
The Daily Lives of Momonga - The Man that took a Risk

The rest of his memories remained hazy, with only occasional flashes of what happened that night. Satoru couldn't remember the exact nature of what they did or talked about from then on, and in some way, he was grateful for that. The alcohol promptly took hold, and the two were positively drunk. He did not doubt that it was an awkward experience, and he was in no rush to remember it all.

From there, it was anyone's guess what happened, but seeing as the two of them somehow ended up in his home, on his bed, and naked as the day they were born. Well, it wasn't too difficult to guess that they had a run in the hay.

'I'm never drinking, ever again!' Satoru vowed once he remembered enough of what happened last night. He was completely embarrassed, both at the fact that he got completely hammer and lost himself when before he could somewhat hold his alcohol. Along with being completely mortified at the fact that their night of leisurely drinking somehow spiraled into him sleeping with Kasumi.

It was an unintended accident from a one-night stand. It wasn't as uncommon as he was fretting about, and most likely it was just him blowing everything out of proportion. However, that did nothing to alleviate the pressing anxiety he was experiencing.

It was the beginning of a promising relationship between the two, only for that relationship to crash and burn before it even got off the ground, so horribly that it wasn't even funny. He had potentially ruined it all with his carelessness.

And in times of crisis, he defaulted back to his usual habits. He thought on the words of his friends, searching for words of wisdom that might be imparted to him and how they would handle the situation. He was desperate for some measure of light in the situation.

"If there's someone in trouble, then it's only right to help them!"

The voice of Touch Me rang out in his head. Sound and sensible advice, although that was more in general than useful at this very moment for Satoru. Plus, he could make an argument that it was that thinking that sort of led him into this exact situation in the first place.

"You're on the road to true adulthood! So, kick back, relax, and enjoy it for as long as you can!"

Peroroncino advised, but unlike Touch Me's, it was hardly helpful, and more seem to be to try and enjoy the moment. A situation that Satoru was most definitely not enjoying.

"You started it, that means you have to finish it. So, man up and take responsibility for your actions. Never make a woman cry! No matter what it is! And if you do, then fix it immediately. Or else!"

The distinct pitched voice of Bukubukuchagama cried out, although it sounded more like a threat than anything else to the fearful salaryman.

"Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets." Ok, that, he wasn't even going to make an argument or even bother.

Satoru came to the sad conclusion that he was completely on his own. He had to face the music. They slept with one another, be it on purpose or by accident. That was an irrevocable fact.

The question then became, what to do next? For that was his main concern. He had no earthly idea what to do in such a situation.

Satoru has always been a loner, an introvert. His IRL social skills were shit, doubly so when it came to women.

It was why he chose to indulge in video games over everything else.

For as long as he could remember, Satoru believed he was doomed to become a real-life wizard!

In other words, a thirty-year-old virgin!

And yet, through some mysterious twist of fate, here he lay on his bed with a beautiful woman in his arms. He couldn't tell if that was good or bad luck at hand.

Satoru paused at that, running the thought through his head again.

'Beautiful…' He repeated the word, surprised at himself that he was willing to admit that of her.

His eyes slowed open once more, and this time his gaze lingered on her. Satoru's eye traced over Kasumi, taking everything in. Her unblemished skin was smooth and gentle to the touch, her delicate body and modest frame cuddled beside him and her soft neck and succulent full lips. She was completely tranquil in his arms as she slept without a care in the world.

At that moment, Satoru agreed that she was indeed beautiful.

Suddenly, Satoru felt a sensation. One emanating from between his legs. It took a nanosecond for the salaryman to realize that his body had reacted accordingly.

'Down! I said down!' He embarrassingly reprimanded himself, his face heating up in mortification.

As a consequence of that train of thought, flashes of their nocturnal activities rushed back to him in bits and pieces. Still, there were enough details that Satoru could recall from their fun under the sheets. Which only further mortified him as he remembered exactly how 'active' the two of them were last night.

It was almost enough for Satoru to wish he was dead right about now. At least then he wouldn't have to worry about the fallout.

