
Faith/The Great Doctor (Book 1)

This is translated from the Song Ji-na's novel based on the Korean Drama "Faith" also known as "The Great Doctor". A love that transcends public domain, making history! A Goryeo man with no regrets in the world, a woman these days with many regrets in the world synonym

State · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 The Value of a Goryeo Warrior's Convenant

Eun-soo quickly took out her phone, to make a call, but there is no reception. She is walking around the room with the phone in her hand trying different areas to see if she can locate a reception spot. While she is doing this a maid enters the room with a pot of tea and a cup, which she places on a small table. Eun-soo seeing the woman who doe not look over twenty years old sneaks closer to whisper to her "Hey. Can you help me get out of here?" The maid does not appear or pretends to hear her and continues to serve the tea by picking up the pot to pour some into the cup for Eun-soo to drink. Eun-soo decides to change tactics and reaches in her bag and takes out a little bag inside is a wad of money folded and separated with a piece of cloth. She takes it out and counts it in front of the maid, there is one 50,000 won bill and six 10,000 won bills, she counts it again before deciding to gently fold the 50,000 won note inside the cloth, thinking that she will need to take a taxi home and puts it back into her bag. She tidies up the six 10,000 won bills and vigorously presents them to the maid in front of her saying, "This is all I have right now." The maid is still unresponsive. "If there is an ATM around here, I can get more. Let us go now." The money in Eun-soo's hand catches the maid's attention which gives Eun-soo the courage to persuade as she calculates aloud "I have a loan payment due, which also includes the interest, there is not much in the bank account, and I must minus the service charge to access cash. How much will it be?" The maid who's attention is caught on the money moving in Eun-soo's hand is noticed by Eun-soo who thinks that no human can turn down money decides to force it into the maid's hands saying "I can make it one million won in total, because I do not have enough credit to make it more" as the startled maid looks at the money in her hands and nods in agreement. The maid then looks towards the door and Eun-soo also looks towards the door and they see that it is being guarded by a boy with messy hair. Eun-soo wonders where Psycho has gone and her courage wavers at the thought that pops into her head.

All the circumstantial evidence suggests that he clearly exhibits psychopathic tendencies, he even carries a sword which he used in attempt to murder by cutting a person in front of Eun-soo's eyes. Then he kidnapped her and was a dude who could kill her at any time using the knife he carries which reminds her suddenly of the stains on his clothes which smelt of blood, and from the stains on his clothes was a large amount. Eun-soo gets fed up and stops thinking about him and starts thinking about the injury on the young woman's neck that she just operated on. Judging from the injury it was done with a knife and from its location and depth it was done by someone else and not a result of self-harm. The conclusion is that someone in this house must have done it and with this thought she remembers the eyes of the Psycho which were cold, distant and calculating. Even though Eun-soo has never encountered a murder, she knows that Psycho has the aura and eyes of a murderer, which makes her think how easily the young woman could have easily been decapitated. Euns-soo suddenly thinks that the young lady is like her and has been kidnapped, her face pales as another thought pops into her head wondering if they had no intention of saving her in the first place and thinks that she is in danger as she not only has seen all their faces but the other woman who may have been injured because she was kidnapped by them. Eun-soo decides that she should just run away, otherwise she may die, part of her want to stay and monitor the young woman as she recovers but a big part her wants to put her own safety first and to leave. Her heart is beating furiously, and she clenches her fist in determination thinking that if you believe you can do it, it is possible. She looks out the window and notices the new day is dawning as the light from the sun peeks above the horizon and streams through the window which she climbs out of to leave.

Taiwan who is guarding outside the door was half asleep when suddenly his animal instincts sensed something was strange and he half-opens his eyes to locate what has triggered his uneasiness. Concentrating to detect the anomaly when he realizes that there is no sound coming from inside the room that it is too quiet. He jumps up quickly and bursts through the door only to see the room is completely empty of the Heavenly Person it is supposed to contain. Noticing the window is open, he runs to is and looks out to see if he can see her but cannot making it obvious that she has escaped long ago. Taiwan thinks of calling someone but is worried about how far and fast the Heavenly Doctor will travel, so decides it would be faster for him to locate her himself. He jumps lightly to the ground from the second floor and can track her easily from the clearly distinct footprints she leaves behind from the shoes she wears make on the ground. Taiwan smiles and runs following the trail she left behind with relief. Meanwhile Eun-soo was running hard wondering if the woman who had received ten thousand won would buy a car, she did not care thinking that it was worth exchanging for her life. The whole experience has made her reassess her priorities and she feel grateful not to be greedy anymore and wishing the young maid a happy new year with the money she acquired in exchange for turning the other way while she escaped. Eun-soo notices a large village and decides to go to look around, as she enters it and walks around to find anything familiar, she is slowly being followed by people first it is one or two and then it grows to become more and more. Everyone is wearing strange historical drama costumes and her progress is slowed down by the people following her and those that are openly staring, blatantly pointing their fingers at her, laughing at her and pulling or touching her bag, clothes and hair, there are dreams that she has had that are like this. Constantly reminding herself that this is NOT a dream, there is not way her imagination no matter how extensive that she thinks it is can envisage the detail of this historical film set and makes her more determined to leave.

Eun-soo musters up the courage approach at least one middle-aged man seems to be coming directly to her, so she asks "Could you tell me where the entrance is here? I want to catch a bus or a taxi, please tell me which way do I go? "The middle-aged man laughs in a malevolent way and then talks in an unknown language to another man who has come to walk beside him. The two of them have stopped and they are stopping her from making her way any further, as she is surrounded by curious people on all sides. When they do not answer her questions Eun-soo starts to ask a woman who is touching her clothes next to her, "Can you speak English? Hello? Nihao? Sesese?"At Eun-soo's words, the people around her laugh louder and suddenly people start flocking to Eun-soo which makes it clear to her that this is not good. Eunsoo quickly sees a way to avoid getting mobbed by people and dodges quickly in a gap to take the road next to her. Manti, the man that approached her first has been left where he stood opposite of Eun-soo, he looks in the direction of where she exited, while his companion Le looks in the direction that she came from, he looks behind him to see if anyone is following him yet, specifically he is trying to see the Captain of the Woodalchie who he knows will show up soon, but for the moment no-one seems to be following him yet. According to the information, his martial arts is the best and it was reported that almost all the Mohs who died in yesterday's raid, half of them died at his hand. Distracting him with the kidnapping of Eun-soo will take his threat out of the inn and will enable it easier for them to succeed in their second raid. Mantir gave a signal to a group of people in the shadow of an ugly building across the street to indicate that one of them run quickly toward the inn to proceed with the raid.

