
Ch 1

In the void, a small shining ball was drifting with no destination in mind, or rather the ball didn't even think about anything. It has been such a long time since it had awoken, and until now it still drifts. It didn't know when it got there nor where it came from, but it knows that it lived once upon a time.

The peaceful silence of the void was interrupted as a yellow light shone in it's realm, it grabbed hold of the ball and pulled it towards itself before disappearing. Somewhere else, the yellow light appeared in a grassy field as it spat out the ball of light before dimming.

The ball of light didn't do what the yellow light did but shaped itself into a humanoid figure made out of light, the yellow light vanished and in it's place was a white haired man in a clean white robe, he had a staff made of wood with his mouth curved into a smile. His feet were surrounded with flowers of many kinds.

He looked at the humanoid infront of him and softly said, "Child, it is time for you to awake from your long slumber" Almost instantly the humanoid's finger ever so slightly twitch at his words, not long after the humanoid groaned as it sat up, it clutched it's head as if experiencing a headache.

It looked around, in it's eyes all it saw was a grassy plain, in the middle of such plain was a tall cobblestone tower standing tall and proud, "Where... Am I?" It muttered, The man watched as the humanoid tried to stand only to stumble and fall down back to the ground with a groan. 'Amusing' He thought, he didn't know why such a being was in the void all alone and slumbering but now it was within his realm he managed to deduce from it's mana signature that it was a child.

Amusing at it was watching the humanoid struggle he had to make his presence known, "You are in my realm." The humanoid's head snapped towards his direction as it stared at him, possibly, it had no eyes so it was hard for him to know if it is indeed staring or not.

"Who... Are you?" A hesitant and wary question was what he heard, he smiled kindly, "My name is Merlin, do you know yours?" It's not everyday he gets the chance to talk to somebody so he will be talking to this one with kindness, after that he will go back and maybe troll Arturia.

"Ah hello mr Merlin, I am sorry but I don't remember my name" The humanoid spoke, it's voice regretful that it couldn't tell the kind man it's name. Merlin shook his head, "No no that's alright" Merlin then tapped his staff on the grass as a large triple spiral(Triade) appeared beneath them.

"Now I know you might br confused on what is going on and I will explain it to you later but I have a question that I want you to answer" The humanoid stared at him and then nodded, "Good, my question for you is... "

"Do you want to transmigrate?"