'Ok, calm down! None of that matters right now. What matters is that Kasumi-san is on my bed and naked.' That thought brought another fierce blush to his face, but Satoru fought it down. 'I need to do something before she wakes up!'

That was the second issue. Satoru was downright terrified, thinking of how Kasumi would react once she woke up and found herself naked and in another's bed. A situation that fueled his desire to make sure it didn't come to pass. Quickly, he came up with a plan. He would carefully and quietly remove himself from the bed and his room. That way, it would be far less incriminating and awkward for both of them.

Unfortunately for him, Lady Luck wasn't on his side this time. For in the time that Satoru was spent lamenting his situation and trying to recollect what happened, Kasumi slowly stirred from her slumber. Slowly and steadily, she regained full consciousness and became cognizant of the dire scenario they were facing, just as Satoru had. To determine her subsequent steps, she feigned slumber, keeping her eyes tightly shut.

'Ok. Just think, I'm in my boss's bed, naked… Aghhh! It's too early in the morning to deal with this shit! Alright, alright, calm down. First things first, I need to get out of Satoru's bed quickly. The last thing I need is for him to wake up and find me in my birthday suit first thing in the morning.' Kasumi's thoughts were far more subdued compared to Satoru's fanatic musing and came to the same idea as his.

Unknowingly, the two sprang their plans simultaneously.

"Alright, if I'm fast enough, then I might be able to get out of bed without waking her…'

'I'll grab some clothes once I'm off the bed, the last thing I want is for him to see me streaking around his house naked….'

'From there, I'll wait for her to wake up…'

'And to think of an explanation from there…'

'On a count of three!'

'One…' Kasumi began.

'Two…' Satoru counted.

'Three!' The two reached in unison.

Satoru and Kasumi opened their eyes simultaneously, ready to spring into action. However, they were surprised to find themselves face-to-face with each other, fully awake. They remained frozen and quiet for a few moments, staring at each other without saying a word, like deer caught in headlights.

"Uhhhh… hi?" Kasumi broke the dead silence the only way she knew how.

This time, Satoru reacted appropriately. With a less-than-manly cry, he instantly stood up, trying to back away from Kasumi.

Regrettably, Satoru had unknowingly slept near the edge of his bed, causing him to lose balance and tumble down in his panic. In his fall, the blanket had become entangled with him, leaving Kasumi with no cover to shield herself from the chill while she sat on his bed.

Satoru scrambled to get rid of the blanket suffocating him, leading to the two of them making eye contact again. This time, the pair were unabashedly taking in the other's naked body. Kasumi looked down at Satrou's sprawled form, while Satoru couldn't help but focus on her lovely figure.

Satoru's face quickly grew beet red as he began choking on air, yet, he didn't try to avert his gaze from her naked form. Whether because he was so shocked that he didn't turn away or because he was fixated on her body, he couldn't say. Kasumi was also included, but she concealed it more effectively. She resorted to her usual antics to mask her embarrassment, which involved making jokes at someone else's expense.

"Well, I see someone's awake and raring to go. Make that two of you…" She said, trying to pass off a joke to lighten the mood.

It took a moment before Satoru realized what she meant. Following her eyes, Satoru found his mini-Satoru standing firmly at attention for all to see.

Satoru took back what he said earlier. Forget about dying, he wished a black hole would open right then and there and suck in him. He didn't want to exist anymore, not with the mortification that came with it.


The atmosphere in Satoru's cozy kitchenette was silent but peaceful, after what had been a rather tumultuous morning. The only discernible sound was the soft, rhythmic hum of the coffee maker as it diligently brewed its aromatic and bold blend. Satoru and Kasumi waited patiently in the quiet of the kitchen, both lost in their own thoughts.

Satoru was dressed in a plain shirt and shorts, the best he could have at the moment. He was currently anxiously looking through his pantry, doing his best to keep himself occupied. A faint red blush permeated his face as a result of what happened earlier.

