

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

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142 Chs

Chapter 45: Training

(Titus's (Ferdiad's) Point of View)

"Watch closely," Scathach commanded, her grip firm on an ordinary spear, her eyes focused on the skeletal undead soldier slowly advancing towards her.

The Land of Shadows, known as Dún Scáit, was a secondary undead zone, where souls from the British Isles lingered after death, refusing to depart the mortal world. These restless spirits emerged here, terrorizing the living. Scathach's duty was to repel these undead and safeguard this place, a breeding ground for the supernatural.

Among the undead, there were varying types, each with different strengths and weaknesses. The weaker ones, like the skeletons, often clung to weapons they once wielded as ordinary soldiers recruited into the army. Beyond them were the zombie undead, possessing flesh and slightly greater strength. Ghouls, cursed creatures with a taste for mortal flesh, followed. The most formidable were the shadow warriors, souls of warriors or killers who resisted the judgment of the afterlife, possessing unparalleled combat skills capable of easily overpowering regular human fighters.

Other monstrous entities, such as phantasmal beasts, resided in the inner parts of this place, belonging to an entirely different league.

In the present moment, Scathach demonstrated the art of combat against these creatures, emphasizing adaptability to any weapon or martial art. With a swift motion, she conjured runes in the air, propelling the limping skeleton soldier like an arrow.

Cu and I stared in astonishment; the skeletal figure moved with the speed and agility of a living human. Just moments away from Scathach, the skeleton soldier swung its sword. In a blur of motion, Scathach dodged the attack, swiftly maneuvered behind the undead foe, and swung her spear with lightning speed. Her movements were so swift that all we could perceive were the afterimages left in her wake. The skeleton soldier ceased its motion before collapsing into several pieces.

"How…?!" Cu and I were utterly dumbfounded.

First and foremost, when had she managed the second and third swings? Our eyes had caught only one movement.

Moreover, the maneuver she executed shouldn't have been possible for a spearman, especially in such close quarters with the enemy.

Her footwork was incredibly swift, almost as if she had teleported behind the skeleton soldier.

All these factors left me questioning whether it was truly martial art or just magic.

But Scathach didn't stop there; she swiftly picked up a sword.

In that moment, a rain of arrows descended upon her, and I spotted several zombie archers in the distance. Scathach effortlessly dodged or deflected every single arrow, her body moving seemingly on its own accord. Then, in the blink of an eye, she vanished, leaving behind only a purple blur. The next instant, she stood behind the zombie archers and swiftly decapitated all three before they could even react.

We hurried to her side and found Scathach wielding two daggers, standing amidst a horde of ghouls armed with various weapons.

The ghouls pounced on her like a pack of wild dogs, but their heads and limbs were sent flying into the air. Scathach's speed was beyond our comprehension; she seemed to vanish and reappear between the hordes, slicing through each ghoul effortlessly.

After she finished dispatching the ghouls, we noticed a shadowy figure standing nearby. It was a dark knight on horseback, both he and the horse glaring with crimson demon eyes.

Even from our several meters' distance, a chill ran down our spines. The knight didn't even glance our way.

In contrast, Scathach, now weaponless, assumed a martial arts stance. At that moment, the shadowy knight charged at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of blue flames behind.

"Shishou!" I cried out Scathach's name, fearing for her life. The knight's aim and power surpassed anything I had ever witnessed. A direct hit would have been fatal, if not outright deadly.

Yet, the God Slayer Queen had different plans. She leaped high into the air and kicked the shadow knight in the face, unseating him from his horse. Within the next second, she was on him, landing a powerful punch at his center.


The impact reverberated through the entire area. When the dust settled, we saw the knight with a deep hole in his chest before he vanished into thin air.

Blink* Blink*

Cu and I were left utterly stupefied, struggling to comprehend the astounding events that had just transpired before our eyes.

"Teach, you were incredible!" Cu exclaimed in excitement, rushing towards Scathach. I followed him, my disbelief slowly transforming into awe.

Perhaps I shouldn't have doubted this formidable woman.

"I utilize long weapons for close combat, swords for long-range engagements, short weapons for dealing with masses, and ultimately, nothing to face the final foe. This is my teaching method: fighting the impossible with the impossible. While I excel in spearmanship, a true warrior should be proficient with any weapon given to him, and if nothing else, his own body," Scathach explained. "In the next three months, I will teach you the basics of all these martial arts, and you will reach this level. If you're prepared, then raise your voice!"

"Ha!" we saluted in unison.

And so, our physical training commenced. After a light breakfast, we would run to build stamina, followed by intense hand-to-hand combat sessions under Scathach's direct guidance. Unlike traditional martial arts, Scathach didn't adhere to specific styles, especially considering most of her adversaries utilized magic. Thus, she primarily relied on weapons as effective tools to repel her enemies.

After a light lunch, our training shifted focus to weapon mastery. Scathach meticulously instructed us on various types of weapons, emphasizing specific grips and careful swinging techniques. While she was proficient in teaching every weapon, her expertise truly shone when it came to the spear.

The spear, a weapon prevalent throughout human history, held its popularity due to its effectiveness. It allowed a warrior to defeat an opponent without getting too close, a tactic employed by 80% of fighters. Scathach emphasized its significance, highlighting how it fulfilled both short and long-range combat needs, unlike swords or bows, which served singular purposes.

The last notable technique Scathach imparted was the Secrets of Leaping, akin to Nasuverse's version of Flash Steps from Bleach. This movement technique enabled the user to move faster than the eye could follow, emphasizing speed and efficiency in reaching from point A to point B in minimal steps. What set Scathach apart was her ability to seamlessly integrate her weapon usage within her leaps. She had mentioned that mastering this skill typically took a minimum of 50 years, making me wonder if I could ever achieve such a feat.

Fifteen days passed, during which I experienced significant growth. My stats showed notable improvements:

[STR +3]

[AGI +6]

[END +2].

Although these seemed minor, I could feel the increased strength and agility, a promising sign considering the short duration. With more days of training ahead, I anticipated further enhancements.

Having honed our physical abilities, it was now time to delve into the realm of magic.


We found ourselves in a dimly lit room, illuminated by the soft glow of lamps. Despite the late hour, the time held little relevance here, as this place was often shrouded in perpetual darkness.

In this moment, Scathach stood at the front of the room, writing something on the board. Cu and I sat in our seats, though my attention seemed to be momentarily captivated by Scathach's ass.

"Oi, boss! Stop staring at teach, or she'll knock you out!" Cu whispered, noticing my gaze. He might not have been a gentleman towards ladies, but after enduring several beatings from Scathach, he had developed a healthy fear of her.

I, too, had received my share of scolding from the Queen of Dún Scáit. However, having faced unbearable tyrants and even several deaths, a woman's reprimand wasn't enough to deter my gaze. I couldn't help but wish she wore a teacher's outfit, complete with a mini skirt and long stockings.

Scathach sensed our distraction and swiftly turned around, sending a piece of chalk flying towards Cu.

"Ouch!" Cu cried out, massaging his forehead in pain.

"Focus," Scathach commanded, then turned her stern gaze towards me. "And no fantasizing my ass during class."

"Understood, shishou," I replied, offering a smile and a respectful bow.

"This isn't fair..." Cu groaned, but we paid him no heed, determined to pay attention to the lesson at hand.

"Now, the magecraft I'll be teaching you is called Runes. It hails from Scandinavia, stretching back to the era of Norse gods. Pay close attention to what I'm about to impart," Scathach declared, her voice carrying a weight of ancient wisdom.

With a swift motion, she drew a single shape resembling 'I,' and in the next instant, a small piece of ice materialized in her hand.

"This rune is called ISA, symbolizing ice and the halting of events. Yet, its applications go beyond that," she explained, her gaze focused on us. "Runes are symbols imbued with various meanings. They represent functions, elements, and even divinity. The interpretation depends on the caster's intent and their ability to harness energy from each rune."

Scathach delved into the intricacies of rune magecraft, detailing the diverse functions and the existence of numerous runes. Presently, she possessed knowledge of 16 primordial runes, which she mysteriously obtained from the land of Norse itself. She acknowledged that these runes were weaker than those used in the age of gods, yet her mastery rendered her nearly invincible on the battlefield. As a god slayer, she had employed these runes in countless situations.

Rune magecraft stood as the most versatile school of magic in the world. It could encompass healing, firepower, divinity, curses, contracts—virtually any magical skill imaginable—through a few symbols. However, mastering runes was an arduous task. One would need an unparalleled supply of alien intelligence and wisdom, akin to Odin's sacrifice, to attain such knowledge. Hence, Scathach emphasized that she would 'bestow' the runes rather than 'teach' them. Learning was possible, but the power and effects would be significantly lower than her own abilities.

However, there were weaknesses in rune magecraft. Among all the primordial runes she possessed, none could protect against curses, especially those inflicted by gods. Besides that, there was hardly any need to explore other forms of sorcery. The depth of knowledge within the runes was vast, offering solutions to a myriad of magical challenges.

"Now, I will imbue the essence of a single rune each month, and both of you are tasked with practicing them," Scathach announced, positioning herself behind us and placing her hands on our backs. "The first rune is Ansuz. It signifies bringing order to the world. It enhances verbal prowess and eloquence, heightens spiritual awareness and wisdom, awakens hidden divinity, and fortifies the Magician-Self-Persona. It inspires creativity, induces trance, amplifies psychic abilities, and allows the release of divine power. Master it well."

With those words, my consciousness plunged into darkness. To my surprise, I felt nothing until a shape materialized before me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Cu Chulainn writhing in pain.

"Argh! My head is killing me!" Cu exclaimed.

"It's common at first, but you'll adapt," Scathach reassured the Irish hero before turning her attention back to me. "You seem unaffected."

"Shouldn't I be feeling pain?" I asked, perplexed.

"Yes, significant pain," Scathach replied with a monotone expression. "Now, try invoking the rune and integrate it into your body."

Following her instructions, I nodded and traced an 'F'-like symbol in the air. Then, I drew the sign on my body, and immediately, I felt a surge of unique power.

[Your strength has increased by 500%]

[No MP is consumed.]

[Rune Magecraft has been added to your Status panel.]

My eyes widened in amazement. It was incredibly potent. I had gained a substantial power boost without depleting any MP. Though I felt slightly heavier, it was a small price to pay for such immense power.

"Boss, how did you do that...?" Cu gaped at me.

"You're either a demigod, which isn't the case, or a highly gifted individual, which also isn't the case. Regardless, good job. Keep practicing," Scathach complimented before leaving the room.

In the next few hours, I diligently practiced the rune, guiding Cu through the process as well.


"So you're destined to be a hero but with a short life?" I asked Cu as we shared stories in our room, our nightly ritual before sleep.

Cu revealed a prophecy made by a druid, foreseeing his heroic yet brief existence. It was something I had suspected, but hearing him admit it meant he trusted me deeply now.

"Aren't you angry about having a short life?" I inquired.

"I was," Cu replied. "At first, I was furious. I destroyed a castle and even killed the druid. But later, I decided to live a fulfilling life."

His determination was both admirable and foolish. This was the essence of a hero, I thought, but I had something different in mind.

"You know," I said, "I could grant you a longer life if you wish. All you have to do is three things I'll ask you to do. I can free you from the fate of a short life."

Cu's eyes widened. "You can do that?"

"Yes, but you must promise to fulfill my requests," I explained.

"I promise. Even if you ask for my life, I'll do it," Cu said with a smile.

I shook my head in disbelief. "You're really something. That's why your life is short – you're too trusting."

"Hehe!" Cu chuckled and scratched his head. "I have blind faith in you, boss. I don't know why, but I trust you with anything."

"Enough of the cheesy lines!" I protested, throwing my pillow at him, which he caught, laughing.

Changing the topic, Cu asked, "Boss, I'm surprised you're still pursuing Teach. Do you really plan to marry her?"

"Yeah, why not? She's beautiful and gorgeous," I said, then glared at Cu. "But she's mine. Don't you dare hit on her."

