2 Chapter 1- the letter and Hogwarts train

Sandra Bradley's POV

Today was my 11th birthday‼! I'm was having some pancakes that our house elves had made, sometimes i felt like they care more about me than my parents. Being a pureblood means that i can only make friends with other pure bloods. I most definitely cant have muggle-born friends. If my parents, most importantly father, heard that i didn't say mud-blood.... I hate saying that disgusting word but i have to. The Bradley family, mine, is secretive and don't like to go out in to public a lot. My parents are feared and our bloodline is quite successful and famous but we do not talk to others much, we keep to ourselves. I was so deep in thought about why and how my family keeps away from public eye that i was completely oblivious to the fact that an owl had just dropped a letter in front of me.

Once I had become aware of the letter and beautiful owl that had swooped by i took the letter from it. There was a seal which had four animals in each section. On the top right box, there was a lion with red and yellow outlines and colours. On the top left part, there was an emerald snake with green and black background. The bottom left had a badger with yellow and white colouring. Finally, the last box which sat at the bottom right had a raven with different shades of blue. In the middle of the creatures lay a gracefully written H. Around the bottom was the memo. Draco, Dormiens Nunquam, Titillands it's in Latin but in English it means Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon.

I already knew what this was so I ripped the letter apart and read through it.

To: Sandra Josif Bradley

Where: Eating pancakes on her table

Address: 4th of Pacesweep street

( a/n i have no idea what to put for place 😂)

Dear Miss Sandra Bradley,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School For Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please view find the enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins 1st of September. We await a reply no later than the 31st July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress.

My guess was right! I GOT ACCEPTED TO HOGWARTS! I couldn't wait to tell my parents. As if on cue, my parents walked through the door and passed Cindy, the house-elf, their coats. Cindy wasn't our slave, she is free but she chose to work for us. My parents believe that house elves should be treated better even though they are pure bloods and usually the other people dont think that.

"Good morning Sandra my dear." My mum Rose greeted, my mother was a lot better than my father. She has emotions. Some sort i guess... She is more affectionate i guess you could say.

"Welcome home mother, father!" I exclaimed with a nod, i was excited to tell them about Hogwarts. Both of them went there and both were in Slytherin. I hoped they would be proud of me.. well my mother more specifically, even though I'm very different from my parents I'm sure i will be a Slytherin it runs in the family. My mother gave me a confused smile from my excitement while my stone hearted dad furrowed his brows.

"why are you so excited and happy?" My father, Simon,  asked his voice robotic voice, per usual. I stood from my seat and hid the letter behind my back and gave my parents the biggest smile that made my cheeks hurt.

" Ahem... I GOT INTO HOGWARTS‼" I shouted. It sounded quite frightening if may add. My mum smiled and squealed while my father smirked and clapped lightly.

"YES MY LITTLE GIRLS IS ALL GROWN UP‼! Come hear sweetie!" Mother put her arms out and i ran into her arms. God i loved my birth-giver. She honestly is a queen. My father shakes my hand and for the first time i pulled him into a hug. He was surprised but i was more than him when he hugged me back.

"well done daughter.." my dad said when we pulled apart and pat my head.

"we can go to Diagon Alley next week to get your stuff." Mum announced as excited as me and if i can say almost more.

- time skip to next week brought too you by Snape saying "always" 🥺-

Today we were going to diagonally to get my supplies the word 'excited' isn't enough to describe how i felt. I was wearing a green hoodie with blue jeans and white trainers. I also put on green lipstick and green eyeshadow, i may be young but i love to make and wear my make up designs. I put my long dark brown hair in a messy bun with two strands falling in front of my eyes. My parents like to show there "level" with the clothes they wear. Me on the other hand couldn't care less, my father gets annoyed with me because of it but gave up since he knew how stubborn i was. There was a knock at my room door.

"Come in" i said. My mother walked through the door and told me that i looked amazing and that we are leaving in a minute so we walked downstairs to the fireplace. We were going to use floo powder. Since I had used it before i went first.

"DIAGON ALLEY!" I shouted clearly. I then landed in Diagonally and a few seconds later my mother and father came through with Cindy to help us hold the shopping.

"okay lets go get money from Gringotts and then get the stuff you need" mum said taking charge so we made our way there.

(Imma skip that part because I'm lazy..)

Once we got about 100 Galleons from the vault we were walking and i was reading the list, I already got my books, caldron, quills&ink etc.. now i needed a wand and a pet.

" Ok darling what is left to buy?" Mother asked sweetly walking beside me.

" I just need my wand and a pet... can I get and owl mother? Please?" I pleaded with puppy eyes. My mum let out a loving chuckle at my face.

"yes sweetheart lets go to the pet shop!" Mum exclaimed.

"yes. YES! Thank you mum your amazing‼" i said happily kissing my mums cheek and hugging her. She just laughed and we looped our arms and made out way to start our owl hunt.

