with a mischievous smile. I wonder when she found out about my house, but Illya is a magus. She could have found out through various means, like sending familiars or conducting investigations.

"In that case, I'll specially tell you the location of my castle. It would be convenient for you to know my castle if you find out anything about that strange creature, right? Well then, close your eyes for a moment."

"Uh, okay...?"

Invited by her gesture, I close my eyes and bow my head without understanding what's going on. Then, I feel something cool touching my forehead. Could it be Illya's...?

As I start to get confused and attempt to open my eyes, I'm pushed back with a soft "shh" sound. What exactly is Illya trying to do?

"Stay still. I can't concentrate if you move around, and I might send you somewhere else by mistake. Are you ready, Shirou? It might shake a little, so be careful."

With those words as the last, my field of vision suddenly goes dark.

Did we teleport somewhere...? No, that's not it. Spatial teleportation is akin to a magical miracle. Perhaps this is a case where my sensory organs are connected to a different location through magic.

I could barely understand that much, but the sensation of being pulled somewhere forcefully is undoubtedly real. The swaying, like an amusement park attraction, finally settles as my vision suddenly returns.

...But what I see before me is not the park I was in just now. Instead, there are hundreds of trees standing tall, with only decaying leaves remaining on the ground. The sunlight is blocked by the branches, reaching only a small portion of the ground. As far as the eye can see, it's a forest with nothing but nature, somewhere unknown.


I tried to speak, but I couldn't move. I am not a human right now; I am connected to a part of this forest. In the realm of nature, where there are no vocal cords, it's impossible to make a sound. I have consciousness, but I lack physical sensations. It's an eerie feeling to only receive visual information without any other senses.

Unable to do anything about it, I continue to gaze at the forest. After about thirty seconds, my perspective starts moving again. It passes through the dense trees, follows a path-like trail, goes past a dilapidated building, and keeps advancing further and further. Eventually, it reaches the depths of the forest where hardly any light reaches, and suddenly, a massive structure comes into view. Is this... a castle?

"How is it, Shirou? This is where I live, my castle."

A voice resonates in my mind... It's hard to describe. It's a perfect representation of a Western castle, something that doesn't quite fit in Japan, as if it came straight out of a picture book. It's hard to believe that this is part of the same landscape in Japan. Even though magi are known to be detached from reality, this feels excessive.

Judging from its appearance, this building seems to have been standing for hundreds of years, far beyond one or two. It has aged to the point where it wouldn't be surprising if it was built several centuries ago. How was something like this constructed unnoticed in Fuyuki City, and by whom? I can't even imagine the methods used, but it's not difficult to imagine the immense effort it must have taken. It offers a glimpse of the terrifying determination and financial power of the Einzbern family.

While I'm still taken aback, my field of vision continues to move on its own, circling around the massive castle. It proceeds through the front entrance and enters the interior. I see the entrance hall, corridors, and various rooms, with each image changing rapidly. Every scene reflects luxurious furnishings and impeccably clean floors, devoid of any trash. Truly, this place is like a mansion of a wealthy tycoon.

"This should be it. I think you've seen most of the place."


I suddenly realize. The scenery reflected in my eyes has changed back to the small park.

Or rather, it's more accurate to say that I have returned. Along with my vision, my hearing, touch, and all the other senses that were cut off suddenly return. My brain starts to feel uncomfortable from the overwhelming flood of information. It's a nauseating sensation, like being on an unfamiliar ride.

"This is a bit rough..."

"Sorry about that. But I thought this would be the fastest way. Did you get an idea of how to get to my castle?"

"Well, somehow..."

With such a vivid experience, the memory of that scenery is bound to remain. This forest is probably the one located in the outskirts of the city. There were rumors that it was privately owned and that nobody approached it, but if the Einzberns were the owners, it's not surprising.

As I try to calm down and recall the way back, I notice the park's clock. The hour hand has just passed eleven and is approaching noon—uh-oh. If I don't hurry, I'll miss lunchtime.

"It's already noon. I need to go back soon."


Illya, who also noticed the time, wears a somewhat troubled expression. She looks at my face and then the clock alternately. It seems like her cheerful demeanor has dimmed a bit. Maybe there weren't enough takoyaki... But I only bought these, so there's nothing I can do about it.

"I see. I should go back soon too."

"We should hurry back before it gets dark. Be careful on your way home too. Well then, see you later, Illya."


As I try to say goodbye and leave, Illya's face turns surprised as if she heard unexpected words. The girl with red eyes blinks her eyes rapidly and gazes at me absentmindedly.

"Shirou, will you meet me again?"

Her expression is like that of a child afraid of being rejected by her parents.

...Even though she already knows what my answer will be.

"That's obvious, isn't it? Should we pinky promise if you want?"

"Yeah, let's do it!"

Illya brightens up instantly. Surprisingly, she seems to know the meaning of a pinky promise. She jumps up from the bench as if dancing and runs towards me with a beaming face. I bend down and intertwine my little finger with hers.

"Pinky promise, cross my heart, and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!"

Cheerfully, she recites the chant as if singing. After letting go of our linked pinkies, she smiles repeatedly and shakes her finger as if confirming the promise.

"It's a promise, Shirou!"

"Yeah, it's a promise."

"Yeah yeah! Let's meet again! But until we meet next time, make sure you don't let any other Servants get to you!"

Finally, she waves her hand vigorously. The snow fairy runs away, seemingly dancing.

But still... "Don't let any other Servants get to you," huh? Was she simply worried about my well-being, or does it imply lingering hostility towards me, unable to let go of the fact that someone else abandoned them and took in an unknown child instead? Initially, it was undoubtedly the latter, but as we talked, those feelings seemed to gradually fade away.

Having spoken with her twice now, I've come to understand that Illya is a good kid. Even to the extent that she doesn't fit the bloody ritual of the Holy Grail War. However, she carries the desperate aspirations of the Einzbern family... If she doesn't want to involve others, and if she genuinely wishes for it, I can't deny her desire. It's frustrating not to be able to tell her not to fight when I don't want her to get hurt.

"If only the Holy Grail War... hadn't happened."

I kick a stone in frustration. While carrying these mixed emotions, I quickly leave the park behind.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts