
chapter three

I woke up early in the morning as usual. He is still asleep grabbing my hand as tight as he could. He must be really afraid to be alone after the attack of fans at the backstage. I wonder Why a person would do such a horrible thing.

I try to wake him up. But he yawns and crawls to the other side of bed and sleeps again.So i feel sorry to wake him up. I carefully take my hand away from his .

I wash my face, pack up my things and get ready for the day. I put on my pink sweater, peacock blue tight pants and a grey bandana to get rid of cold weather outside. I plan about a place to take breakfast as he asked me to do the previous day.

He wakes up muttering .

" good morning "

" you too " I answer formally. He gives me a strange look with his puffy eyes. I get goosebumps inside but I try to become more formal.

" I have planned all your journey from here till mansion and got reservations for the breakfast at Dragon cafe."

" That's nice . Now you know even what kind of food I like....though It's not the part of a bodyguard. So let's not be much formal." He grins while going away to get ready.

I don't understand why he grinned at me. I have so many stuff to handle starting tomorrow. So I just forget it and pay my attention to the summary of schedules I made previous day while dining.

" Hey, we can go now. First let's take a walk in corn field and then let's go back to my place. "

He comes out of dressing room looking more elegant. Clad in a black sweater and black tight pants , he looks so perfect. I can't help staring for few seconds. And I answer quickly then.

" yes, we should. Tony will put our luggage in the car."

Tony is the black man who helped everyone in cottage to handle luggage and stuff.

We started walking out from the cottage and headed towards the corn field.

Since we entered the corn field he was acting like a high school child who got amazed in a field trip. He was wandering here and there among corn leaves, taking photos and selfies. He was smiling widely as he never did before. This behaviour surprised me as I had never seen him relaxed like this. I have seen him arrogant, patient, happy or angry, but not like this.

I watched him without interrupting and told him when time is up.

" Mr. Jung it's time to go. I have made reservations and also we have to be at the mansion before five at evening after a long drive."

" yeah....I know. But I had prefer to take a one last selfie here with you. Come here. "

He was stretching his right arm sincerely for me. I couldn't refuse that kind of sincerity. I walked towards him with a face blushing up. And I stood up next to him trying to keep my distance.

" come closer. Otherwise I will the only one getting captured."

Saying that he grabbed me from my waist closer enough to feel his breathe on my face. I could feel my heart beating at it's fastest rate. I could feel my face going red. But yet I needed to act more normal like his fans does while taking selfies with him.

" smile."

He is bossing around again still grabbing my waist. I smile and the selfie is taken. I wait for him to let go of me . But instead he pulls me closer.

" Why are you blushing?"

He asks in a whispering voice and looks in to my eyes. I feel my knees weakening and eyes widening. Next second he puts his both arms around me and hugs me tight. I feel like my heart is going to explode. My ten year crush is here hugging me tight. I wonder if this is real or a dream. We stay like that for minutes and he let go of me taking my hand in his.

" Thank you for being this much sincere to me. I won't find anyone faithful and sincere like you out there."

He speaks at last emotionally . I try to console him despite the confusion inside me.

" It's one of my duties. And also we're good friends. I pat him on his arm. He gives me a sincere warm smile in return.


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