Kasumi found herself sitting alone at the kitchen table, a rather unusual and uncomfortable situation for her. She was having her clothes cleaned, which meant that she had to resort to wearing the spare clothes provided by her host. The oversized shirt that she had on was significantly larger than her own, causing it to hang loosely from her slender frame. Accompanying the shirt was a pair of shorts, which provided her with a sense of comfort and ease, given the unfamiliarity of the situation. Her attention focused on the wall as she leisurely twirled her hair with her finger. Unlike earlier, Kasumi managed to collect herself, but it was clear from her pensive mood that her mind was elsewhere for the moment.

This silence persisted, as neither one of them wished, let alone knew, what exactly to say going forward. Thus, the awkwardness between them persisted within the silence. And so they choose to keep to themselves and not meet the other gaze. That didn't stop them from occasionally sneaking skittish glances at one another, only to immediately turn away once they felt the other's eyes on them.

This game of back and forth continued until the sudden and sharp whistle of the coffee maker finishing startled them both. More so for Satoru, who has been completely taut since the morning. He jumped at the sound, accidentally slamming his elbow against the counter.

"Oww!" Satoru whimpered, clutching his stinging elbow as the feeling of numbness spread through his arm.

"Are you alright?" Kasumi called out.

"I-I'm fine…" He answered back. The two made eye contact, only for Satoru to avert his gaze entirely.

He diverted his attention solely to the coffee just so he didn't have to look at Kasumi.

Kasumi watched him, her eyes focused as she was trying to solve the puzzle that was Satoru. That was the reason for her silence, her confusion regarding this whole issue.

Upon awakening, Kasumi was filled with trepidation when she realized that she had slept with the other person. Though her fear was not directed towards herself but rather towards what the future held for them moving forward.

Just yesterday, she engaged in a heartfelt conversation with her superior, summoning the courage to open up and confide in him. To her pleasant surprise, he reciprocated and shared his thoughts with her. The elation she experienced was indescribable, as she began to see a glimmer of hope for the first time in a while. However, that hope was short-lived as she was suddenly confronted with the harsh reality that they had both consumed alcohol and engaged in a physical act. The aftermath of this incident, whether intentional or accidental, has the potential to jeopardize the relationship they share and the budding friendship she'd been eager to nurture.

Kasumi was gripped with a palpable sense of fear, her mind racing with uncertainty as to how Satoru would react to the situation at hand. Though she had always regarded him as an unflappable professional, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, not knowing exactly what his response would be. It was this unknown factor that made her so apprehensive. Despite her trepidation, Kasumi resolved to remain optimistic and prepare herself for whatever outcome may arise, determined to navigate the situation with the utmost care and attention to detail.

But nothing could have prepared her for what happened this morning.

She expected a stern reprimand, perhaps even a scolding or an outburst of anger. All manner of possible reactions. Yet, to her surprise, Satoru's reaction was quite the opposite. Instead of reproaching her, he appeared utterly ashamed. Kasumi recognized his face, the one she knew from work, but his demeanor and attitude were entirely different from what she was accustomed to. The contrast was so striking that Kasumi found it jarring.

Satoru's emotions were as clear as day on his skittish face. This was a stark contrast to his professional demeanor at work. Here, he kept avoiding her gaze, and he was so fidgety that he was practically shaking the entire time. It was strange, to say the least, to see someone she always thought of as stoic be so bashful. Where before she could barely get a read on him, now it was all too easy. It was an odd contrast, but not necessarily an unwelcome one. It only made Satoru more 'human' than what she thought of him.

Of course, that brought up the question. Just who exactly was the real Satoru? The one she knew as her boss, or the man in front of her?

"K-kasumi-san…" Satoru stuttered out, drawing her out of her thoughts. "Would you like any cream or sugar?"

"Two scoops of sugar, and no cream, please." Kasumi answered back and watched as he poured the cups of coffee for them.

"H-here you go…" He set her coffee in front of her, his eyes failing to look straight at her. With that done, he walked over and sat on the opposite side of the table, right in front of his guest.

Once again, a heavy silence descended between the two of them. Satoru shifted his gaze downward, fixating on his coffee cup, to avoid eye contact with Kasumi. Meanwhile, Kasumi remained steadfast in her scrutiny of him, her mind preoccupied with deciphering his thoughts and intentions.

