
Fate / Lost Avian (anime multiverse)

The Megaverse is where different multiverses exist and form, along with many colorful and different stories such as heroes fighting villains to protect life or characters reincarnated from this world. Going to another world with special abilities, or life and death battles to achieve desired desires, or simply just interesting adventures, everything will still happen very normally and diversely and the universes will have nothing to do with each other...until a mysterious force appears to invade and destroy the multiverse, then MC Khanh Minh an ordinary person accidentally Caught up in this war because of a mysterious incident, he was fortunately found by MST (Multiverse Security Team), an organization that brings together characters from different multiverses whose mission is to protect the multiverse, and from there he, along with them and the Servants in the Nasuverse fought against that mysterious force.

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49 Chs

Chapter 10: League

At the traditional Japanese house style house where Emiya Shirou lived and where their group gathered to talk and discuss plans, Shirou and Rin were now facing Caster.

"Why are you here Caster!?."

The one who asked the question was Rin when she saw Caster appear from behind the two.

At Rin Caster's question, he smiled evilly and answered.

"Why am I here? I simply came here to get the little grail."

Upon hearing that, Shirou shouted angrily.

"What! Don't expect me to give you Ilya!"

"Oh so let's see if you can stop us?"

Caster confidently spoke with a defiant tone, and from behind Lancer suddenly appeared and pointed his spear at the two.

"If you don't want to die, you two will obediently hand over the little holy grail."

"You think you can threaten us?"

Rin said as she asked in tears.

"Of course, just the two of you shy away will be killed by my spear."

Lancer then let the spear move closer to Rin, while Rin whispered "Go up Acher."

As soon as the sentence ended, a series of arrows flew towards Lancer and Caster, causing them to dodge the arrows, and from within Saber's house also appeared and protected Shirou and Rin.

"Are you two okay?"

Saber asked while taking a defensive stance against Caster and Lancer.

"It's okay, but with the situation, it's not very good."

Shirou replied to Saber's words with a worried tone.

"TKS, it's that Acher, the speaker is Lancer,"

I advise you to leave quickly, for you will not be able to achieve your goal, and that is a warning."

Acher said as he pointed his arrows at Caster and Lancer.

"I don't think so, go up Berserker!."

Caster shouted loudly to call Berserker, when he saw the signal Berserker rushed to attack Acher, but Acher quickly dodged the attack and counterattacked.

"Damn this bastard".

At the same time, Lancer rushes to attack Saber with Caster's support, which makes it difficult for Saber to block Lancer's attack despite Rin and Shirou's support.

"Is that all you guys? It's disappointing, if you don't hand over the little holy grail, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Lancer attacked while talking to Shirou's group who were struggling to block,

"Trace On."

Shirou kept swinging his blades to parry Lancer's attacks, "You bastard-."

While Rin was gathering Mana into her gem to throw it at Lancer, Caster stopped her with a beam of energy, shooting straight at the gem.

"You think you can go against us? How naive!."

Just like that, Shirou's group was defeated by Berserker, Caster, and Lancer and everyone was severely injured and lying motionless, though still conscious, and Caster walked over to Rin and Shirou.

"I told you there's no way you can beat us, so quickly and obediently hand over the little grail."

"NO!!." Shirou, Saber and Rin all said in unison.

"Okay, okay, Lancer kill them."

"Goodbye then."

Just as Lancer was about to stab the three of them with his spear, two voices spoke from inside the house.

"Enough if you want us, then come over and catch me."

"Me too! But on the condition that you don't harm them!"

Both Ilya and Sakura spoke up, and when they saw their goals, Caster happily spoke up.

"Okay, we promise we won't harm them, so now you two follow me."

"Don't Sakura, Ilya!!"

when Shirou was telling them not to, but Sakura, Ilya smiled and said goodbye.

"Don't worry about us, just stay here."

"Are not!!."

And they were taken away, leaving everyone severely injured, a moment later Shirou's group got up and went inside the healing house.

"Damn it! They're so strong, if I had enough power the two of them..."

"Shirou I can understand how you feel, but right now we're at a loss in numbers and strength."

Saber tries to advise Shirou not to act foolishly, and Rin adds more to bolster his conviction.

"So we have to have a clear strategy to save the two of them, and defeat them."

"But how do we know how to defeat them? They are not only strong, but numerous."

Shirou's constant questioning caused Rin and Saber to be confused as well since they were still not fully recovered, and how to defeat them, at the same time Acher spoke up from the outside.

"Hey everyone, there are 2 Servants coming to your door."

"2 Servants? Don't say him!."

"He? Couldn't he have come here to cause trouble!?"

"I don't know either, but let's go out there and see what he's here for."

Rin then reassured Shirou and went with the others to the front gate and opened the door.

"Oh, the door is open!"

The one who spoke was Jeanne, followed by Artoria.

"Our master has something to tell you."

"Something to say! Why?."

Rin asked curiously, and from the left side of the school I walked over and said.

"Then let's go inside and I'll explain."

"Okay, come in."

After my words, everyone entered the house except for Acher who took care of the guard.

"Okay, now I get to the main point, what is your reason for coming here?".

"The reason we're here is to cooperate."

"Cooperation! Why?."

The three Shirou, Rin and Saber said in unison, with the three of them full of wonder and surprise I explained the reason.

"Actually, it's not too much of a conspiracy, the reason I cooperated with you was to destroy the holy grail and destroy their Servants and Masters."

