
Fate/Hazbin: Charlemagne of Hazbin Hotel

Huh, Who knew this will, happen After deleting my self from the throne of heros, I will get a seacond chance, so Charlemagne was reborn as Charlomaine the prince of hell, what suprise will live with it, I gonna make everyone happy in hell, SO yeah a Hazbin Hotel and Fate fanfic probably the first one as well MC Charlomaine Ship: Charlomaine X Harem Anway, this fanfic is something I wanted to do for a while, sense I have free time I will do them, also why is there no Charlomaine fanfic give my boy some love, Anyway this is my own fanfic, anyway hope people like this, also fonf worry my other fanfic are still going on

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Komik
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65 Chs


As the digital world of SE.RA.PH dissolved around him, Charlomaine felt a sense of liberation wash over him. For centuries, he had been bound to the Throne of Heroes, a mere shadow of his former self, summoned time and time again to fight in endless battles. But now, he had made a choice – to sever his ties with the throne and seek a new path.

With a final, resolute gesture, Charlomaine deleted himself from the Throne of Heroes, bidding farewell to the countless heroes and legends that resided there. It was a decision born out of weariness and disillusionment, but also a glimmer of hope for something more.

As he faded into the void, Charlomaine felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if he was being pulled, drawn towards a new existence beyond the confines of SE.RA.PH. And then, in a flash of light, he found himself reborn.

Where am I. Charlomaine said looking around in a void. What is this place.

As then he saw something a dragon, no maybe a god, as it looks at him.

How interesting. The dragon said looking at him. This is new

Charlomaine's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the majestic creature before him. It was unlike anything he had ever encountered, a being of immense power and presence that seemed to radiate with a primal energy.

"What is this place?" Charlomaine asked, his voice echoing in the void.

The dragon regarded him with a curious expression, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. "This is the Void, a realm beyond the confines of time and space," it replied in a voice that rumbled like thunder. "And you, Charlomaine, have been reborn here, freed from the chains of destiny."

Charlomaine's mind raced with questions, but before he could speak, the dragon continued.

"I am but a humble guardian of this realm, tasked with guiding lost souls like yourself," the dragon explained. "But it seems fate has other plans for you, Charlomaine. A new path awaits, one fraught with challenges and opportunities."

As then a rainbow colour as, Charlomaine say many worlds name as the dragon just looked at him.

The dragon smirked mischievously as Charlomaine approached the spinning wheel. "Let's start," it said, its voice dripping with amusement.

Charlomaine eyed the wheel warily, uncertain of what awaited him in this new world. With a deep breath, he reached out and gave the wheel a mighty spin. It whirled around with a mesmerizing hum, the words on each segment blurring together in a dizzying display.

As the wheel slowed to a stop, Charlomaine's brow furrowed in confusion as he read the word that the arrow pointed to:


The dragon chuckled softly at Charlomaine's perplexed expression. "Hazbin Hotel," it said, its tone tinged with amusement. "A peculiar destination, wouldn't you agree?"

Charlomaine shook his head, his mind reeling with questions. "I do not understand," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "What is Hazbin Hotel? And why have you sent me there?"

The dragon's laughter grew louder, echoing through the void. "Ah, Charlomaine, some questions are best left unanswered," it replied cryptically. "But fear not, for I am certain that your journey to Hazbin Hotel will be an... enlightening experience."

With a wave of its clawed hand, the dragon gestured towards a swirling vortex that had materialized before them. "Step forth, Charlomaine," it said. "Your destiny awaits."

Anway. The dragon said as two more rainbow wheel felt down. Spin this one first this originally mean how much information of the world you keep, but sense you a unique case this will be how much Information you will get, you get 100% of the information of even 1%

Charlomaine regarded the two additional rainbow wheels with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. He understood the significance of the decision before him – the amount of information he would receive about the world he was about to enter could greatly impact his journey.

With a sense of resolve, Charlomaine reached out and spun the first rainbow wheel. It shimmered and whirled, each color blending into the next in a dazzling display. As it slowed to a stop, Charlomaine watched intently as the arrow landed on a single point:


A sense of unease settled over Charlomaine as he realized that he would only be granted a fraction of the knowledge about Hazbin Hotel. He knew that navigating this unfamiliar world would be challenging with limited information, but he was determined to make the most of what he had.

With a deep breath, Charlomaine turned his attention to the second rainbow wheel. This wheel would determine his level of power and abilities in Hazbin Hotel. With a flick of his wrist, he set it spinning, the colors blending together in a mesmerizing whirl.

As the wheel came to a stop, Charlomaine's eyes widened in astonishment as he read the result:


A flicker of relief washed over Charlomaine as he realized that despite his limited knowledge, he would possess formidable power and abilities in this new world.

With a newfound sense of determination, Charlomaine turned to the dragon, his resolve unwavering. "I may not know much about Hazbin Hotel," he said, his voice steady, "but I will do everything in my power to make a difference in this world."

The dragon nodded in approval, its eyes gleaming with anticipation. "So be it, Charlomaine," it said. "Step forth, and may your journey be filled with discovery and triumph."

And with that, Charlomaine took a deep breath and stepped through the swirling portal, ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited him in the chaotic world of Hazbin Hotel.