Mantir himself decides to follow where the Sky Lady went and wonders if she is really the Heavenly Doctor. I am reported that the daughter of the King of Wei whose head was nearly cut off has been revived. If it is true, such beings should go to Moh, we will need to catch it to find out if it is true or not. Meanwhile Eun-soo is getting confused the set seems like a market alley, she stops walking to take in her surroundings. She notices that everything is too realistic to be an established marketplace. The way the seller and the buyer nor the bargainer can be seen to be acting, as how they interact cannot even be seen by the camera. She wonders, what kind of acting are you doing? The number of people watching Eun-soo increases one by one and when she looks down at some point, she notices that children cling to her and some touch her shoes. Eu-soo is annoyed at how they are touching, clinging and following her, she feels like she is going crazy. She has her phone out and is trying to catch a signal here and there, noticing her battery is running low she turns it off, only to notice as she does so that the reflection is the kid that is one of Psycho's men from earlier watching her from behind. Wondering what to do she sees clothes shop right across the street and jumps into it without a second thought. Taiwan watches Eun-soo as she runs into the shop and wonders whether to follow her or to go in and catch her. Taiwan is pulling at his hair on his head thinking that Heavenly people would surely rebel against being physically caught and dragged by force. How can he of all people think to put his hand on the Heavenly Healer? So, he passes the shop she has entered to see if he can find Choi Young. Eun-soo who was crying and thinking, while hiding amongst the clothes hanging in the clothing stall notices Taiwan passing by and is relieved.

Taiwan can hear the two men discussing what they will do one is conversing in Yuan and the other is conversing in Goryeo language, he who up on the border can speak both and understands what they are discussing. What they discuss between themselves is not cool, therefore he offers a street waif a reward to go and send a message back to the inn to Choi Young. It seems to take a long time to find one willing to do it and Taiwan is impatient as he does not want to lose sight of the Heavenly Doctor who wears the pointy shoes.

Choi Young is sleeping on a chair on the first floor of the Inn, when the entrance becomes noisy and hears his troops interpret the language of the Yuan Dynasty, he does not budge while they interpret until he hears it is about the Heavenly Doctor, his eyes flash open and he demands "Where is the Heavenly Doctor?" Another guard runs upstairs to report that the status of the boat for them to travel on has arrived. Choi Young is frustrated that Taiwan is not able to bring the Heavenly Doctor back but at the same time understands the hesitancy to place hands on the sky person. He grabs the man that reports about boat places him in the spot he was indicating that he should stand guard and he picks up the shield that he had stood against the wall that makes it clear he is going to get the Heavenly Doctor. Chung-seok calls to him as he leaves through the door "Are you going alone? Take a few with you, in case of you get attacked while you gone." Choi-Young asks abruptly "When did you say the ship would be ready?" Chung-seok answers "There is no news apart from every boat owner is trying to be found." Choi-young reflects out loud "I have lingered too long in the inn. They will come again before I am done". Chung-seok asks "Shall we attack?" Choi-Young answers "It should be assumed that they know all about our forces now. They will not attack twice in the same way. So, do not panic and triple the defense and be prepared for an attack." The troops that have been listening answered in unison "Yes" Chun-seok confirms "Then put the King in the center?" Choi-Young answers "No, put the Queen in the center" Chun-seok then asks, "Then how can I report to you?" Choi-young who is about to give him specific instructions decides not to and states "I'll take care of it, take good care of it." He then pushes his way out the door thinking 'I will be leaving the Woodalchi soon. Something which he has been thinking about it all the time for the past seven years. So, he does not care if he's not there, he has been preparing by training young kids to be troops to take over in the eventuation of his death or retirement. Choi Young arrived at that street after hurrying a slow-paced man to show him where Taiwan was waiting who points to a clothing store saying "I... He's inside me." Choi- Young enters the store by jumping in one step, but there was no sky woman in it, however, he recognizes the necklace that she wore around her neck is now on the neck of the owner of the shop.

Eun-soo gave it to the store owner earlier after following the directions the owner indicated with her gestures to exit out of an alleyway and up a hill, she also got a roll-like outer garment and put it on to cover her hair and clothing. She looks behind to see if she is being followed by Taiwan and almost falls because of the long outer garment and her high heels that she still is wearing. Eun-soo does not see Taiwan so after regaining her footing makes her determination in escaping evident in how she quickens her pace, the little exercise she normally does on a regular basis becomes evident in her struggle to navigate the unpaved high very steep hill in the high heels she wears, makes her regret the years she hesitated on the outlay to join the nearby gym. She is relieved that the top is right there, which makes her lengthen her steps to reach it. When she does finally the strong wind whips around her, and she wonders at the scenery of the city which is clearly not any place she is familiar with in Korea. It is truly unbelievable what she can see as she wonders at the sight of the vast sea, and there were floating several boats, which all seem to have sails. Eun-soo quickly scans the scenery to try and see anything she can recognize but there are apartments, skyscrapers, there is just wide-open spaces and forests, few small, thatched cottages in the distance, and a large piece of land, on the horizon which has nothing but space and emptiness that is not associated with the Korea that she is familiar with. The asphalt road is nowhere to seen and with it there is no signs of the vehicles that she is used to seeing and there are no signs of that mark the civilization she is familiar with such as power lines, street signs and lit billboards. She wonders "What nonsense. What is this? What kind of a set is this big?" She is amazed at the dedication to the level of detail taken and starts to wonder "Where is it? Was she really taken so far without realizing?"

