
CH 01 Appearance in the New World

Darkness. Never ending infinite darkness. No Sound, No Light, No source of energy of any kind. Yasha kept floating in this endless space, drifting off to places unknown. There was only one phrase going on again and again in his unconscious mind.

{Kirast Kiroza Kirent}

{Conceived in Violence to do Violence and to Die Violently}

{That is the Malachai Code}

Apart from this, a bunch of knowledge and memories awakened in him to make sense of this situation.

{Every Malachai Born since the Primus Bellum followed this Truth of the Malachai Code.}

{The Malachai. Corrupt. Angry. Bitter. Cruel. Sadistic.}

{Demons all, and ultimately evil, the Malachai were created when the Primus Bellum was fought, and the darkest power—the Mavromino—created the Malachai to bring down the Sephirii.}

{They are often compared to an army of fallen angels. They are demonic, cold-blooded, and capable of tearing apart anything that gets in their path. They are tools of ultimate evil and have the powers to destroy gods and absorb their powers without destroying the universe, an ability somewhat like Chthonians.}

{When the Mavromino turned against the Source and thought to end all creation, the Sephirii were unleashed to kill him. Most of them flew into traps, but enough Sephirii survived to declare war on the Malachai, and they would have destroyed them had they not been betrayed by one of their own. When both sides made a truce, they agreed to execute their own soldiers. All the Malachai and Sephirii were then put down except for one on each side.}

{Jared, the Sephiroth who'd helped Mavromino, was to live on to suffer and to see what he'd done. His powers were bound, and he was to be forever shamed and enslaved. The primal order allowed a Malachai to escape as well, as if should Jared escape his punishment — that Malachai would be the only thing able to kill him. The General of the Malachai Monaskribos, was forced to put down his army too. He alone was spared because his mother, the goddess Braith, bargained with both sides.}

{Jared was also left alive because the balance required it. Monaskribos however refused to kill his wife who was the last Malachai other than him, but the gods drugged him into an unthinking rage, and he murdered her as well as his unborn son about whom no one knew about. He cursed those who betrayed him so to suffer the rage and wrath of his descendants for all time. He turned his rage to himself and died, but was returned to life by the gods he had cursed with his dying breath.}

{What was revived was not him though, and the rage that came to characterize the Malachai line was born. That was the birth of Jeros Malachai, incarnation of the rage of the First Malachai Monakribos, The Malachai General. However, what the world didn't know, and the gods forgot, was that there was something Monakribos hid from everyone. Monakribos had a Chthonian friend, the only Chthonian that couldn't fight, Misarai Kaundanya. She was an expert in tactics, strategy and research but not fighting.}

{Even her Chthonian powers was based as such, heavily focused on her mind and space/time powers rather than having any of fighting strength. She was heartbroken to see her only friend being driven mad then killed but couldn't do anything to help at that time since she had taken an oath to never fight in the fight between gods after the Primus Bellum. However, to honor the memory of her friend, she decided to make the ultimate sacrifice. She saved the souls of Rubati, Monakribos wife and her just born son who had been killed by his father's hand.}

{She fused Rubati's soul with her own to increase their power and took on the name of Nemesis and fled while holding soul of her child. She sacrificed her powers and body to transmigrate to another Multi-Verse, abandoning her previous one to get away from the gods. However, in the process of traveling to the new Multi-Verse, the child's soul escaped her grasp and was lost somewhere in the Multi-Verse.}

{Deciding to wait while her child's soul finds her, she started gaining power for herself and became one of the most powerful gods in the Multi-Verse. But she never saw her son again while she was alive. After countless millennia, she got tired of her existence and divided herself into six gems of her new powers she obtained from the Laws that formed this Multi-Verse, which she scattered across this Multi-Verse and one gem that holds her consciousness and slight traces of her original Malachai powers she obtained by fusing Rubati's soul with herself.}

{She knew that even if her son awoke his Malachai form by luck, he wouldn't have its unique powers due to not having been nourished from Source Power. So, she sealed in whatever Malachai essence left in her along with her consciousness into the final or Seventh Gem and called it the Ego Gem. This Gem was supposed to find her son and fuse with him to fully awaken his Malachai Birth right. Because he was Yasha Kaundanya Amaratva Malachai, The True Malachai and her beloved son.}


Yasha woke up as the hypnotic narrative in his mind finally ended. As soon as he opened his eyes, the darkness surrounding him faded and he saw an orange-gold colored gem floating in space right in front of him. Before he could do anything, it flew towards him before disappearing inside him.

Immediately afterwards he felt a cooling sensation inside his head and found out that he had some measure of control over his Malachai form now, And boy, was it fast and strong. With every beat of his wings in the Malachai form, he crossed miles upon miles of distance. There was some sort of instinct in him that was pulling him in a certain direction. He also had awoken his Grimoire powers, but he completely forgot about that and drowned in the ecstasy of his Malachai Heritage.

A few months passed like this as he kept flying in the void in an unknown direction. Initially with just a basic control over his transformation, he found that he could only transform into a winged demon like form. However, soon his powers developed further in these months and he gained a new form, less powerful but more stable with better control.

Now he could transform into a humanoid form of Malachai which he called Stage 1. The Winged form was dubbed Stage 2. His Stage 1 form had black colored skin with golden runic markings all over him. He also had golden glowing pupil less eyes, different from his winged form which had eyes with silver sclera and rainbow pupils.

Soon after, he reached the outer edges of a solar system, one of the planets of which was giving him a strange attraction, as if there was something in it that he needed to see. Confirming his target, he teleported to the third nearest planet to the sun, one known as Earth.


