
Extreme Wealth System

[Spent 1000 Yuan. 10x Critical Hit. Earned 10000 Yuan. The money has been transferred to account XXX XXX.] [Spent more than 1000 yuan in a day. Received 1 lottery ticket. Do you want to use it?] [YES] [NO] Taking a deep breath, Lu Fan clicked on the Yes button. [You have drawn Extreme Luck.] [Extreme Luck: Luck that is beyond the heavens. The host’s luck is way beyond mortal limits.] [You have spent 9000 yuan. 10x Critical Hit. Earned 90000 Yuan. The money has been transferred to account XXX XXX.] [Spent more than 10000 yuan. Conditions met for system upgrade. Upgrade complete.] [You have received 9 lottery tickets.] [You have received 1 Extreme lottery ticket.] [Do you want to draw?] [YES] [NO] Money is not an issue, the issue is, will the world economy be alright? Discord: https://discord.gg/tAyjH6MEr7

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132 Chs


Lu Fan spent another hour on their back and forth but they still did not agree. Lu Fan was not budging at all.

Han Huang wanted to have him to use soldiers straight from the army but Lu Fan had other plans.

There were ways to ensure loyalty, but it'd be strange if all the spies Han Huang and the Empire planted in his PMC suddenly went silent.

And he did not need people who were doing well in whatever field Han Huang was planning on bringing them from.

He needed broken people who were desperate and ready to do anything for a sliver of hope. He needed insane people, who had been squeezed so hard that they would not mind dying for him once he 'rescued' them from whatever was squeezing them.

It was the easiest path to ensure their loyalty, and the more broken they were, the more flexible they'd be to his molding.

That was true on every level down to their DNA.

But that could wait.