Eun-soo mumbles to herself, she feels that she is being followed so looks behind her, to see two men approaching her with their ill intent clearly written on their faces. Eun-soo would have normally been able to interpret their intentions, but due to all that she had been through, combined with her focus being on escaping and making her way back to where she originally came, made it difficult for her to interpret their intentions. Thinking that she can ask them for directions she asks them "Hey, I want to talk to you. Where is this place? I was at COEX in Gangnam before, I passed out on the way here. Could you please help me? Just a little bit?" while she is asking them these questions one of the men stops in front of her pulls a material from the inside of his sleeve to flick it to unravel it and hold it open, while the other stands behind her to stop her from escaping. It is only then does Eun-soo see that the material is rough and that it seems to be a sack. Only then did Eun-soo come to her senses and tries to run away not realizing that someone is behind her to stop her, as she turns around to run away, she is confronted by how close the other one is to her. Mantir simply grabs Eun-soo's arm, which makes her scream and tries to remove her arm, but the hand was like steel and refuses to let go making her shout "Let go! "At the same time lifting her foot to kick the man's shin with her high heels. The force of which breaks the high heel that she has kicked him with and takes Mantir by surprise, along with the unexpected pain that accompanies it, that he lets her go with "Humph!" Eun-soo runs a limp in her broken high heels, almost falling with, but she is grabbed by the hem of her clothes from behind, enabling the man to capture her in his arms. She screams and tries to escape from her captor, but Mantir comes up to Eun-soo and slaps her in the face which makes her collapse like a rag doll. Eun-soo notices as she tries to regain her focus with her head bowed that blood is dripping on the ground at her feet, she touches her face to find it is from her nose that is bleeding. Eun-soo finding it hard to comprehend the situation finds that the two men grab her arms and raise them up, and the Mantir puts a sack over Eun-soo's head.

Meanwhile Taiwan quickly runs along the trail left by Eun-soo on the land, without saying anything as he followed by Choi Young who is gradually beginning to feel uneasy in his chest. The woman's trail is heading out of town, it goes down the hill, before it goes up and up. Taiwan stops andpoints to one saying, "Here you go." Choi Young sees numerous footprints on the ground, among them he can identify the sharp traces of the footwear of the woman and amongst them are the footprints of men, his heat starts to beat fast in recognition when he sees Taiwan picking up the only pointed part of sky shoes the woman wears from the grass and brings it to him. Choi-Young spots something on the ground, he goes towards it and crouches to touch the ground, when he turns the fingers to look at what they have touched he confirms that the woman was bleeding. Choi-Young's heart sinks, he focuses, and his expression becomes colder than if knife is put to his throat and even colder when he is surrounded, outnumbered by enemies. Seeing this Taiwan is in a hurry and anxious, so he stammers more. "Dah... There are traces on the ground, and this is a broken shoe...…ah. The person of heaven...…stomach...… So, this dangerous. I turn around one more time...…. There are three. The ones who attacked him are three. The blood shed here is probably hers and it is not hardened, so it was just a while ago. Let us go to the next town... let us go. We should be able to find them." Choi Young shook his head and states "It is the same people that blocked the boat at the port, to target us by raiding the inn and attacking the Queen." Taiwan asks to understand "Couldn't have anyone be able to do any of those things by themselves?" Choi Young shakes his head and clarifies "How did they know of the Heavenly Doctor's identity? Someone from inside must have informed them, while they waited outside." Taiwan says "Sir... I cannot believe there is an inside spy...…" Choi-Young states definitively "There is at least eight of them." Taiwan is already moving his body to the horse determined saying "Who... who is it? I will go, I'll find out who it is and catch them."

There was a person in Choi Young's mind, the one who left my master's side at a critical moment the maid child, however, woman with her red hair is more urgent than that maid, as she who knows nothing of the earthly world. He asks, "Who has a boat in the port here?" I am a Goryeo person, but that's...let us go." Choi Young starts running and Taiwan quickly follows to stick to him and point him in the direction of the boat owner, Seon-joo who has been drunk since morning. Choi Young sees that a large cask that has been opened, and a new lid is on the floor beside it "Who gave you the money to buy that barrel?" The drunken ship owner answers drunkenly in gibberish "I don't have a boat. I don't have one, so come later." Choi Young grabs him by the hair, drags him across to the barrel and pushes the struggling guy's head into the liquid that is in the barrel. After holding his head down in the liquid for what he deems as enough time, he lifts it out and asks, "Do you know the guy who gave you the money to tie up the boat?" Seon-joo smiles and rolls his sly eyes only to find his head being pushed into the barrel again. Taiwan is crouching on the side and watching with those eyes that dart around like an animal, he feels guilty and nervous for not being able to find the heavenly person. Choi Young only pulls the shipowner out of the liquid in the barrel when he seems to have no strength left to struggle, this time and he lets him collapse to the ground next to the keg. The sound of the ship owner can be heard regurgitating and groaning, when Cho Young demands "Who is this?" The ship owners' eyes half upturned, confesses that Mantir had a forge located far from the village and that the bill was to be sent to Gaegyeong

In the empty lot in front of the blacksmith, Mantir has jump into a hidden part of the shop as he winks at the comrades that he oversaw as they guard the main part of the shop. Mantir created this secret room for a purpose. The entrance is a wall of tools hung to be located when used to make things in his shop. However, the wall could be opened by operating a device, by pushing it to the side, to enter the secret room which now contains the captured woman called the Heavenly Doctor, still in the sack over her head and her hands and feet were tied. Moh's Dong Ryohana is guarding by her side. The plan is that tomorrow will be spent in Mojia and others will arrive and hand they will take her Mujia Village, as scheduled. Mantir cannot get caught before then, so he closes the entrance and approaches the woman, to remove the sack. She tries to scream but when her eyes meet his, he raises his hand in warning and she hesitates before deciding not to. The fear on her frightened woman's face is enough for Mantar to see that his threat is being taken seriously, which is good because he cannot afford there to be anymore injury to her person that already has been sustained. Mantir takes a rag from his sleeve and throws it at his ally, who quickly takes it and gags the woman. Mantir takes a dagger out and holds it for her to see, he notices how her eyes widen at its appearance and looking at her comprehension and resignation knows that she has understood the implied threat. Taiwan goes and looks around the forge here and there for traces of the woman when he enters with Choi Young. Choi Young approaches a man inside who is focusing on sharpening his knife on the whetstone. The way he does not look up in their direction when they enter makes him more suspicious to Choi Young, as he approaches, he can see the tell-tale signs that he is nervous. But as expected the man avoids looking up as Choi Young approaches and stands right in front of him the man's right hand slips mid movement with the knife. Choi Young pulls the knife from the scabbard that he has tied behind his waist and in that instant wields the knife he was sharpening at him, their knives clash, as they fight parring and defending themselves from the knife of the other penetrating his person. Choi Young finally knocks the other's knife out of his hand, then successively kicks the man in the back of the knee hard enough to break it, then grabs him by the back of the head to drag him to the front of the stove. The man tries to fight back as he is being dragged, but each attempt is blocked and broken by Choi Young.

