
Fate / Lost Avian (anime multiverse)

The Megaverse is where different multiverses exist and form, along with many colorful and different stories such as heroes fighting villains to protect life or characters reincarnated from this world. Going to another world with special abilities, or life and death battles to achieve desired desires, or simply just interesting adventures, everything will still happen very normally and diversely and the universes will have nothing to do with each other...until a mysterious force appears to invade and destroy the multiverse, then MC Khanh Minh an ordinary person accidentally Caught up in this war because of a mysterious incident, he was fortunately found by MST (Multiverse Security Team), an organization that brings together characters from different multiverses whose mission is to protect the multiverse, and from there he, along with them and the Servants in the Nasuverse fought against that mysterious force.

Lotus_8171 · Komik
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49 Chs

Chapter 34: Phase 2


The sounds of metal clashing, explosions and the sound of trees being cut down continuously echoed throughout the forest where four people were fighting. Achilles, with his speed advantage, continuously attacked. Mihawk with his swipes and stabs, besides the black Berserker also supports attacks with not only regular smashes but also electricity, not only that, but also Chiron's shots from tree branches. cause trouble for him.

Mihawk was forced to use more force to knock Achilles away, and at the same time use Kenbunshoku Haki to avoid arrows that could appear at any time.

"Tsk! This guy is so sharp! It's like he knows my attacks in advance."

Chiron on the tree branch had to have difficulty hitting Mihawk and forced him to try harder to hit him next time, even though Mihawk knew clearly his location and upcoming actions. but because he was attacked by the black Berserker right after he knocked out Achilles, he still couldn't go after Chiron.

"So annoying...die!."

Faced with the interference of the black Berserker, Mihawk decided to finish her off immediately when Achilles returned after being knocked away, and because he knew in advance thanks to high-level observation Haki when Mihawk was about to cut Achilles with sword energy, The arrows appeared from behind again, causing him to use his sword to block instead of cutting Achilles and he took that opportunity to attack Mihawk from the blind spot, and was still seen through and blocked by him, without hesitation the black Berserker jumped up and tried to hit him on the head from behind, but quickly realizing the black Berserker's intentions, Mihawk jumped aside to avoid the attack, not giving him a chance to land, and both of them continued to rush forward. The attack bombarded him with Chiron's support, and like that with the coordination of all three, Mihawk had difficulty only being able to fend off and dodge the attacks.

"What's wrong with you? At first you said you were against all of us? Why are you so weak now, swordsman?"

Achilles was very energetic but attacked even harder and despised Mihawk, retaliating for the arrogance he had shown him before, and after hearing this question, he became quite difficult to mock. However, when he was about to counterattack, from behind the black Berserker approached Mihawk, holding her staff tightly, she used all her strength to swing a stick at Mihawk's body with a powerful electric current, when he was about to block the attack. Then Achilles quickly controlled him with his spear and at the same time arrows also flew towards his head, and then "BOOM" an electric explosion occurred, the surrounding trees were blown away and his face was blown away. The ground below exploded and cracked.

Smoke and dust covered the whole area and as the smoke gradually dissipated, A figure stood tall in the middle of the explosion, holding a cross-shaped sword, at his feet were Achilles, Berserker and Chiron. lying on the ground with wounds caused by Mihawk's slashes, but there was no wound on his body from the recent explosion.

"That attack just now was quite dangerous! If I hadn't used my own strength to break your hold, I would probably have been injured quite a bit! And it seems like your body is quite special, Rider red Achilles."

Achilles, who had an indestructible body, recovered and tried to stand up and look at Mihawk.

"This monster...it's unbelievable that you didn't expect that you would not only be injured, but could also perform slashes that instantly injured us like that! Just who are you?" ."

"Oh, I forgot that I never told you my identity, I am Dracule Mihawk, a swordsman and my goal here is to find people who are capable of fighting me if they are swordsmen. Good."

"You're so arrogant, Dracule Mihawk!."

"Is that so? I don't care, now that you're defeated and lying paralyzed on the ground like that, I'm no longer interested in you."

After saying that, Mihawk left but was stopped by Achilles who was trying to stand up.

"You can't go anywhere!"