"Trust me, boss. I have no intention of pursuing such a scary woman," Cu shivered. "Unlike you, I've already tasted the forbidden fruit, and with my short life, I intend to enjoy more."

"You're disgusting," I muttered, glaring at him until he retreated to his bed and fell asleep.

I sighed and lay down, contemplating Cu's fate. His love for Princess Emer was one thing, but his tendency to indulge in forbidden pleasures was quite another.

"I seriously doubt his chances of a long life," I mused, thinking about the challenges ahead, particularly concerning Aoife, Scathach's sister, and the impending villain. However, I decided to let the events play out as they were meant to. I needed the original course of events to fulfill my mission. As for Scathach, her future remained uncertain, and I hadn't figured that part out yet.

The room was enveloped in silence as I pondered the events unfolding around us. The weight of our destinies hung in the air, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant loomed on the horizon.

With a deep breath, I pushed aside my thoughts and closed my eyes, preparing for a night's rest. The challenges ahead were daunting, but for now, all I could do was face each day as it came and trust in my own abilities and the loyalty of my companion.

Little did I know that our journey was far from over, and the trials we would face would test not only our strengths but also our resolve, shaping us into the heroes we were fated to become. As I drifted into sleep, I steeled myself for the adventures and uncertainties that awaited us in the Land of Shadows.


(3rd person's POV)

Scathach, having overheard the conversation between the boys, couldn't help but chuckle softly as she strolled away from their room. "They are quite the lively bunch," she mused, her lips forming a brief smile before her expression reverted to its usual impassive demeanor.

Leaving the lively atmosphere behind, she stepped outside, her eyes scanning the desolate wasteland surrounding her castle. A sigh escaped her lips as she pondered the topic of marriage. "Marriage, huh," she murmured, her hand absentmindedly resting on her belly. A wistful smile tugged at her lips, but there was a hint of sorrow in her eyes. "Sorry, my dear pupil, but romance with me is just impossible. I need salvation, and only Cu can grant me that."

With a heavy heart, Scathach continued her solitary walk, her thoughts dwelling on the complex fate that entwined her, Cu, and the young men she had taken under her wing. However, just this time, she wanted to be selfish and leave this world for good.


"Ha!" I roared, swinging my weapon with determination, bisecting the skeleton undead in half. I swiftly turned and hurled my weapon like a dart, piercing through five undead in a single throw. We were engaged in practical combat, facing hordes of undead skeletons and zombies, just the two of us.

"Boss, jump!" Cu's urgent call reached my ears. Without hesitation, I leaped high into the air, evading the swarm of zombies that lunged beneath me. In that moment, Cu unleashed a spear enchanted with runes, obliterating the zombies into pieces.

Huff* Huff* I panted, the adrenaline still surging through my veins. As I caught my breath, I glanced back at the battlefield, stunned to see countless bones and flesh scattered in our wake. It was hard to believe we had successfully survived an onslaught of a hundred undead.

Yet, my greatest satisfaction came from the notifications displayed in front of me.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Level 27 -> 32]

[You have also gained 945 LCs.]

Not only had I gained levels, but I also obtained LCs, a new feature of this system. With this newfound feature, I could enhance my skills and continue growing stronger. I now wanted to grind more.

"Good job, Ferdiad." Scathach tapped my shoulder and commended my efforts. However, my confusion deepened when she went over to Cu and affectionately ruffled his hair, expressing her expectations with a smile. "Cu, keep it up. I am expecting a lot."

"What the…" I couldn't help but mutter under my breath, utterly perplexed by Scathach's contrasting treatment of us.

"I'm sorry, boss, but I also have no idea…" Cu raised his trembling arm, looking just as puzzled and apologetic.

I felt a mix of emotions—bewilderment, frustration, and even a hint of jealousy. Why was she showing him such favoritism? It didn't make sense to me, and yet, I hesitated to question Scathach openly. Perhaps Cu's rapid progress in combat warranted her praise, but deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it. Regardless, I swallowed my concerns, choosing to focus on improving my skills, determined to prove my worth and earn Scathach's acknowledgment on my own terms.


New chapter in just 15 minutes!

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