Based on her observation and what she knew, she hazarded a guess that the version she always sees at work was nothing more than a façade and that the skittish version in front of her was his true self, so to speak. The only way for Kasumi to truly know was for her to ask him, which she immediately did.

Subtly was never really her forte.

"So, you've got a split personality or something, or is this how you are outside of work?" Kasumi bluntly questioned.

Looking back, it may not have been the best timing for her to ask her question while Satoru was drinking his coffee. He began choking on it, and his eyes widened in distress. Kasumi stood up to assist him, but Satoru waved his arm to signal that he was okay. He managed to regain control and clear his throat by beating on his chest.

Briefly glancing in her direction, his eyes quickly averted as his face contorted with a range of emotions. From initial surprise, to fear and doubt, his countenance was a whirlwind of conflicting feelings. Satoru nervously licked his lips as he appeared to be deep in thought, muttering to himself in indecision. It was evident that a great debate was taking place within his mind. After two agonizing minutes, he finally came to a resolution with himself.

"Kasumi-san…" His voice was wary, but he continued. "Can I trust you…?"

He finally mustered the courage to meet her gaze after avoiding it all morning. His eyes were filled with fear and uncertainty, making it difficult to look at him. Despite feeling sorry for Satoru, Kasumi could sense a hint of determination in his expression. She knew he had something to say and was willing to share it despite his apprehension.

Much like yesterday, when Kasumi reached out to him in hopes that he might understand her, Satoru was doing the same to her.

"Of course. You have my word, Satoru-san." Kasumi earnestly reciprocated, showing just how serious she was.

He had done the same for her, so she would share the same courtesy. After all, what were friends for?

His eyes widened at her quick and serious answer. He took a moment to collect himself, and after a few deep breaths, he faced her one more time. And so, Satoru began a brief summarization.

He began when he first received his promotion. From there, he confided in her the truth of the situation, as well as an explanation regarding his work persona. She kept quiet, patiently listening as he explained his story. Looking at everything as a whole, she came to understand why Satoru chose to act and live the way he did.

Throughout her time working with him, she had come to know him as a man of few words and a stoic demeanor. His expressions were often limited to mild indifference, but despite this, his actions spoke volumes. He treated his co-workers with the utmost respect and care, always willing to lend a hand or offer guidance. Despite being all about business, he was far from heartless or unfair, a rare trait among those in his position.

She had gotten so used to how he portrayed himself at work that to see him in another light was strange, to say the least. It was almost as if they were two different people.

Simultaneously, a portion of Kasumi's being was content with the opportunity to witness this alternative aspect of Satoru. This occurrence only served to authenticate the fact that his facade of stoicism was merely a façade. In this moment, he was emotive and nearly defenseless, but this was by no means a negative trait in Kasumi's perception. It merely demonstrated that he, like everyone else, was a human being with emotions and vulnerabilities. Kasumi was able to discern the benevolence and thoughtfulness within him, just as she had previously experienced when they hung out.

By the end of it all, Kasumi came to understand him a bit better.

"I have to admit, it's quite surprising." She said with a calm and understanding tone. "But I can see where you're coming from."

"That's all you have to say?" Satoru replied.

"Well, yes. I mean, what else is there to say?" Kasumi responded with a touch of confusion.

"I was... I kind of thought there would have been more of a reaction from you…" Satoru admitted hesitantly.

"What kind of reaction did you expect?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"I don't know, I just thought you might judge me or think less of me." He confessed as he nervously scratched the back of his head and avoided eye contact.

"Please, do you think I'm really that shallow?" She arched a skeptical brow at his preconceived fear.

"Right, sorry." He apologized, sheepishly scratching his cheek in embarrassment.

Seeing him all bashful, an urge bloomed within her. One that she couldn't help but indulge in.

"So, our big bad boss has a sensitive side after all? Wonder what the others would think if they heard that?"

"Y-you said you wouldn't tell anyone!" He cried with a slightly pitched voice.

"Relax! I was just kidding." She cackled. He was so expressive in how he reacted that she couldn't help herself, just so she could see how he would react next.

