
Falling for the bookworm

Peanut, an introverted and bookish omega, cherished his simple and solitary life. He found solace in the pages of his favorite novels, indulged in delicious snacks, and sought comfort in the company of his beloved plushies. His world revolved around these simple pleasures, shielded from the chaos and complexities of the outside world. However, everything changed when two charismatic and confident alphas, Michael and Jeremy joined his class turning his life upsidedown.

Ashley_Ashanti · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


Peanut has been walking on eggshells since he saw Levi, Michael,and Jeremy sleeping together he didn't know if he felt jealous or left out,Peanut wasn't sure how to feel about it, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he had been excluded from something important.

"princess are you okay?" Jeremy asked concerned because peanut has been staring at one open page for about thirty minutes now.

"Yes I'm fine" he responded not taking his eyes off the page "just thinking about something".

"thinking about what?" Michael asked curiously raising an eyebrow at him.

"uhm well I....uhmm nothing important" he can't tell them he felt like he was left out of their secret cuddlesesh.

"I'll be in my room" he quickly excused himself and ran upstairs to his room slamming the door behind him.

"he's acting weird don't you think" Michael asked looking at his brother.

"no shit Sherlock where did you come up with that conclusion" Jeremy scoffed.

"did you guys upset peanut again" Levi said coming down the stairs.

"no idea" Jeremy and Michael answered at the same time.

"I need to go check on him I'm worried" Jeremy said standing up quickly making his way to peanuts room he knocked but didn't get an answer so he opened the door to find peanut staring at the same page tears running down his face silently.

"hey hey why are you crying" jeremy said rushing over to his bed.

"it's all because of you guys I don't have control over my feeling's anymore I don't know what I'm feeling any more why did you guys have to enter my life I was fine living my quite life until...." before he could finish Jeremy's arm's wrapped around him pulling him into a hug, he hugged Jeremy back tightly burying his head into his shoulder.

"shhh shhh shhhh it's okay you can cry you don't have to keep everything inside and I'm sorry, that we appeared in your life out of nowhere" Jeremy comforted, patting his back softly.

"I don't know how I feel anymore especially when it comes to you guys" peanut said sniffling.

Jeremy pulled peanut out of the hug and cupped his cheeks forcing him to look him in his eyes "you're okay you'll figure out you're feelings soon,all we ask is to stay by your side" Jeremy wipes away a stray tear from peanuts cheek.

"why do you guys want to stay by my side I'm just a normal omega who always has his head in a book and I'm selfish as hell" peanut sniffles his eyes still locked with Jeremy's.

Jeremy wiped away few tears that ran down peanuts cheeks "you're not selfish princess and even if you're just a normal omega we still like you there's nothing wrong with being normal" Jeremy reassures him, pecking his nose "now please stop crying princess it's braking my heart" Jeremy says wiping the remaining tears under peanuts eyes.

"okay I promise I won't cry anymore" peanut giggled like a child that got candy after crying.

"I'll be down stairs if you need me" Jeremy says about to get up but peanut stopped him "wait c...can you stay with me for awhile" he asks softly his ears and cheeks turning a rosy pink shade "of course princess" Jeremy smiles.

Jeremy sat there with peanut just watching the beautiful omega read his book peacefully his scent wafting through the air, it was very comforting, wait his scent!?.

"peanut are you releasing pheromones" Jeremy asked.

the omega can't sense his own pheromones so he had no idea it was leaking from him "I'm sorry I didn't mean too" he said quietly "if it makes you uncomfortable I can try and stop it"

"nope its okay it actually comforting" Jeremy said reassuring him.

"comforting?" peanut questioned raising his brows,not fully understanding.

"yeah I think you're comfortable around me so your releasing comforting pheromones" Jeremy explained "oh..." he thought about that "okay" he smiled shyly.

"your so cute when you get all shy" Jeremy cooed petting peanuts head.

"I..I.. stop I'm going back to reading... cute....me" he huffed hiding his face with his book.