As soon as Yasha neared Earth, His Grimoire sent him a few messages.

[Hidden Quest Completed]

[Finding one of the Play Grounds of Fate]

[As a fate agent it is expected that you would find one or two secret worlds where fate is heavily concentrated. Exceptional individuals that arise in this place will have a say in the fate of the Universe.]

[For finding such a place, you are rewarded with awakening of the first power of your Grimoire]

[Grimoire Ability: Creator's Divine Forge - Allows to access the ability of Creation and Modification with the help of Cosmic Entropy Energy and Idea Force, which are derived energies from Original Source Energy. Can scan existing entities and copy desirable characteristics to modify other entities or even yourself.]

[Now that you have reached a Hidden Fate Playground where no Fate Agent is there, you have made a automatic default contract with the core guardian deity of this planet automatically and become the Prime Fate Agent of this planet. The Core Guardian Deity can now send you various quests it deems important enough to affect the fate of the world and upon fulfilling them, you get rewards from the Fate God for influencing and gathering fate power in this world through these quests.]

'Wow, so basically I just do what I have always done up until now for the Fate God and gain rewards for it also? Cool!'

While conversing with Extaria, his Grimoire, He teleported to a certain desolate forest area where he thought he could easily arrive without alerting anybody. Having used up a lot of his energy to arrive here, he was about to find some shelter nearby to rest, when his Grimoire gave him a reminder.

[It is advised that you use your Source powers to create sealing barrier inside you to completely hide and seal your Malachai bloodline.]

'Huh, why so?'

[It is because this world has presence of gods. Some hidden, some watching, and some with 'Not Good' type auras. And I don't know if you knew it, but your bloodline is that of true Malachai, A God Killer that can devour and obtain a God's Power for himself by killing them and devouring their essence. So, it's better to hide your Malachai powers using your Source Energy to create a barrier within yourself.]

'However, you do know that to seal a bloodline, even if temporarily, will need me to constantly supply my Source energy to it? That means I will permanently reduce my Source energy by an amount if the bloodline is kept sealed, even if it does regenerate by some amount constantly. In case of my Malachai bloodline the risk is even greater since I will need 80-90% of my Source energy to keep it sealed.'

[Yes, but it will be needed, until we are sure about gods in this universe and their strength.]

'Fine!' Yasha gave a low growl as he flashed through some hand-signs one after another in a blinding speed. With the last hand sign, he gave a low 'Ha' and around a hundred magic circles popped around him. Each then got compressed and turned into Runic Sign Magic Circle Crest which he instinctively recognized as the Malachai Crest.

Once all the magic circles got transformed into the crest, they flew to his back and got emblazoned in it one after another, each perfectly overlapping. Yasha endured them with soft hiss of pain from his mouth. Once the sealing process got over, Extaria informed him to be careful in this new world before disappearing back into him.

Yasha, tired from his ordeal, finally decided to sleep and fell asleep on the ground of the forest itself. For the next one-week Yasha was busy. From the minor amounts of information Extaria could provide him, he gathered that this planet had technologically advanced humans available. Therefore, he didn't think his mystical techniques would be very useful here. Unless he could determine existence of the mystical side of this universe, as Extaria had confirmed that the so called Gods exist here.

[Emergency Quest]

[Explore the First Grimoire Ability to see its effects and devise possible application]

[Rewards : Increase in Source Energy Regeneration prowess]

[Failure : Can't you do even this much ?]

So, he decided to explore his Grimoire Ability - Creator's Divine Forge. Activating the ability, he instinctively understood how to use it. He needed to find some living beings for this, as his ability was based on the power to view others ability in form of cards. He can copy those cards and form permanent copy of those cards for his own use in his Grimoire, thus, gaining the ability. It was not effective on some innate organism based abilities.

Wondering if this forest had any wild animals to hunt, Yasha went into the forest in a good mood while humming. He found out after a while that his Ability gave him a side benefit that he was able to use. He was able to use his energy to constantly scan his surroundings and gain complete knowledge of his surroundings, as if a model of his surroundings was created in his mind. His current range was about a hundred meters.

He found a herd of deer after a while by a small lake. He scanned them using his Grimoire Ability and in his mind their holographic models were constructed along with some abilities listed in a card like form above each of them.

[Enhanced Sense of Smell-I], [Wild Instincts-II], [Enhanced Reflexes-II], [Leadership-I], [Sprint-III] were some of the cards I could see. The next step was copy them into my Grimoire using Cosmic Entropy Energy and Idea Force. Cosmic Entropy Energy was for all the abilities that would modify physique, Idea Force was used for the abilities that grant a specific personality or knowledge based ability.

[Enhanced Sense of Smell-I], [Enhanced Reflexes-II] and [Sprint-III] needed Cosmic Entropy Energy to copy into Grimoire. [Wild Instincts-II] and [Leadership-I] needed Idea Force to copy into Grimoire. Also I realized that more advanced the ability, the more energy and time needed to copy them. Or more accurately, time was for the energy to regenerate so that the energy can be used to copy. As long as energy is there, copying can be done almost instantly.

Luckily, other than [Sprint-III] other abilities didn't take up that much time and were done almost immediately. [Sprint-III] took almost five minutes to be done, it was then that I realized that every grade of the ability took ten times the energy as the previous grade to be copied.

The second part of his ability was to apply the copied abilities to someone else. So he tried applying the abilities to himself. To apply the ability to himself, he needed ten times the energy he needed to copy the said ability. So he decided to rest for the day and gather energy, and try applying the copied abilities on himself the next day.

Finding a safe secluded cave like area to rest, he barricaded himself using vines and bushes and slept a fitful sleep.

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