Satoru gave her what she thought was a glare, though it was greatly diminished by his reddened cheeks and pouting face. Kasumi couldn't help but find it adorable. She wanted to walk over and pinch his cute little cheeks.

"Sorry, sorry, I just couldn't help myself." Her laughter died down. She then looked at him with what he could only describe as a smug but curious look.

"What is it?" He said, looking at her cautiously.

"So, by any chance, do you remember what happened last night?" Kasumi asked suddenly, obviously referring to their nightly activities.

Satoru's reaction was immediate.

"Why would you ask that?!" He exclaimed with a red face.

"Meh, just curious." She shrugged as if it were no big deal, but there was a clear, impish smile on her face.

"Who the heck would be curious about that?!" He retorted.

"Well, I am." Kasumi simply returned.

Satoru stumbled over his words, and she couldn't help but relish in his embarrassment. Recognizing that she was making jokes at his expense, he struggled to regain his composure.

"No, we were way too drunk for me to remember anything…" He gave. That seemed to be the end, only for a whisper to escape his lips, just loud enough for Kasumi to hear it. "Though I kind of wish I did..."

Satoru's eyes immediately widened, and he slowly turned his head back towards Kasumi.

"…I said that out loud, didn't I?"

Kasumi simply smiled, but there was no denying the coloring on her cheeks. It seemed that she was far from as composed as she thought.

Satoru groaned in his hands as a fresh wave of embarrassment washed over him.

"Geez, you're such a virgin." Kasumi joked.

"Not anymore, considering you've already helped me with that front." Satoru fired back.

Kasumi blinked, not expecting such a snappish reply from him after everything she saw of him. A smirk broke out on her face. It seemed that he wasn't as toothless as she originally thought.

In the midst of everything that was happening, the two unexpectedly burst into laughter. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, they found themselves sharing a budding and contagious laugh. The series of events leading up to that moment had been so absurd that they couldn't help but find humor in it all. As time passed, they gradually began to let their guard down and become more at ease with each other's company.

While their conversation died down for the moment, there was still one matter left lingering between them. Arguably the most important subject they needed to address if they wanted to move forward. However, neither one knew how to approach the other about it.

What happens next? How do they move forward from what has already happened?

"Kasumi-san… What... where do we go from here?" Surprisingly, it was Satoru who took the first step toward addressing the matter.

"Honestly, I don't know myself." She freely admitted it with a shrug, nursing her cooled coffee. "I think the better question is, do you want something more to come out of this?"

At Kasumi's poignant question, all Satoru could do was keep quiet. As time dragged on, Kasumi began to worry, worried that she might have jumped into it too quickly. Before either one could speak up, an alarm went off.

Earlier, after their eventful wake-up, Satoru dropped her clothes into the washer to clean them for her. The alarm meant it was finished and also provided him with a distraction.

"It must be done, I'll go get it." Said Satoru.

Kasumi said nothing and nodded as he left the room. While Satoru was doing that, she was left momentarily all alone in the kitchen. She took the moment to stand up and stretch her body, working out all the kinks. It was only now that she realized just how long they had been sitting.

She quietly took in the quaint but modest apartment in his absence. The kitchen and living room were interconnected, with doors leading to his bedroom and other rooms. It was fairly spartan all things considered, which only made what was available all the more prominent.

Situated within the almost barren living room was a sophisticated and intricate-looking chair. Curiosity got the better of her as she walked over to inspect it. An assortment of wires, cables, and plugs were attached to and coming from the electronic chair. She recognized the setup, it was a rig commonly used for VR neural interfacing. Everyone had one, including herself.

As she scrutinized the chair, something caught her attention from the periphery of her vision. Positioned on the wall and adjacent to his VR setup were two seemingly harmless framed pictures. These constituted the sole form of ornamentation for the living area. The first featured a woman and a young boy, while the second was considerably more fascinating, portraying monstrous creatures congregating around a throne. However, the crucial aspect was that Kasumi was able to recognize the second picture.

It wasn't long before Satoru returned. He was about to inform her that her clothes would take a while to dry, only to see that she wasn't at the table anymore. Satoru found her in his living room, with her back turned to him.

Before he could get a word out, she said this.