Now the second wheel. The dragon said spinn it. Spinn it.

As Charlomaine spinned as it did, after a while it stopped and word system

Ahahahahhahah. the dragon Lapped. Good luck with that, good luck player.

Charlomaine's eyes widened in surprise as he read the word "System" on the second rainbow wheel. He furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of what the dragon had just revealed.

"A system?" Charlomaine repeated, his voice tinged with confusion. "What does that mean?"

The dragon chuckled softly, its amusement evident. "In this world, Charlomaine, things operate much like a video game," it explained. "There are rules and mechanics that govern the way things work, and you will find yourself bound by these rules as you navigate Hazbin Hotel."

Understanding dawned on Charlomaine as he processed the dragon's words. So this world was not governed by traditional laws of physics and nature, but by a set of game-like mechanics instead. It was a concept that both intrigued and concerned him, knowing that he would have to adapt quickly to this new reality.

"Good luck with that," the dragon said with a smirk, its eyes sparkling with mischief. "You'll need it, player."

Charlomaine's resolve hardened at the dragon's words. Whatever challenges awaited him in this game-like world, he would face them head-on with determination and grit.

"Thank you," Charlomaine replied, his voice steady with resolve. "I will do whatever it takes to succeed in this game and make a difference in Hazbin Hotel."

With a nod of approval, the dragon gestured towards the swirling portal that lay before them. "Then step forth, Charlomaine," it said. "Your adventure awaits."

And with that, Charlomaine took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, ready to embark on his journey in the chaotic world of Hazbin Hotel.

Charlomaine did as he was told, so the first was sure he was being born, and it was something, he kept all the memories of his past, slowly months passed and he was finally pushed out, he didn't knew where he was what he was, he knew some basics information of their world, like sinner, the angel that comes to kill them and some more, like key player, like Alastor, Vox and Many other over lords, as he grabbed.

Congratulations. A voice came. You lords it is a prince.

The figures was goat demon, as he was looking at the queen and king of hell Lilith and Lucifer.

As Charlomaine lay swaddled in his mother Lilith's arms, he blinked up at the figures before him with wide, curious eyes. Lilith and Lucifer, the queen and king of Hell, regarded their newborn son with a mixture of awe and pride, marveling at the tiny bundle of joy that had entered their lives.

"He's perfect," Lilith murmured, her voice filled with maternal affection as she cradled Charlomaine close to her chest. "Our little prince."

Lucifer nodded in agreement, his gaze softening as he reached out to gently stroke Charlomaine's cheek. "Indeed," he rumbled, his voice tinged with fatherly pride. "He will grow up to be a great ruler, just like his parents."

Charlomaine squirmed in Lilith's arms, his tiny fingers grasping at the air as he let out a soft coo. It was a moment of pure bliss for his parents, a fleeting glimpse of the future that lay ahead for their beloved son.

"We will raise him with love and care," Lilith vowed, her eyes shining with determination. "And we will teach him to be strong and just, so that he may one day take his rightful place by our side."

As Lilith and Lucifer gazed down at their newborn son, a sense of hope and possibility filled the air. Charlomaine's journey as a prince had only just begun, but his parents knew that he was destined for greatness in the realm of Hazbin Hotel.

What do we name him. Lucifer said looking at his wife. What do we name him

I don't know. Liltihs said looking Lucifer. If we had a daughter we will name her Charlie but, how about anothee name with C.

I know. Lucifer said looking at his wife. How about Charlomaine.

Really. Liltihs said looking at him. Your going to use that name

Lucifer nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yes," he replied, his voice firm with conviction. "Charlomaine. It is a name befitting of our son, a name that carries the weight of our legacy and the promise of his future."

Lilith's eyes softened as she looked down at their newborn son, cradled in her arms. "Charlomaine," she murmured, testing the name on her lips. "Yes, it has a certain ring to it. Our little prince, Charlomaine."

And so, it was decided. Charlomaine, the son of Lilith and Lucifer, would bear the name that his parents had chosen for him, a name that would come to define his destiny in the realm of Hazbin Hotel.

But still. She said looking at Charlomaine. He looks more human then even a devil, but then again your an angel and I am human so it makes sense

Lilith's observation drew a thoughtful nod from Lucifer. "Indeed," he agreed, his gaze shifting to their newborn son. "Charlomaine may bear the traits of both demon and angel, a reflection of our union and the unique circumstances of his birth."

Charlomaine gazed up at his parents with wide, innocent eyes, seemingly unaware of the significance of their conversation. He was a child born of love, a symbol of hope and unity in the tumultuous realm of Hazbin Hotel.

"We will embrace Charlomaine for who he is," Lilith declared, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "A child of both Heaven and Hell, destined to bridge the divide between our worlds."

Lucifer placed a gentle hand on Lilith's shoulder, his touch reassuring. "Together, we will guide him on his journey," he vowed. "And he will grow to be a prince worthy of his heritage, no matter what challenges may come his way."

And so, Lilith and Lucifer resolved to raise Charlomaine with love and acceptance, nurturing him as he embarked on his path to greatness in the chaotic world of Hazbin Hotel.

To be continued

Anwya this was my first ch hope people like this story and also please give me power stones anyway have a nice day