Hearing the word destroy the holy grail, Rin immediately frowned and asked.

"Why do you want to destroy the holy grail?"

"The reason? How should I put it...do you know what the black mud that attacked us last night? And the case 10 years ago as well."

When I talked about the incident 10 years ago, Shirou didn't understand and asked me right away.

"Do you know the real reason?"

"That's right, that black mud is the thing that caused the disaster 10 years ago, also known as the demon Angra Manyu that brought disaster to humans."

Rin and Shirou both had a better understanding of the incident, but Rin had a question and asked me.

"But how did you know and the fact that you know Sakura is a member of Tousaka's family? And the reason why you broke into the hill school to kill Sakura before."

"What Sakura is a member of the Tousaka family!."

"...Yes that's right, and also my little sister."

Rin admits that Sakura is her sister.


While Shirou was still surprised, I spoke up.

"As for why I entered the school to attack Sakura, it's not about killing her, but about what's inside."

"What resides inside?"

Shirou asked curiously.

"It's Angra Manyu."


When I talked about Sakura being suffering from Angra Manyu, both of them panicked at that statement.

"Matou Zouken took a part of the broken holy grail and put it on Tousaka Sakura, and it is slowly corroding her brother just to serve him, for 10 years Tousaka Sakura has to endure this because of both the damaged part and the Matou family. , along with the disappearance of the people in this city."

"That's unbelievable!...that old man Matou Zouken

...to dare to do that Sakura, it's unforgivable."

Rin clenches her teeth with a surge of fury, making Shirou and I break out in cold sweats without words.

"Anyway, how I know about these things is because I found out, and the same reason I shot Sakura was to let that bullet stop it but was stopped by you."

"I Am!?."

Shirou was surprised by my earlier action of shooting Sakura, and pointedly pointed at him curiously.

"And I don't blame you, if I were you I would, but right now we don't have to say that everyone is in danger."

Shirou and Rin became more serious when they heard what I said, and Shirou who had the ideal of a hero of justice.

"So if that thing called Angra Manyu is released, Sakura's life in all of Fuyuki Street will be in danger?"

"It's not just the city of Fuyuki that stops hurting, but the whole world, even the clock tower, can't stop it."

"The clock tower can't be stopped! It's true, with their potential they can stop it even if it's a bit difficult."

Rin was the one who yelled at my statement, but I also partly agreed that they could stop it, but in my heart I was telling that there was a more worthy force behind this incident. after a while, and I also wonder what Paradox is really doing and what power it is.

"They might be able to resist, but I have both the experience and the inference that it's not just the demon Angra Manyu, but something even more terrifying lurking out of the shadows."

"You're also right."

"Oh, don't tell this to the clock tower."

For a moment I felt that if the clock tower, Aslat, knew, something bad would happen, so I spoke cautiously and Rin asked curiously.

"Why not?."

"I have a bad feeling, and if they find out it'll be in big trouble so we'd better deal with it ourselves."

"Are you sure? About not asking for their help?"


"Then why did they arrest Ilya?"

Shirou asked about Ilya who had not yet been mentioned, his expression filled with worry and wonder no less than about Sakura's case.

"I think it's because Ilya is the minor grail to complete the ritual, that's why they took Sakura with them."


I saw his face darken after hearing about the situation and the reason for both of them being arrested, he also made me calm down and in order to take care of myself, I decided to act stupid now.

"And now we should prepare the tools to deal with them too, otherwise it will make things worse!."

At the same time I also thought about the image of the clock tower and why I see it.

"This unsettled feeling, why do I feel so insecure? It's like the whole world is about to come to an end! Paradox are you sure Angra Manyu is a real threat?"

While I was lost in thought, at the same time, outside in the hallway Artoria and Jeanne  were waiting, when Saber went to ask Artoria why she looked more like her after the castle incident. .

"Hey, are you really me?"

Artoria heard Saber's question at the same time she asked it, and Artoria answered.

"It might be so, if you know better then ask my Master, I'm sure he knows."

"Um...so that means there are two kings of the round table right now? It's absurd, but now that it's like that, I'll just have to accept it."

"It's up to you."

While the two were talking, Jeanne looked in.

"Well, it's interesting to see you talking awkwardly like this."

"What did you say?."

Both Artoria cast their sharp glances at Jeanne making her shiver and silence, as the atmosphere outside in the hallway was growing tense when Acher jumped down to the three girls from the roof.

"Wow, it's a bit stressful here, isn't it? Need my help?"

"None of your business! go away!"

All three girls sent Acher to work in unison, making him shut up and obeyed, standing alone near the warehouse while the three girls looked at each other in silence, and after a while we went out and announced the establishment. League.

"Okay everyone we have formed an alliance to defeat those who attacked us in this war."

"Formed an alliance! Now it's time to get revenge on those people."

The one who was speaking energetically and with battle blood was Jeanne, followed by Artoria.

"According to your will."

"Shirou are we really going to ally with them?."

"Yeah, even though we've been at odds before, but I don't think he's a very bad person."

"Is that so! Then I'll do what you and Rin say."

Although Saber was a bit tempted at first, but still obeyed Shirou and Rin, Acher who was kicked out of the warehouse overheard and came to ask Rin.

"Are you sure there's a Master? I don't think this scumbag is good for me."


I forced myself to respond to Acher's jokes and words, Rin who saw her Servant arguing with another Master also hesitated and said.

"It's fine, but before that we have to come here to prepare for the coming counterattack."

To Be Continued.