Mihawk turned around and looked with his cold hawk eyes.

"Do you still want to continue fighting with me?"

"Of course...you can only leave when you kill me."

Achilles stood up, grabbed his spear, and decided to challenge Mihawk again. Behind him, Chiron also tried to stand up and try to dissuade the student from staying.

"Don't Achilles! You can't defeat him right now!."

"Teacher, don't look down on me like that! Because now I will fight him with all my strength! In the name of father, mother and friends, I challenge you to Dracule Mihawk!."

"Okay! I accept your challenge, come here."

Then he rushed to attack and Mihawk also rushed to attack, the battle between the two took place even more intensely than 3 vs 1, the weapons on both sides continuously created sparks like fireworks exploding in the sky. In the middle of the forest, the level of destruction caused by the two's fight caused the forest to be seriously destroyed. The ground was plowed and the trees were cut down by slashes, and in the fight Achilles used a spear. Mihawk's sword was constantly attacking, wanting to break or at least knock away Mihawk's sword, but every attack was blocked, so when he swung at Mihawk, even though he tried to block it, he was still hit. flying through the treetops vomiting blood.

Then Achilles used his spear to stab it into the ground to prevent it from being thrown out again. When he regained his posture, Mihawk was nowhere to be seen. Looking up, he saw that Mihawk had jumped up and stabbed his sword straight down, even though he just reshaped his perspective and posture, Surprised, but he quickly moved aside so he escaped being punctured by Mihawk, then immediately took advantage of the loophole and kicked Mihawk with all his strength even though he used his sword to block it, causing him to be beaten. flew up into the sky and at the same time he summoned his chariot to climb up there and aimed straight at Mihawk, continuing to push him higher and further, making him somewhat surprised and praised.

"Interesting! As expected of the Trojan hero Achilles!."

"Thank you for your compliment Dracule Mihawk! But right now I will finish you off with all my power."

Achilles controlled his chariot horse and kicked Mihawk far away from the forest, right on the main battlefield, with his chariot constantly running towards him.

Mihawk, who had covered his stomach with Busoshoku Haki after being kicked by the steed Achilles, looked straight at Achilles and smiled.

"Achilles, I recognize you as a strong and brave warrior, so I will now unleash this sword strike as a reward for your attack."

"Is that so!? If so, then I'll be willing! Because right now my chariot will roll over you like a shooting star and you won't be able to stop it Dracule Mihawk! Activate the noble phantasm Troias Tragoidia! !."

The golden light radiated stronger than before, covering both the chariot and Achilles, then launched at an extremely high speed like a shooting star and Mihawk also took a stance to use Busoshoku Haki on his sword and part of his body and slashed, and then in the middle of the night sky an explosion sounded followed by a beam of light that spread throughout the sky, and those below could see:

"That light is???"

Khanh Minh's group at the edge of the forest saw that light.

"Hey Master maybe he has appeared already."

"Why do you know?"

Khanh Minh suddenly looked at Artoria and asked how she knew, and she also replied that.

"Because I felt a burst of power in that explosion and the slash right after it, it was exactly like him."

"If you say so, then maybe we should join the fight too! Right, Master?"

Behind Jeanne became excited and turned to look at Khanh Minh, and he thought for a while before making a decision.

"Okay! Now it's time for us to attack, come on!."

Then the three of them went straight to the place where the explosion occurred, and in the fortress Red Assassin saw through his magic.

"An explosion? If that's a Noble Phantasm, could it be...!."

She quickly used magic to see more clearly and then her eyes turned to surprise, in the forest of Chiron looking in the direction where the explosion occurred.

"Achilles...so you've lost."

And at that place, after the recent attack, Achilles was cut in half, and his precious weapon was cut to pieces with just one slash from Mihawk. Although he was also injured, it was only a superficial wound from just before. When Achilles's precious weapon approached, he launched a strong sword blow that destroyed Achilles, after which his whole body was divided in half even though his body could recover as long as his heel was not damaged. injured, but because the damage was too great and was cut in half by the bottle, his whole body could no longer recover but was falling freely, and because he still had a little bit of consciousness, Achilles looked at Mihawk and saw that he was not injured. Whatever he loves, he can only watch and complain.

