
Fate / Lost Avian (anime multiverse)

The Megaverse is where different multiverses exist and form, along with many colorful and different stories such as heroes fighting villains to protect life or characters reincarnated from this world. Going to another world with special abilities, or life and death battles to achieve desired desires, or simply just interesting adventures, everything will still happen very normally and diversely and the universes will have nothing to do with each other...until a mysterious force appears to invade and destroy the multiverse, then MC Khanh Minh an ordinary person accidentally Caught up in this war because of a mysterious incident, he was fortunately found by MST (Multiverse Security Team), an organization that brings together characters from different multiverses whose mission is to protect the multiverse, and from there he, along with them and the Servants in the Nasuverse fought against that mysterious force.

Lotus_8171 · Komik
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49 Chs

Chapter 32: Red and black

In Trifas town all three of us had returned from the war, even though our bodies were injured but not too seriously, Jeanne and I were currently sitting across from Artoria, mainly Jeanne was curious. wondering why the red Saber called her father, then she explained it to the two of us, but only Jeanne and I knew it for a long time.

"I didn't expect it! From the moment you danced with that Fujimaru kid, I already suspected it. Now that I know it, it's a disease! You really have strange taste!"

"You shut up, you fierce woman, that's not what I want, it's just an accident."



Artoria became harsh with Jeanne and made fun of her, and I had to step in and reconcile both sides, so that things wouldn't go too far.

"That's okay! Now you two shouldn't argue because these things are okay? You should both stop arguing with each other and go rest so you have enough energy for tonight's battle, OK Right?."

"Okay! Then I'll go to sleep even though we Servants don't need to sleep."

"Me too."

Then they both went to bed, but I didn't go to bed with them but went to the bathroom to think.

"Fortunately, Artoria's case is quite easy to explain and solve, but it seems like they listen to me more, right? When I speak, they stop arguing and go to sleep more easily than before, but Leaving aside that case, Jeanne's case is complicated! It won't be as easy to solve as Artoria's, so I must not let her meet Ruler or else there will be big trouble."

I looked down at the bracelet and pressed it, then I stared at the help button, I was about to ask someone to assist in the fight, but decided it was too early to call for their help, so I didn't press the button.

"But if I encounter a dangerous situation, I won't hesitate to call them."

After saying that, I went out of the bathroom and went to sleep to regain my strength for tomorrow night's fight. Early in the morning, in the cemetery under a basement, the red Saber was bandaging the wound of Shishigou, who was currently lying on the mattress, Fortunately, last night he hid in the house in time to prevent further bleeding.

"Thank you, Saber."

"Nothing...don't bother."

Her tone was low and absent-minded as she spoke, Shishigou also knew why she became like that, and how that person appeared with those two mysterious people! Making him even more suspicious about this war, right from the beginning he saw that this war was hiding something that was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, the uprising of Yggdmilennia with the magician association, afraid was the appearance of Dracule Mihawk and that mysterious Master along with those two Servants, as for the red Saber, she was immersed in her thoughts.

"Why are you here?? All the Servants of the war have been summoned and those two too! Who are they? That guy in red and white armor is definitely not a Servant, is it possible? Father's Master? What is the meaning of this?"

The more she thought, the more she didn't understand, then she suddenly remembered Artoria's words, she decided that tonight she would fight not only for the holy grail but for her father's answer, she turned to look at her Master. I then asked him.

"Hey Master, we're going to participate in the battle tonight. If you can't go, you can stay here and rest to recover. I'll go alone."

He thought for a moment and then made a decision.

"It's okay! I can still go, you don't have to worry about me. If you want to go, I'll go with you because I also need to go there to get the holy grail, and you go see your father."

Red Saber

"Okay! But remember to be careful, even though your wound is no longer dangerous, I can't predict what will happen."

"Don't worry, Saber, I won't die that easily."

"Okay then! That's what my Master contains! Now I should rest and then we'll act at night."

At the black team's castle, both Black Master Acher and Black Berserker are recuperating on the bed with bandages from last night. Currently, only Fiore has woken up next to him and Black Acher is still sleeping. care for both.

"Master, are you awake?"

She looked around and saw that her younger brother was fine and not too seriously injured, then she turned back to ask Black Acher.

"Acher...how's everything? About last night, how's everything?"