The man suddenly feels like his head is burning and suddenly realizes that he was dragged and place bowing close enough to the furnace where I can feel his head burning which makes him scream and shout in his native language, the captain has won. Taiwan who is watching from the side with arms crossed interprets poorly "I'll tell you everything." The captain asks, "What are you going to tell me?" he pauses to give Taiwan time to interpret. At the words, the man struggles and answers which Taiwan translates "He knows nothing." The captain states "That's not what I want to know." He tries to put the man's head into the oven again, the man starts to shout in earnest mindlessly and talking about something, which makes the captain pause, as he notices that Taiwan is nervous as he translates "They are planning on attacking with fire... inn." The man desperately stretches out his hand and points to a place. Taiwan runs and opens the lid of the barrel that the man pointed at and saw a round object inside, which he picks up looking at the object in confusion. Choi Young pushes her man away and approaches Taiwan who hands it to him, he looks at it and then smells it, he recognizes that it smells of gun powder and asks, "Is it a fire work?" The man is about to answer when Choi Young's gaze is caught by the entrance of the secret room hidden inside the forge as at the same time he hesitates and states "It must have started already. His Highness is in danger." Taiwan says in earnest "Leader" Choi Young hesitates for a while, thinking that he should give up the woman and go, but it is quickly dismissed as he decides and moves to the entrance after striking the man's head with his elbow to stun him. Taiwan follows him, as he opens the entrance slowly, quietly and cautiously looks inside, with Taiwan following. He notices a pit in the middle of the secret room and the woman tied, sitting at the feet of the standing man who is holding a knife in his hand that has been placed on her shoulder with the sharpened end facing her neck, it is close but not touching her skin and the other hand is on her opposite shoulder splayed to put pressure on it and the base of her neck.

Inside the secret room, Eun-soo heard the wooden door open and close. She is anxious about who else is going to enter which makes her breathing accelerate to come out in gasps as the pressure around her neck and the man's blade so close to her that she was already unable to breathe properly. Tears well up as she hears the noise, her body starts to unknowingly tremble as she knows that the beast that holds her captive will easily cut her throat. She wonders if the Psycho has found her, which makes her choke on the wad of cloth in her mouth and tries to cry out to draw the attention of whoever has entered. She prays that she does not start to cry as this disrupts clear thinking and she has observed that he has an analytical yet nonchalant eye. Psycho may be a kidnapper like these guys, but he is different, he is better than them and feels that even though there is no guarantee anywhere, she has a better outcome with him. However, Eun-soo still resents him for bringing her here against her will and then leaving her without any mention of returning her like he promised. She had hoped that the psychopath would have worked harder to find her, the tears that stream down her face, just will not stop and she is telling herself 'Please stop crying', she tries to focus on the secret entry where she had heard someone coming in, watching to see who has entered. The men who kidnapped her are watching her, while their leader Mantir is searching through En-soo's bag, he takes out her cell phone and he inspects the object in his hand. She notices the surprise and curiosity on his face when he pulls it out and then the fear that replaces it as he inspects this object. Eun-soo wonders why do these people not know what it is?

Back at the Inn, Chung-seok, standing at the top of the stairs, shouts and starts inspecting, the positioning of the troops on guard he shouts "Gabjoo." At the sound of Choong-Seok's resounding voice, each guard answering from their allotted position, one by one, the circles answer loudly first on the outside of the guesthouse, the voices of the people answering can be heard even inside first is "Gapjo Hana." Quickly followed by "Gabjooh Duul." Then "Gabjo Seoi." Then "Gabjo you." They wait in anticipation for the fifth member of Gabjo is who is on guard on the roof, to indicate his position, but there is no response, the length of the silence prompts Chung-seok to call once more."Gapjo daseoeot!" No answer. Chung-Seok then signal to Deokman standing next to him, to check on the Queen in her room. Deokman runs to the room and then whistles from behind it is deafening in a way that only Deokman can blows, it echoes throughout the Inn. Jang Bin, who was examining the details of her Queen, hears the whistle, recognizing it as a signal for emergencies lifts his head and exchanges glances with the King who was in the same room as the Queen. The Queen remains unconscious, so Jang-Bin picks her up while Deokman approaches the bed to escort the King "Your Highness this way." The other three guards also stick to the side, to triple their defense in protection and in defense of the expected attack. A master of martial arts even within Woodalchie, Chung-Seok was in left in charge of the innermost protection sees the door burst open, at the same time some enter through the window, while others attack from above can be heard fighting with the troops positioned there. Chung-seok who cares about the Kings' safety states his intention "Your Highness, I will go downstairs." He leaves Jang-bin without question to protect the King, as he goes to assess the attack that is simultaneously being encountered through the windows of the lower and upper floors. The windows that were shattered by the thunderclap attack yesterday were temporarily replaced with planks to try to block any entry through it, became instead a snare, as the bastards threw an unknown barrel into the gap, which then emitted a thick smoke emitted through a few holes made to disperse it, enabling it to fill the room making a thick layer to hinder our vision. Chung-seok returns to guide the King, a more barrels come bursting through the windows downstairs came he entrusts the King's escort to Dolbae while he climbs over the railing and jumps to get downstairs first. Chung-seok notices that the barrels the guys threw through the window and exploded on the floor, did not only produce smoke that there seemed to be a liquid that comes out of them which is covering the floor. He crouches down to touch what it is on the floor with his fingers before rubbing it between his thumb and fingers to smear it and smell what the substance is. He recognizes the smell and the sticky liquid as flammable and clearly indicates that they will shoot arrow lit with flame to set the Inn of fire. He commands urgently will be "Secure the exit, they will set fire to the Inn!" Deokman tried to break through the front gate at the sound of Chungseok shouting, but as he opened the door a little with a shield held in front of him to protect himself, a flaming arrow flies and strikes the wooden shield which catch fire. Deokman is taken by surprise drops the shield and retreats in closing the door he exclaims. "It's not just a flaming arrow. It has an oil bag attached. I can't go out the front door." Now the indoors are thick with smoke, and even the crew member next to him are overcome with how thick it is and they back away from it. Meanwhile the King is looking around for his Queen, he locates Chung-seok and states "I cannot see the Queen." Taken by surprise he says, "What do you mean?" The King states "I was following right behind her, when the smoke made it difficult for me to see and when I could see she was not there." The urgency and confusion in the King's voice, Chung-seok is also very anxious, thinking how Jan-bin who was carrying the Queen, could became separated from the Deolbae and the King.

