
Red snow

Twelve o'clock. Even if the peak is snowy and the air is icy, the sun shines on the soldiers' heads. Twelve armored soldiers advance compact into three rows. Each row uses the shield to support the front row. With the other hand long spears are held in front of them. Behind some swordsmen and other spearmen. Soldiers march wrapped in the 'silence' runes.

The archers, silent and fast, line up along the side of the mountain hiding behind the rocks. Simon and Igor's 'chameleon' runes help the group of fifty people move without being detected.

Everyone is in position. Simon warns Reginald then passes the rune box to Selin. "Stay here to direct all the information. I will have a simple one but I do not know if I can answer you. "

The girl "Do not be silly and come back in one piece, I remind you that you have to talk to my father. I'm tired of kisses on my cheeks. "

Simon turns red as he walks away looking for Desmond.

The first enemy battalion does not have time to notice what is happening. The archers silently eliminate three explorers.

George along with his compact ranks and loads enemy troops scattered on the path. Non-training enemies are wiped out by the shield charge. Whoever is not pierced by spears is crushed by the strength of the shields and the pressure of the charge. Someone survives only to be trampled and then pierced by soldiers in the back rows. Some more ingenious soldier tries to get off the path to attack from the sides but is intercepted by backward spearmen and then by swordsmen.

The archers show themselves. A continuous barrage of arrows hits the rear lines, reducing the ranks and weakening the formation.

The snow in a few seconds turns red. The blood covers the shields and the whole path. The troops lose their initial momentum and the fatigue begins to feel.

The arms become heavy. A hundred enemies are on the ground and the others start coming. The enemy archers are organizing themselves.

Some enemy troops begin to advance towards the mercenary archers on the instructions of their officer.

Selin "Reginald if you hear me, we need your help, you have to keep one side of the fight busy so that you can circle them."

"To the Miss orders!"

At this order, a crowd of disorganized adventurers launches at the soldiers patrolling the entrance to the valley. Adventurers are still embittered by emotional defeat during the Goblin hunt and are not going to be overtaken by mercenaries yet.

The battle has slowed the pace. Armored soldiers advance a few inches at a time and have had to throw lances in favor of shorter weapons like swords. The enemy archers from them managed to hit some soldiers in the rear that are now recovered quickly brought by John out of the dangerous area.

Then something still unlocks the situation. Selin repeats to all the order of Simon "Charge to maximum power! We must finish quickly. "

George was not waiting for anything else. With the straight shield in front of him he invokes the 'charged' runic magic. As driven by the same shield the compact group impacts against the opponents with an unprecedented force. Soldiers are thrown from the first blow and the movement of air generated by magic also affects others. Thanks to the panic instilled by the magic in the opposing soldiers, the troops advanced reinvigorated.

Archers using the raised position hit enemies who are trying to reach their positions. In some points, however, the discount has become the white weapon. A pair of archers must retreat painfully as they are chased by the soldiers of Luberistan.

Simon wrapped in the runic magic of the chameleon, accompanied by the trusty Desmond decides to launch into the battle. Draw the halberd enchanted by the magic instrument tied to the belt and with a decisive blow jump among the archers enemies.

On one side Simon waves the halberd like a mill, mowing his enemies covered only by leather armor. On the other Desmond with his ax completes the work killing the few survivors.

Simon loads the halberd with the magic 'power'. The effect allows the young commander to perform more powerful shots thanks to a significant increase in his own strength. Huge furrows open in the ground as it passes. The armor, like butter, is passed by the blade enchants with 'sharpening'. Desmond hits the archers with his ax on their limbs, on their chest, back and even head, advancing like a farmer in a cornfield using a scythe.

Panic breaks out among enemy troops. On the one hand, the wall is advancing, on the other hand the adventurers press the soldiers. Archers free from the assault are targeting the remaining troops in the center. Simon and Desmond continue their march among the broken archers.

The officer of Luberistan advances at a military pace among his frightened soldiers. He raises his sword, and with a superhuman strength, he crashes it on the halberd causing it to crash to the ground.

Simon converts the halberd into a long sword thanks to its 'shapeless' ability. A battle between the blades of the two swords resounds on the battlefield like a bell. The young commander is frightened, he has never faced anyone with this frightening strength. The arm still aching from the first stroke remains completely unusable after the second.

Desmond does not waste time, he slips into the battle. With a short sword collected from the ground, he intercepts the third shot of the enemy. The battle continues. Simon tries to recover while keeping his enemies at a distance.

Desmond exchanges shots with the enemy commander. The fourth blow breaks the blade of the short sword. The mountain boy did not expect anything else. "You arrived earlier than expected. I have such a powerful weapon that I thought I could not use it to its full potential and then you! "

"Boy, you're strong. You are a mercenary, why do not you come with us. I sir Gorgo Zoilt will make you rich. "

"I do not fight for money. So do not think about finishing this fight with the two of us standing up! "

Gorgo raises his sword with his unique ability 'strength' lets it fall back. The devastating weight of the sword combined with the force of gravity generates another powerful blow.

Desmond decides not to parry the shot and with a movement of legs he dodges it. The opponent's strength is higher but the speed is not. The young man raises his ax and lets it fall back using the 'charged' power.

The shot is intercepted by the enemy soldier but the force generated by the rune pushes the opponent's knee to the ground and bends the sword to shoulder height.

The officer laughs "Great shot but not even your magic can deal with my strength. Just a scratch, now it's my turn. "


The soldier remains still. The paralyzing poison took effect instantly.

Desmond turns and loading the ax horizontally, beheading him.

Panic is now irrepressible. The battle has become a slaughterhouse.

The soldiers of the comrades of the Force of the Fate chase the survivors by slaughtering them. The adventurers advance confusedly, shaking any weapon against fleeing enemies.

After an hour of battle the soldiers let themselves slip to the ground destroyed by fatigue. Simon is exhausted but he is forced not to give up.

"You were very good. Without special weapons today we have shown that the people of Olmaria are stronger than these assholes in Luberistan! "

Drevor goes back to the small valley with his wife, his men, and some former prisoners.

Selin embraces the family with its face covered with tears.

Some incredulous soldiers embrace some members of their families among the twenty slaves saved by the merchants.

The mountain is all red. The snow has melted due to the heat of the blood.

It had been a while since Simon was not afraid anymore as during the clash with the officer. "I became strong but there are very strong people in the world. And I'm terrified of it. "

Gregor approaches Simon hugging him "You grew up! Are you a commander? And what the hell happened here? You were just over half of the opponents and you managed to win with only about twenty dead. "

Simon depressed "One of my biggest mistakes, twenty dead are so many."

Drew approaching "This number is nothing compared to four hundred enemies killed and dozens of people saved."

Selin intrudes "Sorry but I think after a battle like that Simon could make it to ask my father something."

Simon shows eyes wide with fear and Desmond bursting out laughing "Not even in the middle of the battle was so scared."

Strengthening "Mr. Ludwig, I could have the honor of ... .." the voice becomes lower and lower until you hear nothing.

Selin's mother "Nobody heard, but I have a very good hearing and I'm sure you asked Selin's hand, dear."

Drevor angosciato "I'm not ready for this ...." Stroke to the ribs of his wife "But I have to think that you kept all your promises and you're a respectable command, so I would say yes"

Selin jumps on Simon and kisses him on the mouth "Finally, now you can not run away!"

The troops are roused from torpor and laughing "To our command Simon! Congratulations!"

The adventurers are approaching and helping everyone to walk towards the city.

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