Fiore asked him last night when she was unconscious, and he just sighed and told him everything that happened last night. When she finished listening, she could only stay silent and exclaim.

"So that's it! That Dracule Mihawk guy, is he that strong? Even with Saber and the Master and those two mysterious Servants, this....is really troublesome."

"Don't worry too much, Master, I'm sure we'll be able to defeat them and the Red Team, so just rest so we can join the battle tonight."

"No, I have to report to Mr. Darnic before that! Otherwise, the third force, Dracule Mihawk, will definitely be a danger to us..."

She tried to sit up but was still not fully recovered so she accidentally slid her hand down. Black Acher quickly caught her.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, can you take me to see  you?."

"If that's what you want."

Acher took her up to get off the wheelchair and led her out, leaving her still unconscious in the room, while in a large water park there was a small old European-style manor house, connected by a tiled road with two people in it, a woman with long elf-like ears and long black hair and a white black dress with gold trim, the part around her neck decorated with dragons with the same blood as her dress was sitting. and on her lap was sleeping Akumasa who suddenly opened his eyes.

"Are you awake Master?"

When he found himself lying on Red Assassin's lap, he quickly sat up and spoke to her.

"What if someone else sees it?"

"Who cares? I can only do one thing as a Servant, so why be dissatisfied?!"

"Because it makes me catch a tiger."

Hearing that, she got even angrier and said, "Huh!" An hour later, Akumasa stood up from the stone bench, turned back to Assasin and smiled brightly.

"But...thank you."

After she silently listened to his thanks, her heart immediately softened and smiled.

"Let's accept it...but forget it, it's time."

"Yes, let's go."

Let's change scene, let's go to the black team's castle, currently the Master of the black Acher is telling the incident last night to the black Lancer and his Master, Darnic, the leader of the Yggdmilennia family, after hearing the whole story. Black Lancer also understood the problem.

"Tonight? So tonight it's definitely not just Dracule Mihawk, there will be a red team as well."

"Do you have a position?"

Standing next to the red Lacer, Darnic looked surprised by that, and Fiore, she partly guessed when she heard Mihawk say that.

"Sure! Because based on the reports I've collected, it's understandable that the red team already has their actions... tonight will be very exciting."

Black Lancer sipped his glass of wine and talked to the two of them, Fiore was restless and asked me about how to handle Mihawk and Khanh Minh's group.

"So now what will we do with Mihawk and the Master and those two mysterious Servants?"

"No need to worry! Tonight will be the main party that all factions will have to attend and they are no exception, but we should take advantage of them to help defeat the red team, after all they only have When the 4 of them appear, if we fight normally, we will still win."

"Then I'll go get ready."

After hearing this, Darnic immediately understood and immediately went to prepare for the battle tonight, and let's return to the red team, they are gathered in a room in a castle, and in the middle of the room. Red Assasin was sitting on his throne, next to him was Akumasa and below were the remaining red team Servants except Saber, and Akumasa, after seeing that the person who had just entered was Red Lancer, he proceeded to speak.

"Okay! I've been waiting for you all for a long time...even though I'm missing one more person, I'll explain..."

"Oh, black as hell."

A voice interrupted Akumasa's words from the door, causing everyone to look at the voice.

"I pray that light will shine on your dark world."

None other than Red Caster, he walked and said a sentence to refer to the people here, Assasin seemed not to care and responded to that sentence.

"Do you think we are like that?"

"Who else is here? Queen of Assyria."

"Caster! Don't forget that you are foolishly fighting for the holy grail?"

"Of course, the reason we are gathered here is to prepare for what must be a splendid ceremony."

The remaining heroic spirits immediately turned serious and looked towards him, and he continued to say rather grandiose words.

"Heroes brutally kill each other, to win the thing called glory, I Caster will watch the battle without taking my eyes off."

"Aren't you going to fight, Caster?"

Assassin put his hands on his face and asked him, threatening not to participate in the war.

"Actually, I'm not good at fighting or using magic, lord! You gave us humans some shortcomings... do you understand? I never write about myself, I just write about other people, only embellishing their talents, other than that I don't want to write anything else and...I want to witness the "end" of this battle! No, that's how it is! Happiness and unhappiness , it will be the truest despair, observing your story until the end is my mission!!