"You're really strong, Dracule Mihawk! If he was in the same era as me, not only would he have been a great warrior and be remembered in history, but he would have also been noticed by the gods, and if anything Next time I won't lose like this again."

Then his whole body gradually dissolved into particles of cold light and disappeared, and Mihawk also praised Achilles again.

"You are truly a quite strong warrior! If I received all the damage and power of that noble weapon without Haki, I could be killed, but unfortunately you are not good enough yet. ..and now."

Down on the battlefield, the red and black Lancers looked up at the sky and were surprised by the defeat of the red Rider. After the explosion just now, they temporarily did not bother attacking each other.

"Unexpectedly, Rider was red and killed!."

The red Lancer looked up and watched Achilles' body slowly disappear into nothingness.

"Hahaha! So I'm really happy that someone as shy as the Red Rider was defeated. I don't know who did it but thank you."

And on the other side, black Lacer smiled widely at an opponent. Red Lancer turned down to look at black Lancer who was smiling happily.

"Even though it's a bit sad that the Red Rider was defeated, I won't give up on your black team!"

"Oh! That's a lot of spirit, but with us having an advantage and me being on the home field, you won't be able to win when you're fighting!"

"I don't think so."



Just as the two were about to once again fight each other, there was a sound and a broken ground appeared right near them, they both turned to see Mihawk had landed, and the two immediately stopping to look at him with surprise, with his sense of sight, the red Lancer sensed the aura of a strong man emanating from Mihawk, and wanted to know his identity.

"Who are you?."

"I am Dracule Mihawk, a swordsman."

Mihawk as usual announced his name to his opponent and the red Lancer, after knowing the name, did not expect that there was no one in history with this name, so it was quite a surprise, but on the other side, the black Lancer recognized something.

"Dracule Mihawk...it can't be that you are the one Acher said! That swordsman with incredible power and the fact that you landed from the sky, perhaps you are the one who defeated the Red Rider?."

Hearing this name, Black Lancer immediately recognized that this was the person Chiron and his Master warned him about, and also knew that the person who killed Achilles from the sky was him when he saw him from above. landing.

"That's right! So what?"

"Nothing just wanted to thank you for defeating the Red Rider, but with you participating in this war you will be my enemy, but if you will follow me then I will not treat you badly." talented people..."

"I refuse."

Black Lancer was not too surprised by that answer but just sighed and said.

"In that case, you will be an enemy of the Yggdmilennia family."

"I don't care, I came here because I wanted to find someone strong to fight."

"Is that so? You have a strong aura!."

While black Lancer was talking to Mihawk, red Lancer also joined the conversation.

"If you also participate in this great holy grail war, then whoever you are and the entire Yggdmilennia family, I will defeat them all and claim the great holy grail for my Master."

"So this will be a war of three forces? This is interesting! But I am the one who will win for me and the entire Yggdmilennia family!."

"And I want to test how strong you guys are?"

And in the center of the whole battlefield, there are three people representing the three forces that will prepare to fight a battle with each other, and currently elsewhere Khanh Minh's group is approaching the center of the battlefield, and Saber Red and his Master were driving at high speed to get there, and Akumasa accidentally meet Ruler.

"I can't believe we accidentally ran into each other like that Ruler!."

"You are...the Servant summoned in Fuyuki, Class Ruler Akumasa Shirou Tokisada."

"That's right! And you're here not only to monitor the battle but also for what I'm about to do, and that's why you put on your armor and came here to stop me, right..."

"Get out of the way Akumasa Shirou Tokisada."

Before Akumasa could finish speaking, Ruler said "stay away" from him. That sentence made him quite shocked why she would say that, when what he was about to do could be wrong and he would be reprimanded. card.

"Why did you tell me to stay away?"

"Because I don't have time to stay here and listen to you talk. I have something more important to do."

"What's more important! What is that?"

"You don't need to know, there's someone you have to meet again and need to deal with, so please step aside for me."

Faced with her spirit, Akumasa stepped aside to let Ruler continue toward the battlefield, while he just stood there thinking about what had happened.

To Be Continued.