"Satoru-san, are you a member of Ainz Ooal Gown?" She asked, pointing at the framed picture of the Heteromorphic guild.

Satoru felt his heart clutched in a vice grip. Kasumi's question was telling enough, which meant she not only played YGGDRASIL but also knew about the guild itself or its members.

Throughout the course of their existence, Ainz Ooal Gown has garnered a reputation of great renown. Their ascent to the upper echelons of the Demi-human and Heteromorphic communities was swift, and their achievements were met with widespread admiration. However, their success was not without its detractors. The Humanoid Player community, in particular, viewed them with disdain. As their guild's notoriety grew, so too did the number of those who sought to bring them down.

His mind raced with hundreds of questions. Since she plays YGGDRASIL, that meant she belonged to a side. The question was, which one? Heteromorph, Demi-human, or worse, a Humanoid Player? The possibility that she could potentially be a Player who hates or was against Ainz Ooal Gown was a disconcerting one and would make things awkward real quick.

A part of him said to deny it, but that excuse was rather null considering the image she was currently looking at.

Thankfully, rationality prevailed through his usual pessimism. In the end, he decided to trust his instinct and Kasumi.

"Yes, I am." Satoru revealed, bracing himself for her response.

"That's awesome!" Kasumi exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Do you also play YGGDRASIL, Kasumi-san?" Satoru felt that was a stupid question to ask, but he needed to make sure just in case.

"Yup, I play as an Angel!" Kasumi answered freely, holding up a peace sign.

Hearing this, Satoru let out a mental sigh of relief. Angels, or Aerosphere as they were sometimes called, were part of the Heteromorph race category. Despite their virtuous nature and connotation, some were still discriminated against by the larger Humanoid Player community for simply being classified as Heteromorphs.

"I take it you're a fan?" Satoru inquired, feeling at ease as he walked towards her.

"Yup! I've always despised the discrimination that the Heteromorphic Player community had to face. Ever since you guys showed up on the scenes, Humanoid Players are thinking twice before going on PK hunts for us. It's high time us "monsters" stood up for ourselves. Still, to think my boss also plays YGGDRASIL, small world, isn't it?" Kasumi noted.

Satoru couldn't help but concur, silently nodding in agreement.

"Come on! Which one are you, Satoru-san?" Kasumi asked excitedly, pointing towards the picture.

"Oh, I bet you're this one! No wait, I think this! Hmmm, maybe it's this one instead?" Kasumi first pointed at Nishikienrai, then at Punitto Moe, and then at Ulbert, trying to guess which character was his.

"Actually, I'm the one sitting on the throne." Satoru pointed out.

There was a small pause as she looked back at the picture where Momonga sat.

"Hold on!" She whipped around, her eyes wide and a finger pointed straight at Satoru. "Are you saying my boss is 'The Caster of a Thousand Spells Momonga'?!"

Satoru couldn't help but cringe at hearing his online handle being exclaimed with such shock and awe, and by his co-worker no less. He fought back a new wave of embarrassment that washed over him.

The moniker "The Caster of a Thousand Spells" was a title bestowed upon him for his reputation as one of the premier magic casters within YGGDRASIL. His immense knowledge and power in the virtual world made him widely recognized and respected.

Of course, his title was purely an exaggeration. Normally, the maximum number of spells a Player at level 100 could learn and have caps out at three-hundred. With his special ability, Dark Wisdom, he was capable of exceeding the limit of how many spells he could use. The true number of spells under his belt was close to around six-hundred at the time, almost double the standard amount. But it was still a far cry from a thousand spells, as his epithet would have everyone believe. Even disregarding that notion, the fact that he was skilled enough to manage and remember about six-hundred spells within his repertoire spoke clearly of his skills as a Player.

It was Satoru's personal belief that the boastful proclamation of 'a thousand spells' was due to his extensive collection of diverse spells, which surpassed those of other Players. This gave him the impression of having an almost infinite number of spells, or a more manageable and quantifiable number of a thousand. Combined with his prowess when it came to PvP or PvE combat, it seemed that he always had a spell or two up his sleeve for any situation.

