1 The Beginning of a New Life

People told me that marrying a celebrity​ is bad news. I didn't believe that crap. You know abusive partners,people change, because of money,and so on. Hi I'm Riley Dana Washington-Carter and I'm married to the hottest,and richest celebrity James Carter. We actually met in 1st grade, but in highschool he became my highschool sweetheart. Anyways enough with memory lane now about my husband. He gets a lot  of love from his fans am I jealous? Yes a little but that's just life its all great to be famous and all,but there is consequences to being famous. My consequence is glue a smile on for the  media,and be abused at home. I'm not allowed to cry or hang out with my male friends anymore. You get use to it after 10 years of fame and abuse. My question is why me? What have I done to deserve all of this? Is just a question that will never be answered. Does love hurts this much? What am I doing wrong? If I say the wrong word he'll punch me. If I mention a guy name even when I'm writing my story I will get punched. What is real love? By Riley Dana Washington-Carter.

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