
040 Anarchy 66 III

040 Anarchy 66 III

It's been a few days since the subjugation of Anarchy 66, and the clean-up operations have already begun.

It was a lot of work since Shadow Unit doesn't have that many members yet, some of the clean-up crew comes from the Army Tom and Jerry are training. Even so, each criminal organization has its own difficulty when it comes to cleaning them up. It isn't as simple as injecting a bomb into their head.

Their territory needs to be cleaned up too. Because many of their previous business will no longer be tolerated. Criminal organizations are like a big enterprise many people are connected to them, and those people are not necessarily part of them but working for them without knowing it.

A lot of people are dependent on criminal organizations to make a living, so when cleaning them up, it is almost impossible for the authority not to notice. Eve and the former head of the subjugated criminal organization can minimize the exposure since they have their own connection to the authority. But despite that, the clean-up and takeover is a lot of work, even more so since they have subjugated criminal organizations one after another without break.

Arc insisted that besides the elders all officers have to be injected with slaves chip, although according to Eve it is not necessary, as long as the leader and elders are under control there would be no problem, Arc didn't trust any of the criminals if possible he wants all member of the criminal organization they subjugated to be injected with slavery chip to be safe, but unfortunately, the material needed to make slavery chip are quite rare and hard to come by, so he compromises with just the officers...

Within the last few days, Arc had seen the numbers of victims the criminal organization have imprisoned, many are already on the verge of death, it really made Arc's blood boils in anger he really wants to kill all those criminals, so before he made something he will regret in the future, he wants to cool his head off, so he plans to visit the Army headquarters to see if the victims are ok, even though all he has to do is ask Eve, and he will have his answers, but to clear his head he plans to go there to ease his mind.

"Looks like I still have the mentality of a regular human, I still can't get used to seeing innocent victims without being affected by it, I just don't understand how people in the government can see people as mere numbers all decision they made is always base on numbers, but people are not numbers, will I end like that in the future as well" he wondered he also asks himself, will he still be himself in the future?

"Sigh, there is no use thinking about it, maybe I will change in the future, but I'll just have to change for the better. I have to train my mentality so I won't be affected so easily in the future. But I personally think it's not a bad thing it just shows I'm still human, but I have to control my emotions better in the future, maybe I should ask Ruby and Jem to train me as well because honestly, those Shadow Units are too cool" he said in his mind.

Without him realizing it he arrives at the Army base, he just realizes that this is the first time he has been here since it was completed because back then he was too engrossed in training in the training machine, so he never had a chance to visit it.

He drives directly inside no one stops him since they are already informed of his visit, he was welcomed by Tom and Jerry.

"It's been a while, Tom. Jerry, how have you been guys?" greeted Arc with a huge smile on his face.

"Boss it's good to see you" greeted, Tom

"Yes boss how are you?" said Jerry

"I'm good guys, show me around," said Arc while looking around.

"No problem, Boss, let's go," said Tom as he pointed at the vehicle on the side.

They boarded the vehicle that looks like a modified golf cart only Five times bigger Jerry took the wheel, and Tom sits in front, while Arc is sitting in the back, the vehicle is open on both sides, so he can clearly see all the huge warehouse-like structures.

"Boss, that's one of our training areas, it was designed to mimic many environments that can be used in training. Right now no one is using it as the Army is preparing to join in the fun in subjugating The Spider" said, Tom.

"Right, I almost forgot you guys will be responsible for the raid in their supply base, how's the preparation?" asked Arc curiously, while looking around the base.

"We are different from Shadow Unit's Boss, our Army was not built for stealth and reconnaissance, if shadow unit is an injection, we in the Army is the jackhammer," said Tom while laughing.

"Is that so, then I'm looking forward to your performance, oh, and by the way, where's Biggs and Wedge? I haven't seen them in a while" asks Arc.

"Ah, those two? Those two are more eager to see action than any of us, they're already on their way to the rendezvous point, they left a few hours before you arrive boss, so I assume they didn't know you're coming here," said Jerry while driving.

"Yeah, me coming here is just a whim on my part, I want to see how the victims are faring," said Arc with a smile.

"About that Boss, they are very lucky, most of them would have died if not for our medical solutions, a lot of them are in very bad situations, almost all of them have so many different types of drugs in their system, I assume they are being used as a Guinea pig if they were bought in a regular hospitals half of them would be dead in less than a month, and I'm being positive here Boss, that how bad their situations are," said Tom seriously

"That's what I'm worried about it's the reason why I send them here, I'm also hoping to recruit most of them if possible all of them" Answered Arc still looking around while they travel.

"Don't worry about that Boss, many of them already asking our staff who are taking care of them on how to join our organization," answered Tom.

"Oh, that's good news, so what did our staff say?" ask Arc curiously.

"Nothing boss, they didn't say anything," answered Jerry while grinning

"Oh, I assume it's all intentional, right?" ask Arc with a smirk.

"That's right Boss, we have to let them know that joining us is not a bonus that can easily be given but a privilege that needs to be earned," said Tom

"Otherwise, they will not treasure it." said, Jerry

Arc nodded. "I trust your judgment on this, then I'll leave it to you guys," said Arc satisfied by what he heard.

"Sure Boss, we're here," said Jerry

"Would you like to meet them, Boss?" asked Tom

Arc nodded.

They stop in a huge building Arc can see some personnel wearing Grand army uniforms all over inside, they are part of the support and logistics division.

As they went inside, many personnel were surprised to see the two demon General following behind a young man like a common bodyguard

Arc walked inside, he didn't try to talk to anyone, he just wants to personally see the condition of the victims.

Tom and Jerry talk to the person inside to don't bother them and continue with their work, the personnel inside follow the orders, while they are curious they didn't let their curiosity gets the better of them, they were trained well, so they know how to act appropriately, they were all recruited by Tom and Jerry, so they know what to do.

In truth out of 400 people, Tom and Jerry initially recruited more than 100 of them are for support because Tom and Jerry knows how important support and logistics in the Army, so they plan from the very beginning to create a highly trained support personnel that can easily support the main fighters, and looking at it, they have succeeded.

A group of around 30+ support personnel can easily handle the 1000+ victims of the criminal underground, and the number of victims will only increase in the next few days, but Arc can see that they can easily handle it they even have time to joke around to some of the victims.

"You two did a perfect job in training these people, I can't believe they can easily organize and handle this many people with their numbers, it is amazing,," said Arc as he looks at Tom and Jerry in amazement.

In truth when he found out that more than 100 out of 400 recruited by Tom and Jerry are being trained as support, he thinks it's a waste of time, in his mind he can easily ask Dianna for support in the army logistics if they needed it, but since he trusts Tom and Jerry he didn't say anything, looking back into it, he was happy he didn't mention it at all, or it will be embarrassing.

"You're praising us too much boss we're only doing our job," said Tom and Jerry who were scratching their head in embarrassment, though they said that, they were really happy being praised by Arc because to them Arc is the most important person in their lives, more important than their own.

Discord: GraveDagger#6135

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