Cho-hyang one of the Queens maids is pulling Jang Bin's sleeves as she guides the way through the smoke, she is so quick and confident that her Jang Bin follows without question. His confidence in her is based on how she acted when the Queen was wounded, even though he was worried about the damaged door, he can see Baeksan following closely. Chohyang leads them to the back gate and opens the door for Jang Bin who makes his way out through it without any doubt, the situation is to urgent to be able to address any doubts of suspicions. Baeksan from behinds quickly faces the way they have come to shout "This is Cho Baeksan, I found the back door. Let us move..." But Baeksan could not finish his words, lurking outside the door assassins attacked Jang-bin and the Queen he was carrying. Baeksan almost throws himself to block them and is stabbed by a sword by one while the other makes another attempt to attack Jang-bin and the Queen. Baeksan quickly moves with the sword embedded inside to throw his sword accurately to hit the assassin attacking Jang-Bin, which enables Jang-bin to escape out of the back gate, to put the Queen down to protect her from Chohyang. Jang-bin takes out a fan from his pocket and wields it to kill the attacking assassins. Baeksan quickly bolts the back door that Jang-bin exited out of to block any more assassins from following them. Jang-bin is dealing with an unknown number of assassins, first there where four and now there are more. He is doing everything in his power for them not to get behind or past him to attack the Queen. The main martial arts that Jang Bin uses is the point blood method, which entails pointing to the blood, spread the fan to block the opponent's weapon at the point or attack, he able to grab the forearm of the attacker with his right had as he deflects the blade of the sword with his fan, making the assassin miss. Jang-bin distracted dealing with the attack of the assassins, did not see what was happening behind him. Cho-hyang who was trusted to protect the Queen who was still unconscious was lying unprotected on the ground was in league with the assassins and pulls out a knife which normally would be used in the protection of the Queen to attack her.

Meanwhile under Choi Young's command, Taiwan has run as fast as he can to arrive first to the front of the guesthouse, where he sees two assassins who are positioned within two feet of the inn's entrance. They are holding fire arrows in preparation to kill those who come out of inn. Their mission is to kill those who come out of the inn, so they block the escape route those will emerge when the fire alarm is made while the Inn is burning. One of the sets wraps a cloth to an arrow tip before setting it alight, while he aims it at the Inn to shoot, Taiwan shoots and arrow into his back. He runs towards the other assassin, Nyan and Taiwan fights with him by leaping and landing on him, to make him fall over and lose the bow and arrow that he holds. Nyan fights back and they struggle but Taiwan dominates his opponent, by knocking him unconscious. Another assassin who was positioned closer to the Inn was surprised by the unexpected intrusion and aimed an arrow towards Taiwan but is killed with a silver knife. Another assassin positioned opposite the one just killed, shoots an arrow at Taiwan, who disappears in an instant by dodging out of the way and rolling onto the ground, the arrow flies through air and aimlessly lands on the ground. Taiwan launches his body from below at the assassin with the strength and resembling that of a wildcat.

Back to Cho-hyang who looks down at the Queen with a dagger in her hand, hesitates as she has been with the Queen for years and knows that the cold exterior hides a person of integrity, one who has treated her with such trust and affection that she is confided in and treated like a sister. In determination as she supports the Queen, she raises the dagger she holds to aim it at where it will kill in one action, the heart. It is in this moment; the Queen opens her eyes to look straight at the lady-in-waiting as she raises her dagger. Shocked and taken by surprise, Cho-hyang hesitates mid action when suddenly something flies out of nowhere to knock the dagger out of her hand and this makes her look to identify what it was only to see it spin to and arc around in front of her before taking off flying behind her in the direction that the object came from, to see Choi Young running and catching it midair before recognizing it for the shield like thing he brought back from the Sky World, he puts it leaning against the on the ground as he approaches her to grab her by the head and snaps her neck. Another assassin comes running towards the Queen but is intercepted by Choi Young sword which was wielded to cut his throat. At the same time Jang-bin overcame the assassins he was fighting and turns his attention to the Queen to see Choi Young's sword penetrate the assassins' neck and is kicked away before they both run to the Queen who is conscious but leaning against a fence pole that runs along the pathway. Unexpectedly their attention is drawn to the sound of the pole that had been hung horizontally in front of the back door being broken and the back door bursting open, only to see the Woodalchi led by Chung-Seok emerging. Jang-bin sighs in relief knowing this means that the assassins have been subdued once again by the Woodalchi.

In the meantime, Choi Young was on one knee beside the Queen, watching over her he asks, "Are you awake?" before she can answer his attention is caught by what Jang-bins reaction and he looks up to see the King emerging out the back door while he coughs because of the smoke. Choi Young stands and bows his head as the King approaches and stands in front of the Queen before calmly saying "Looks like you are awake." The Queen who has watched the King since his appearance in silence responds in an uncharacteristically calm tone even though she is trembling with fear and apprehension "Are you alive? Why is it so noisy here?" Choi Young who survey the surrounding area to see that the Woodalchies have overpowered the assassins and appearance of Taiwan who came running from the front of the Inn means that the situation has been sorted out. Choi Young then quietly draws the attention of the King by saying "Majesty". The king looks at him which gives him permission to go on to say "The Heavenly Doctor has saved the Queen. Please allow me to keep the promise I made when I found her, to return her when she saved the Queen." The King continues to look at Choi Young, when they are suddenly struck by a strong wind that hits them as it blows past. A subordinate arrives from the sky gate, with a message sent by those that were tasked with monitoring its access, to advise that the opening has shrunk substantially in size. Choi Young is anxious and impatient waiting for permission to find and send the Sky Lady back as once the gates of heaven are closed, you never know when they will open again. It is imperative they find her before it is too late. He was interrupted in his search for her in the forge as he had to return just in time to save the Queen from her maid that he had suspected to be a spy. The King nods to indicate his permission