He had no idea how or even when the name got started and spread, but he had a sneaking suspicion his guildmates had a hand in it. Although he had no objections, Satoru admitted that it was a pretty cool and catchy title. Additionally, it felt good to have his own title associated with him, just like some of the others had.

"No way. Alright, come fess up. Which one are you really?" Kasumi insisted.

"Why is that hard to believe?" He challenged her, feeling a bit irked that she didn't believe him.

"Well, this is Momonga that we're talking about, the leader of the biggest and baddest Heteromorphic guild in all of YGGDRASIL. A Player that I've heard being described as a powerful and confident man. Someone you don't want to mess with. And then there's you, Satoru-san. You... well… you're you. Enough said."

"Hey, I take offense to that!" Satoru protested, which earned a snicker from Kasumi.

During their conversation, the discourse slowly lost its effectiveness as they struggled to maintain a productive exchange. Yet, when the subject of YGGDRASIL was introduced, they discovered a seamless rhythm and freely conversed without any inhibitions. The original point they were discussing became secondary as they transitioned smoothly from one topic to the next. Momentarily ignoring their differences, they savored each other's companionship and basked in the joy of the present moment.

Time flew by, and before they knew it, their conversation had wrapped up, and they were about to go their separate ways. Kasumi was properly dressed in her clean, dried clothes.

There, the two stood awkwardly near the hallway leading to Satoru's front door.

"Well… I guess I'll be going then. Thanks again for letting me use your washer and dryer." Kasumi bowed to Satoru.

"Of course, please think nothing of it. It was the least I could do." Satoru reciprocated, bowing as well.

Another pause of silence filled the air as the two simply stood around. Despite ending on a pleasant note, the two never forgot about the main issue. It was just that neither one truly wanted to bring up or ruin the mood.

'Then again, I did spring it up on him suddenly. I should give him a few days to think about it. I just hope this doesn't affect our relationship at work.' Kasumi thought as she turned around.

Just as she was turning the doorknob, she heard Satoru call out her name.


Turning around, she caught a look at Satoru. His mouth opened and closed splutteringly as he was trying to get a word out. Kasumi could see that he was still nervous about the issue, but he steeled his nerve and faced her properly.

I must confess, I've always struggled with relationships of any kind. Moreover, never in my wildest dreams did I expect to find myself in a situation like this. Honestly, I'm still thinking this is one big lucid dream and that I'll wake up any second now." Satoru revealed to her, punctuating his statement with a slight, self-deprecating chuckle.

"You asked me if I wanted something more from all of this. Honestly, I don't know myself. I'm a bit terrified if I'm being honest."

Her boss rubbed the back of his neck in a practiced manner. For the most part, it seemed as if he was dancing around the answer, trying to muster up the courage to finally move forward.

"I know that we didn't have the greatest of starts, but I… I still enjoyed the little time we had with each other. Just talking away, it was fun; I had fun. And I wouldn't mind doing it again…" Satoru trailed off the near end, his cheeks reddening, but Kasumi heard it as clear as day.

"Only if you want to, that is." He quickly added.

Kasumi said nothing as Satoru watched and waited. His heart beat like crazy as he waited in anticipation for her response. After what seemed like a perpetual silence, she smiled.

"Yeah, I would like that." Kasumi returned with a grateful smile.

"So… friends?" Satoru held out his hand.

"Friends." Kasumi chuckled to herself, finding the roles were now reversed.

Taking his hand, the two shook hands.

Letting go, Kasumi was struck with an idea.

"Sorry, I need to borrow your table real quick!"

Before Satoru had any chance to answer, she ran past him toward his kitchen table. He watched as she took out a slip of paper and pen from her bag before furiously writing something. She was back before he knew it, with an enigmatic smile on her face.

"Here you go." She handed him the slip of paper that was now folded.

"What's this?" Satoru asked curiously.

"Just one of the two thank-you gifts, for everything you've done." Kasumi answered back.

"One?" Satoru was struck with surprise when Kasumi mentioned there was a second point. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in bewilderment. What could it be, he wondered?

"Yup! And here's present number two!"

