
Eye System in RWBY

Our MC used to be an idol, singing, dancing and seducing were all in the job description. Unfortunately, a fan was a bit too enthusiastic about him and kidnapped him. Spending time in a crazy woman's sex dungeon was surprisingly fun but that’s beside the point. He ended up dying to a different woman that had found him chained up. Without explanation, he woke up in a far more attractive body in a world full of attractive women. There is no world better suited for out protagonist. …He also had an Eye Power System but who cares.

BillNyeThePGGuy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs

Oh no...

Gojo woke up to the feeling of being suffocated.

After opening his eyes, he finds its because of a new addition to his black jacket. A black cat is sleeping on his chest. It's body moving both in tandem with its own breathing as well as Gojo's.

Seemingly sensing that he had woken up, the black cat's head also rose, taking a second to scan its surroundings.

Seeing Gojo's face, the black cat seemed to smile.

"Yoruichi, do you mind?" Gojo asked the cat.

"Not at all, in fact, I think I've found my new bed." She replied, letting her head fall back onto his chest.

"Well, are you prepared to pay rent?" He replied with a large grin.

"What exactly are you thinking, bro?" Yoruichi asked with a tint of seduction.

"You know exactly what I'm thinking." Gojo spoke.

"I might..." She replied while turning back into her human form. Yoruichi was lying on top of him with her bare pussy against his morning wood.

"You were wrong, I was going to say that I would take you for a walk." Gojo teased. Yoruichi tried to salvage the sexual tone of the conversation.

"How about I change your mind?" She said while approaching his mouth to give him a kiss.

Instead of replying, he simply held her ass cheeks. She thought that he was about to take her when he got off the bed, still holding onto Yoruichi's thickness.

Since she wasn't prepared to hold on, her pussy was now digging into Gojo's tent even more now.

"What did you think I was trying to do, sister? We are but humble siblings, there's no way I'd do something so vile." He teased, now with a massive smile.

"Hey! You can't just leave after that!" Yoruichi chased Gojo as he left for a bath.

"Is that so? I think I can." He spoke, continuing his jog to the bath.

Gojo rushed into the bathroom, he locked the door behind him and took his clothes off in seconds.

He rushed into the bathroom and found that he wasn't alone, Rumi was there...

A stare down began, however, rather than a stare down, it was more of a, 'who can scan each other's bodies the fastest'.

Different woman, different approach.

Gojo knew that if he took Yoruichi and made her cry wolf now, she'd only be a fuck buddy. It'd take a lot of work to make her into someone who he could confidently call a partner. In comparison, if he waited until some real feeling develop, he could take her and she'd be much more likely to be a good little wife.

Of course, that'd mean he'd have to ignore her basically shoving her clean-shaven cunt into his face, but he'd done this before, why should his will break down when presented with a woman 1000x times more attractive than the other one... This was going to be difficult.

(A.N., I don't think I explained this good. I meant that Yoruichi was 1000x times of attractive than the girl he used this tactic on.)

Regardless, Rumi wasn't smart, but she wasn't stupid either. Gojo would keep it blatantly obvious that he wanted her without overstepping his boundaries.

The tub was quite big. It had to be for Ghislaine to be able to bathe 3 children as well as herself.

Instead of panicking, Gojo simply approached the bathtub and sat down in it. The bubbled had covered each other's private parts.

Rumi was slightly pissed at her brother that had breached her privacy.

"Do you mind?" She asked with a venom tone.

"I don't." He simply replied.

"Just leave please." Rumi asked.

"Are you sure?" Gojo retaliated.

"Of course, I'm sure!" she was starting to get angry.

Without arguing any longer, Gojo stood up, revealing his manhood in all his glory.

"I mean I sat down to cover myself..." He said in an 'innocent' tone.

"SIT BACK DOWN!" Rumi yelled in a panic.

"Up, down. Make up your mind." Gojo sat back down into the warm water.



"So, you were hard, huh? Of course, you would be. You saw me naked after all." It was obvious that her words to cover up her embarrassment.

"Exactly, when living with such a beautiful woman such as yourself, there's no stopping myself." He spoke.