Choi Young leaves with Taiwan to quickly return to the forge to locate the Heavenly Doctor but found it empty. Taiwan darts around sniffing and then walking in areas to locate traces of her, when he frowns as it has seemed that she and her captor have disappeared without a trace as it is overpowered by the strong smell of gunpowder making it impossible for Taiwan, which has lived in the mountains for a long time and who is sensitive to smells like wild animals to track. Choi Young does not question Taiwan's tracking skills, if he says he cannot detect anything then it will be hard to locate the Sky Lady. I make his already impatient mind frustrated at the thought that the last evidence of the Sky Lady was in this forge and the realization that he may not be able to fulfill his promise and must forfeit his life. Thinking that he possible could question some of the assassins that were captured earlier, to see if they know or will even divulge any information without having to resort to other means to make. He doubts that there will be time for that, it makes his nervous heart quiver and as the anger gathers in his brain and transmits along his nerves without his knowledge, rushing into his hands. The energy inherited from his master has slipped unexpectedly out of his control to travel down his arm and to his hand. He quickly pulls it back barely restraining it before it burst out. Taiwan watching with fearful eyes as Choi Young stands still to regain control of the inner energy and the focus he is known for. He meets Taiwan's eyes says to him "Go back to the Inn first. The town's boat owners are unreliable since there are no boats available to hire. Tell them to organize passage on an ocean merchant ship and get ready to leave as soon as possible." As he is saying this it makes Choi Young wonder whether the next support team will arrive soon, however...… He pauses as he hears a strange sound and meets Taiwan's eyes which have widened to suggest he heard it as well. Then they both hear a voice say, "Feed me." Which makes them both look at the place it came from the wall when they hear it again "Feed Me" which makes them realize that it is coming from behind the wall. Taiwan goes to run toward the wall when he is stopped by Choi Young raising his arm to tell him not to move. The wall suddenly bursts open and the appearance of a man holding a dagger at the Sky Lady's neck as he maneuvers her body to position it in front of him at his feet for them to see that her hands are tied behind her and her ankles are also tied, her mouth is gagged, and her eyes are open big and wide with fear. The woman's eyes meet Choi Young's which make anger blaze like fire through his heart as his eyes flicker to the dagger at her neck. When a voice says again "Feed me" and the square object was thrown to the ground, which he recognized as the one that the Sky Lady was holding earlier, before it was stomped on in anger by Mantir as he says something, which Taiwan translates with an angry face "No・・・・・Put down your weapon and get out of the way. Otherwise, I will kill you." Choi Young draws his sword, which the man presses the knife harder against the neck of the Heavenly Lady, which makes the blood seep out before flowing down her neck.

Choi Young feels his consciousness sink into coldness preparing to kill that guy, while the man continues talking, Taiwan interprets what he is saying "Send them both away or we will die together." Choi Young shifts the sword from his right hand to his left, while Taiwan looks nervously on while Choi Young measures the distance between himself and the man by sight as he rotates the sword in the air which catches Mantir's attention. It is at this moment that Choi Young pulls a dagger from the back of his waist with his right hand whilst catching the sword in his left hand then throws both simultaneously at the man. The sword hits the man to penetrate him in the chest while the knife lodged in the man's forehead.

Eun-soo felt the man's hand that had been gripping her neck loosen and the pressure from dagger her neck lessens before hearing it clatter as it hit the ground with something heavy landing also on the ground. Eun-soo looks behind her where she heard the sound to see the man that had been holding her hostage her was lying very still on the ground with a dagger stuck in his forehead and a sword lodged in his chest. She did not need to physically check if he were dead as she could tell just by looking, she feels a shudder runs through her body at the realization. Unexpectedly the sound of her cell phone beeps from the ground where it had been stomped on as it indicates the battery is dying, drawing the attention of Eun-soo and the man who stood looking through the door. Choi Young suddenly starts to move through the door towards her yet past her to the fallen man behind her where he calmly removes the dagger stuck in the man's forehead and wipes the blood from it on the clothes of the corpse. Eun-soo who is in shock stares at the floor when she sees the boots of the Psycho come into her vision, she looks up to see him standing there looking down at her. Her mind goes blank, and she shifts her focus to the ceiling above, wondering if he was going to kill her too as he suddenly he down at her feet, while holding the dagger, this makes her aware that she is barefoot due to the loss of one shoe and the other was broken. As the Psycho crouches in front of her she trembles in nervousness seeing the dagger in his hand making its way to her feet. It is not until dagger he holds cuts the rope that binds her ankles that she releases the breath she has been holding in relief and with assistance is able to stand. The Psyho then moves behind her to cut the rope that ties her hands, he then sheaths the dagger and unties the knot that is tied to secure the gag around her mouth. Being tied tightly it takes some time and makes her aware of how close he is to her, she feels the urge to cry for some reason, she lowers her face to control the urge and swallows it down to suppress the urge until the gag is untied and removed. Choi Young then pulls the sword out of the corpses body and sheaths it behind his back. He then looks at the Eun-soo's face as she raises her head and finally revealed itself when a frown appears on his face. The sight of a bruise on the lower part of her once spotless face and the evidence of blood where her lip has been split due to a blow to her face, makes Choi Young so angry he is willing to kill that man again. In frustration he says to the Sky Lady "I told you to wait. Oh, what a nuisance. I can not keep you safe if you run away like this. Look at what has happened. Do you even know where you are? Do you?" While he is saying this, he goes to lift the woman's chin with his hand up to take a closer look at the wound on her neck, but as it makes contact, she knocks his hand away, turning her face away to block him from doing so. She tries to storm off in anger at being admonished like a child but stumbles as her body is still in shock and has barely enough strength to stand upright let alone stomp off the way she wants, so she resorts to glaring at Choi Young as she backs away slowly. Finding this amusing he states "Follow me. I brought you a horse.", he walks ahead to lead the way only to have something fly past him from behind. He avoids the object in reflex and turns around on to see the Sky Lady staggering from place-to-place grabbing other objects to throw at him with all her might. First it was the handle off a hoe, then a sharpened ax, then it is heavy trolley parts, he dodges each as they come his way and he is met with the structure of the heavy trolley which is tossed onto its side to block his path as she runs past him limping, towards the entrance. Taiwan watches her try to run away with his mouth open in, as she is barefoot and could get hurt it she steps on the anything that could damage her soft white feet. Choi Young dodges past the trolley and runs after her to quickly catch up with her and as she struggles picks her up to carry her.