"Okay, everyone is packed! It's time to start our preparations, after all it's a battle, we have to show off a bit...right?"

"Your preparation is to build a self-locking castle?"

The red Rider who had been lying on the ground had been mocking the red Assassin's show off all along, she was not angry and even smiled in response.

"Lock yourself up? Rider seems like you're misunderstanding the problem."


There was a shaking, outside the red team's castle slowly rose up and separated from the ground and it was called the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the Servants ran out to see and saw the entire fortress flying in the sky.

"Hey hey...who are you kidding?"

Rider blushed when he criticized this place and was surprised and couldn't believe it, while Assassin looked arrogant at this scene.

"Surprised, right? My Noble Phantasm is Hagiung Gardens Of Babylon! This castle not only protects us but is also a fortress in the sky."

"I understand! We will use the castle to attack."

"How wonderful!."

Not only the red Rider but also the red Lancer became surprised, and Akumasa came out from inside.

"At this speed, it's only a matter of time before we reach the distance that the defenders in Millennia can see...let's prepare for battle."

In the town of Trifas, Ruler was in her room. She sensed the red team's flying fortress moving towards the black team's castle.

"So the all-out war has already taken place? As a Ruler I have to go there and observe the battle."

When she was about to leave, she immediately remembered Khanh Minh's words, "This war is not as simple as you think", making her stand still and think.

"What did he mean by what he said?...if not now, I have to go to the battlefield as quickly as possible so I can be sure he will be there."

Ruler didn't think much of it so she left her inn, jumped over the rooftops and went to the battlefield. At a cemetery there was a car parked nearby, there was a girl kiting a wounded man. and armless into the car.

"Okay! Master, remember to be careful and hide carefully!"

"Yeah! I know, I won't bother you Saber."

"Okay then...let's go!"

The red Saber drove straight towards the upcoming battlefield, and at the place where the battle would take place, the red team's flying fortress had already reached the boundary of the Yggdmilennia acceleration castle area, and at the same time they were also spreading down to the grass. All sorts of strange things that when falling form a strange skeleton monster, and inside the castle the black team saw and witnessed it all.

"So they've come...the red team! Do they still coordinate with that flying castle and dare to release all the unclean things that have fallen on our territory?"

All the Servants of the black team have gathered except for the black Saber who gave his heart to Sieg, now both the red and black sides are looking at each other, both sides are smiling.

"All troops listen to orders! Attack!!."

The two leaders shouted in unison with their weapons, the black team and the red team both jumped down from their castles along with the following troops such as Homoculus and the Sceletons, starting the battle, with While in his room, after many days of thinking, Sieg decided to go to the place where he was born, which was the black team's castle, and where his friends were the remaining Homoculus. being there.

"I have to go, not only for myself but also for the other Homoculus! Those people who are currently without freedom, I have to help them!."

He stood up and put on the sword the Black Rider gave him. He walked out of the room and went down the stairs and saw Anos watching a movie. Hearing the commotion, he turned around and saw him.

"Where are you going, Sieg?"

"Thank you for helping me! Now I have decided to go on my own path."

"Is that so? Good, remember to be healthy! And if it's fate, so goodbye."

"Um! Thank you, goodbye!"

Then he left to fulfill his wish, without noticing him smiling evilly behind him. He returned to the battlefield. The battle had begun between the red and black teams and there were Three figures were silently observing the battle from afar.

"So the war has begun."

"Yes, Master."

In the forest, Khanh Minh's group observed everything with their binoculars.

"So what will we do, Master?"

Artoria was on her dragon motorbike waiting for further instructions with me.

"In a little while we will join the war. If we send in such large numbers, we will be at a disadvantage. The worst thing is that right now our job is not to win the war but to prevent it." Mihawk."

"Then I understand! But when the red Saber appears, I will fight her."

"Yes, just do it."

"And I'm already anxious! But since you're my Master, I'll still be here waiting for your orders."

Jeanne, she was more fierce and rushed out to fight, but it seems like today she has become more mature and is not in a hurry to rush out to fight, while I still have to sit here and observe the battle, at the same time. In the sky there was a ship decorated with candles with green flames surrounding it, and a sail shaped like a cross, and the person sitting on it was none other than Mihawk.

"Things are interesting! Now I should join in, there will be strong people who will cross swords with me."

To Be Continued.