Satoru was completely unprepared as Kasumi leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. It was firmly at this point that his mind broke down. She leaned back with a cheeky but sweet smile as she took in his flabbergasted face.

Satoru began sputtering, his words becoming an incomprehensible mess as he was trying to say everything yet was unable to say anything. His face was the reddest it's ever been since he woke up this morning with Kasumi. Kasumi was almost worried that all the blood was rushing to his face.

Taking advantage of his stunned state, she used this opportunity to leave, getting the last laugh at the situation.

"See ya' around Satoru-san!" She bid farewell and left through the front door before Satoru could get any word out, waving goodbye.

Satoru was left standing there with his mouth agape for a few minutes as his mind was trying to process what had just happened.

It was only then that he realized that he was still holding onto the slip of paper. Opening it, it read:

"You should try smiling some more. You have a wonderful smile, and it would be a shame not to show the world that.

PS: Hit me up when you have time in YGGDRASIL – Destana.


Beside the message was a username, and it didn't take a genius to deduce that it was her online handle for YGGDRASIL.

Satoru slumped to the ground, his back pressing against the sturdy doorframe. He sat there, lost in thought, as he tried to process the events that had just unfolded. The night before, the morning wake-up call, and the conversation that followed—it all suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks. It was as if reality had finally caught up with him, and he couldn't deny it any longer. He found himself pinching his cheeks, almost as if he were trying to wake himself up from a dream. But the stinging sensation that followed was all too real. With a deep, frustrated sigh, Satoru finally let himself sink into a state of resignation.

"What am I going to do with her?" Satoru asked aloud, and despite his words, they were far from rueful. A genuine smile tugged at his lips as he sat there, soaking up the silence.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Kasumi made her way quickly to the elevator and stepped inside. Finally alone, she let down her guard and leaned against the railing. Her face was still flushed with embarrassment, just like Satoru's.

Even Kasumi was a bit surprised and embarrassed by her brazen action, but she far from regretted it. The memory of his face as she kissed him played back in her head, causing her to squeal with delight. Kasumi couldn't help it, as she found this side of Satoru and his reaction cute and endearing and wished to see more of it.

'He's almost like a Kuudere.' Kasumi compared. Cool, confident, and collected on the outside, but beneath it lies a soft, warm, and expressive core.

Which oddly, and perfectly described Satoru as a complete whole.

As the two went their separate ways, for now, they did not doubt that they would be seeing one another more in the future. If their brief, but memorable night out and morning debacle were anything to go by, things were going to get interesting in the future. That much the two felt was certain.

Author's Note:

I don't exactly have much to say in this one, as it was just a chapter for fun more than progressing the narrative. This was a more of a follow up to the end of Momonga's part, following up since the Conquest of Nazarick. I wanted to do a bit exploration with Momonga's character and explore a different facet, as well as implement and idea I've been pondering for a while now. It's probably why it feels a bit more filler-ish compared to the others.

The idea of the chapter came to as I scrolling through the various Overlord stories. Romance is a genre that isn't as prevalent or explored in Overlord. At least, not as far as I've seen for the most part. It's rather limited and cut-and-dry due to it being a bit out of place. It seems that topic of romance or partners for Ainz are rather limited and skewed. Either he's paired with the NPCs, OCs, or otherwise. Something I've always noticed is that it's is Ainz being in the relationship, not Momonga/Satoru if that makes any sense.

I wanted to try and write him in a relationship but not as Ainz, the ruler of Nazarick but that she is in a relationship with Satoru, the man behind the mask that is Momonga. Someone that knows him for who truly is. I played with the idea that she's almost like his opposite. Where in reality he's normally skittish and shy, she's confident and assertive to build her personality. Reflected also in their Avatar, Momonga as an undead Overlord and Kasumi as an Angel. Hopefully I managed to portray Momonga/Satoru in an interesting and respectful light with this chapter. I also had a fun writing the character of Kasumi, and I'm curious what do you think of her? Considering she's essentially an OC for this story, similar to Reina only with a lot more prevalence in this chapter.

Thank you for Reading . Please, rate and review if you enjoyed it, or if you have a comment or question you'd like to ask.

See you all in the next chapter!

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