At the same time, the sound of a voice saying "Feed Me" which draws attention to the square object that all the Heavenly People had. Choi Young then indicates to Taiwan to pick it and the Sky Lady's bag. Thinking how it drew attention to its masters dangerous with its timely noises so that he could locate its master. The thought of her being dragged along by strange men, who threatened her life on top of the possibility of being forced to stay a prisoner in the forge and observing again the injuries visible on that face, on top of the ones he inadvertently caused made his heart break and his conscious shake. He has sinned against heaven; his heart knows after not feeling anything with certainty after so many years of not feeling its disapproval that heaven will have consequences for the injustices, he caused one of its people.

Eun-soo who had limped to run away after standing on wobbly legs, stepped on a sharp piece of stone with her bare feet. The pain makes her stumble and fall but is caught by someone from behind who catches her and holds her up. She reacts by trying to hit that person with her elbow and struggles to escape but is firmly held and the lifted to be carried in a way she is familiar with by that Psycho. She gasps and looks up at him before wrinkling her nose as being so close makes her aware of the strong smell of blood that surrounds him. He states ""The Queen has awakened." She looks at him questioningly "Queen?" Then she realizes who he is talking about and says, "The patient?" He answers "That's why I'm sending you back. Back to where you were." Eun-soo does not trust his words after all he carries a sword that she has witnessed uses to cut and kill people with. Psyho then states ""I'll take you." Which makes her struggle intensify as she hits him with her fists demanding that he "Put me down, you will see what happens if you put me on your filthy shoulders again. How dare you treat me like baggage" at her words he pretends to lose his hold on her like he is going to drop her. Eun-soo reacts screaming and holding on to him tighter this action opposite to what she just said makes his eyes shine with amusement as he looks down on her as she stops struggling. He continues to hold her in gently in both his arms instead of carrying her over his shoulder as he did the first time, and he starts to walk fast while she continues to hold with her arms around his neck. Eun-soo is confused she thinks that it can not be convenient for him to hold her like this as he moves, and wonders should she really be holding tight to this psychopath? "Psycho?" she says questioningly. He stops and then without recognition that she has spoken suddenly lifts her to place her on his horse "What?" he places her hands on the front of the saddle and she realizes that "Oh my god. I am sitting on a horse?" The bomb-headed kid runs over and hands Eun-soo her bag, which she quickly took it, which nearly makes her almost fall off the horse. Choi Young quickly catches her and supports her to readjust her balance on the horse, as he instructs the child "Go and tell them. I will return her to heaven." The child says "Yes" then takes off running. Choi Young the jumps up on the horse to sit behind her, which takes her by surprise and makes her almost fall off again, if it were not for his arms stretched out on either side of her that takes the reins in each hand, this makes Eun-soo twist her body in discomfort, and he says, "You will break if you fall." This makes her stop twisting and moving to escape, instead calming down and holding onto his arm, frightened as the horse starts to move. Eun-soo straightens her back again, but my back fell on his hard armor, she thinks 'this sucks' he notices and asks her "Are you uncomfortable?" which she answers "Yes." He responds by saying "Please be patient." But she notices that there seems to be a hint of laughter in his voice.

Choi Young feels that his heart is lighter that he has found the energetic sky woman and will in the end, be able to live up to his promise to return her soon. He is happy to return her, from the moment he wrapped her around his shoulder, his heart has felt uneasy. He hopes that after she has returned that the Sky Lady will forget all the hardships she has encountered. She has proven to be a spirited person therefore he guesses that she will forget and move forward on her path. Choi Young guides the horse as they ride, he is more than conscious of the feel of the woman's slender body that fits perfectly in his arms, even though she is tall compared to the women in Goryeo. Her scarlet hair is blown by the wind and brushes his face bring with it the smell of her body, which reminds him of a flower which he has a hard time remembering. He knows that the colour of her hair will be one feature that will stick in his memory making itself known at times throughout his life, maybe this is inevitable as she is from the heavenly world and being a Heavenly Doctor, she will be someone that will be hard to forget. Choi Young directs the horse to proceed up a scarlet which is at the bottom of the steep slope to the door to heaven. The Sky Lady seems to recognize where they were as they proceed the are greeted by a light that gets brighter as they get closer to the Sky Gate.

They turned the corner and now to see that the opening of the sky gate is smaller in height. The length of it seems to just reach Choi Young's waist. He points to the opening and says to the woman "You can go in there.". Eun-soo looks at where he points and wonders what he is talking about. All she can see in the broad daylight that it is just a cliff and the gap that can be seen under the light is that the gap is not very big. She rubs her eyes as she notices what seems to be a swirling light in front of the gap. Choi Young asks her "Can you see it? Just step into the light." Eun-soo reacted by taking a step back, and seeking clarification "What do you mean?" He explains "That light is a door to your world, which has gotten smaller and smaller. Once it closes there will be no way to send you back. Please walk towards it and enter." Eun-soo still confused asks "So, I can just walk over there, and a door will open? How?...and then?" Choi Young says simply "You walk in." Eun-soo grappling with the reasoning behind what he is saying, scared that this is trick presses for more information "What do you mean walk in?" Silence follows her question as Eun-soo weighs up the situation by trying to assess whether the Psycho is trying to trick her by but his stillness beside her like he is not going to and does not want to do anything, apart from watching her follow his instruction. Eun-soo takes a couple of steps undecidedly towards the light that was pointed at earlier, then stops wondering why she cannot move as she is haunted by the connetations of going into the light has. She looks back at the Psycho who has remained unmoved from where he stands, watching her. The moment their eyes meet he straightens his posture and says, "I made you suffer." He then bows his head deeply towards her and remains that way. Eun-soo is taken aback by his sudden statement and his gesture makes her more nervous and makes her wonder why he is not looking up, if only she could see his eyes will she be able to trust all this nonsense. Choi Young remains head lowered senses her hesitation he prompts her "Please go" as he also senses the presence of horses galloping approaching them from behind. Unaware of what is happening she turns around to walk towards the light and Cho Young grabs his sword in anticipation of another attack. Suddenly, he hears shouting which makes him turn to see the horses that he had sensed, as well as that it is Jo Il-shin that is yelling "Stop". The commotion has also made Eun-soo stop and turn around to see what is happening. Jo Il-shin who had hurriedly brought his horse to a stop and was trying to dismount at the same time fell off.