"Exactly, exactly." Her façade was slowly fading as red overtook her cheeks.

"Do you want me to wash your back?" Gojo asked. He had successfully shown his interest in her, he simply had to continue being himself and she'd be drawn in.

"Uhhh, sure..." Rumi replied. She was secretly relieved to be able to hide her boobs without revealing herself as shy. However, she wasn't ready for a man's touch.

When his hands made contact with her back, she was only just able to muffle a squeal/ moan. Rumi wasn't familiar with touching, especially not touching of a male.

Her brother's hands roamed her back with finesse, every nook and cranny of her back were washed. Gojo contemplated going for a second round, but Rumi looked like she was able to climax, giving her relief now wouldn't add much to her attraction to him. However, if he were to make her horny to the point that she finished herself off thinking about him, then she'll continue thinking more about him in the future when masturbating.

Gojo stopped washing he back and jumped out of the bath. Rumi didn't turn around but her cheeks reddened even further after remembering his size.

After he had left, Rumi still had a sensation on her pussy that was reminiscent of her heat. She spent the next 15 minutes 'cooling down' in the bath.

Gojo also decided to 'cool down' in the confines of his own room.

Because he is a hentai protagonist, his room didn't have a lock on it. He wasn't about to fap on the toilet, so he pulled his junk out and went to town.

Once again, everyone could hear the noises coming from his room. This included multiple sentences that left the girls stunned.

"Those sexy bitches, it should be illegal to be so attractive." He muttered to himself. Rumi's fingers moved even faster in the bath while Yoruichi simply smile in response to what she was hearing.

Ghislaine looked as apathetic as usual. The only different being her looking down at her body and cupping her breasts for a minute.

Gojo soon finished and cleaned up after himself. A few minutes after doing the deed, Yoruichi walked through the door.

"It smells a bit different in here." She teased.

"Hmm? Yeah, it does." He replied without caring much.

"I heard you're going out with Rumi to kill some grimm?" She asked.

"That I am. You wanna join us?" Gojo asked in return.

"Yeah. It's been a while since I've stretched. Maybe I should do some yoga..." Yoruichi says while showing off her tits and ass.

"I'd say so. Do you have a mat for it?" He said, not leaking his excitement.

"I do, but mom and Rumi will give me weird looks if I do yoga naked. Mind if I do it here? I know you're the only one in this family that loves me for who I am." She spoke. It was complete and utter bullshit that both of them knew she spouted in order to show off everything to her brother.

"I don't." There was no need for more words.

Yoruichi then left while juggling her ass as much as possible.

This is when Gojo immediately punched himself in the face, 'You literally just promised yourself that you'd wait so we can claim her in full!'.

He then replied to himself, 'Cut me some slack! I've never had a girlfriend and sex friends don't do yoga! Much less naked yoga!". He might have to speed up the conquering of Yoruichi.

Nevertheless, the facts remain, all lust he expelled by masturbating had returned in full.

Gojo went out to the kitchen for late breakfast. He found Ghislaine there alone.

"Hey, do I have to conjure up my own meal?" He asked her.

"Faunus have the best hearing of all humanoids. And tigers are some of the bests at hearing." She responded. Gojo instantly caught on.

"Everyone in this house can hear whatever you're doing and whatever you." Ghislaine continued.

"So..." He spoke.

Instead of speaking, she picked up a piece of paper and drew on it. Showing the piece of paper to Gojo, his face turned from white to pale instantly.

'My room. 11pm. I don't care what else you have planned. If you don't come, I'll rid you of this house.' She spoke words of venom.

She instantly crumped the paper and threw it into the trash. Ghislaine then continued to leave the room.

Gojo was terrified. He had no clue what she wanted to see him about. He also didn't have photographic memory, what if he said some stupid shit?

Regardless, all he could do now was wait and see what happens.

Today was when he'd go out and fight grimm for the first time.

(A.N. Hopefully you like Rumi. In this novel she'll be more shy at the begininng but after she's sure of both his feelings as well as hers, she'll be far more agressive.)