We were looking inside the shop but none of the animals caught my eye, then I saw one owl which had yellowish green eyes. It was black and had little white circles and brown ones over it, the belly was white with light brown stripes on it. It was beautiful.. in a way I felt connected with it.

"do you like that one?" My father asked from next to me breaking me out of my trance. For a second I thought he cared, ha! Imagine that.. anyways.

"Yes I want that one please father" i replied still staring at the unique owl. We payed for the owl and then I saw a snake, I already knew I was a parceltounge so I asked if I could get one, my birth-givers said yes. It was black with blue stripes and black eyes.

"Are you done with the pets sweetie?" My mother asked. I nodded my head and we started our way to Olivanders. My parents said they will go talk to a few friends they saw and so I let myself into the shop. When I walked in there was no one there.

"Hello? Mr. Ollivanders? Is anyone here?" I gently shouted. (Gently shouted means being louder and not in a rude way shouting if you know what I mean?) then I heard a rolling sound and a old man appeared on a ladder.

"Ah! Miss. Bradley, I've been expecting you! Going to Hogwarts I presume?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head. He kindly smiled back. "Let me get a wand.." mr. Ollivander got down from his ladder and got a box. He handed it to me and I opened it. "thats unicorn hair, dragon heartstring and oak wood." He said.

I picked it up and looked at him for permission to try it. He nodded and I gave it a wave. But instead of a good thing, it broke a window.

"Oops sorry sir.. um I don't think that's the one." I apologised and gave him the box. He smiled sweetly and told me it was alright.

"Here you go my dear try this. It's mermaid scales and unicorn hair. 11 3/4 inches and a bit flexible" he put it in my hand and I felt as though it was meant/made for me. I waved it and it blew my loose strands of hair back and a light came from the tip. "that's your wand then" he said. I thanked him and handed him the money and left the shop where my parents where waiting for me.

"thats everything I need we can go home now." I announced smiling at them. We went home and I got my trunk ready. I wondered what adventures I would have...

~ time skip to the start of term brought to you by Dobby saying "this is a great place to be with friends"~

It was time to go to kings cross and go to Hogwarts! I was wearing the same outfit I did to Diagonally but without out the make up. I had my hair in a ponytail then the pony tail braided.

When we got to Kings Cross the ticket said platform 9 and 3/4 and thought it was a joke since there was no such thing but it turns out it's the wall between 9 and 10. When we went through the wall I stopped and turned to my parents that I love, even if they aren't the most affectionate parents you could have. Well not my mother she was affectionate I love her a lot but you know not father. My mother was crying and my father was holding her near him by the waist with her head on his shoulder.

"lm going to miss you guys.." I say tears threatening to fall. My mum looked at me and pulled me into a tight hug. She pulled away but still held my shoulders. A few tears fell from my face and she wiped them away. She kissed my cheeks and pulled away.

" I will miss you to my sweetheart" mum chocked out. Dad walked over and have me a pat on the head and a very, very, small and short hug but enough to make me smile.

"We love you darling" mum said dad simply nodded and and smiled.

" Love you too" i replied. My mom told me to stay safe and told to owl her every week and day if possible. Dad told me to stay safe and be good.

I went on the train and waved my parents good bye. I loaded my things into the train and kept Smokey, my owl, in a cage with my trunk. and Thunder, my snake, wrapped around my neck gently. I looked for a compartment and saw a boy with bleach blonde hair and a boy with black hair in one. There were two other boys who where chubby and eating food while sitting on either side of the blonde boy, almost like two bodyguards. I knocked on the door and I heard a faint 'come in'.

I opened the door. " Hi! Can I sit here please? The other compartments are full." I ask politely. The blonde boy and the black haired boy looks at me.

"Sure come in" the boy with black hair says. I sit down next to him and find it rude to not introduce myself.

"sorry to intrude, I'm Sandra Bradley! Pure blood." I greeted. The blond boy looked at me and took out his hand for me to shake which I gladly did.

"Ah! Pure blood good wouldn't want my father mad.. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he said. I smiled sweetly and he returned the gesture. I turned to the boy next to me and shook his hand.

" Pure blood, Blaise Zabini" Blaise said smiling. I smiled back. I turned to the boys next to Draco. They had there mouths full with candy..

I put out my hand and waited for them to introduce themselves...they just say there eating, I had my hand stretched out still and was about to pull back when Draco nudged them both. They looked in my direction and shakes my hands.

" I'm Vincent Crabbe and this is Gregory Goyle." He said, it was a bit muffled since his mouth was full but I smiled nonetheless. We spent the train ride talking about our lives and family.

"I'm going to go put my robes on, I suspect we will be there soon." I announced and stood. " I suggest you do the same, and also can we all be friends at Hogwarts?" I ask, hopeful.

"Of course!" They all exclaimed at the same time and smiled. I smile back and leave to put on my robe..

A/n: I DID MY FIRST CHAPTER! Wow 2206 words! Anyways have a nice day! sorry if its not good.

Diya ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ❤︎𓆙

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