Choi Young frowns when he sees that eight or nine Woodalchies amongst who is Taiwan that have escorted Jo Il-shin including Chung-seok who is supposed to be protecting the King and Queen. Jo Il-shin then asserts "Heavenly Doctor cannot go back" Choi Young glances at her and see that she is as surprised face as he is, ignoring Jo Il-shin he approaches Chung-seok to demand "What are you doing? Who is protecting the King and Queen?" Chung-seok looking uncomfortable tries to answer, but Jo Il-shin interrupts by pushing past to approach the woman as he asks "Heavenly Doctor. Stop for a moment and tell me..." Choi Young blocks his way and states firmly "I am returning her in the name of Goryeo warrior Choi Young." Choi Young draws out his sword, saying "Who is it that disrespects my name?" which makes the Woodalchi crew standing behind also draw their swords as Jo Il-shin looks undeterred at the captain. Jo Il-shin lifts his chin and answers "Captain, Your King has ordered the Lady of Heaven to be stopped. It is the command of Your Majesty" At these words Choi Young feels that a corner of his heart is brake and disbelief that there is no way that the King who looked straight at him giving him permission to return her would make him choose. He voices this to Jo Il-shin "I do not believe you." Jo Il-shin responds by shouting urgently "What are you doing? Catch that woman!" The Woodalchi hesitate and he uses the ultimate weapon to urge them into action "It is the King's command!" Choi Young and his Men are in a stand off swords still pointing at each other until eye contact is made between Choi Young and Chung Seok who nods his head to indicate the verification of Jo Il-shin's claim which is accompanied by a challenge "Captain of the Woodalchi. It is your King's command. Will you disobey?" which is thrown in such a way that makes it clear that he takes pleasure in the discomfort it puts the captain in. Choi Young heart breaks completely as he looks towards the woman who was standing in her spot behind him. It is not until his eyes met her that she suddenly starts running towards the light. The words that echo in his soul of it being the Kings command makes him move his long legs to quickly catch up to the lady and grabs her by the arm, which makes her resist, and she starts to pull against his hold to be free. He embeds his sword which is still holding in the other hand into the earth to not inadvertently injure her and captures her in both arms around her from behind, to physically stop her making her way to the sky door. The movement makes her struggle like a small bird who wants to be free as she tries to escape his strong hold she screams in despair "Let go, let go, let me go." In the same instance a strong wind suddenly blows around them as if until then, in this place it is their presence is that makes the winds that had be blowing calmly, curl up, stir and soar up all at once. In that wind, Choi Young becomes more aware of the woman, he holds close to his body his arms firmly around her, when suddenly the wind dies in an instant and the light disappears.

In a daze, Eun-soo watches the spot where the light had been as it fades to nothing and she feels the arms of the man that restrain her loosen, enabling her to break free. She runs to runs to the place where she saw the gap and felt the stir of air. She gropes desperately trying to find the 30cm gap she had seen and thinking it is now invisible, she wonders where the door is as she tries to locate it by feeling for it along the rock wall that runs along the cliff face. It is hard for her to believe that she is stuck in this crazy world and that there is no going back. Choi Young's watches her desperation to return and feels more pain in his already broken heart is broken seeing her searching for the door like that. He feels the wreckage of the new reality with her, from the time he heard the command and captured her his future fell apart. It left him with no viable choice, to disobey his King or to break his promise either was going to lead to the same result.

Proving his loyalty to the King and following his command, has meant that now his promise has been broken to the Heavenly Doctor and his actions of capturing her have resulted in, the heavenly woman remaining on this earth, leaving her abandoned by heaven. Choi Young turns and walks towards Jo Il Shin standing in front of him he states in a voice empty of emotion "I have captured the heavenly doctor as the King commanded." At his word he hears the woman crying from behind getting louder this makes him turn around to see her approaching him yelling "Liar! You promised to send me back!" he sees how big eyes are filled with shock, despair and tear. He understands that she feels betrayed and wills her with all his heart for her not to forgive him he holds his breath, as his sight catches at his sword that is still embedded in the earth, that she is now standing close to. She follows his gaze and sees the sword, as he watches comprehension appear on her face, he is relieved that she recognizes his sword and prepares himself to give his life as the price of breaking his covenant. The woman dislodges the sword from the ground the light reflects of its sleek blade as she lifts it with both hands, which shows how unfathomably heavy it is, she staggers under its weight as she approaches him crying uncontrollably saying "You promised to send me back you psycho killer." Choi Young has a feeling that the sky word Psycho means murderer and thinking how accurate this is. a feeling of bittersweet relief sweeps his body as he prepares himself to let go of his miserable life at the hands of the heavenly woman. She come running, with tears in her eyes blurring her vision towards where he stands sword lifted in both hands pointed end aimed in his direction and yells "I will kill you." She stumbles as she runs, to make sure she hits her target Choi Young stands directly in her path feet firmly placed on the ground with his chest out so that she cannot miss and when the sword enters his body he absorbs the force, which penetrates his armor, which makes the woman eyes widen in shock. The Woodalchies from behind him watch first in hope as it has not gone in that deep to astonishment when Choi Young reaches with both hands to cover the Sky Lady's hands that are still wrapped around the handle and lodges it deeper into his own abdomen as he looks at the woman whose face changes from anger, to shock, to disbelief and finally to panic. The energy inside Choi Young's body flows along the sword, he hears her asking in a cracked voice "Why, why?" He collapses on to her body, the weight of which makes her fall sitting onto the ground as she supports him, he asks quietly in her ear ""Are you done with this?" Eun-soo can not even scream as she asks "What?" as she is grappling with the shock of stabbing a person and being responsible for killing someone, his troops come to lift him off her and help lay him supported by Chung Seok, as she checks his vitals. The first is to see if he is breathing, which he is, and she also feels his pulse.

Disclaimer. Please be aware I did use some of the dialogue and scenes to assist me in the writing of this story, to help with the flow and transition of this story, as in the back of my head the scenes from the kDrama where in my head.

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