
my boss is the devil !!!

I stood before him my face full of confusion "what!?" I say to him feeling my head spin with questions. Mr Luke looks at me his blue eyes showing amusement "your mine want me to demonstrate" he grins, winking at me. I step back "no, nope I uh I'm going." Mr Luke frowns at my statement "no your staying here" he commands making me shiver "b...b..but" I stutter shaking my head. He stands grabbing my wrist "I'm a bad boy Ms hirame" he licks his lips smiling wildly. His blue eyes growing dark with list he leans closer to my ears "and bad boys like me want to do bad things to scrumptious looking snacks like you." Everything turned dark as the he licked my lips and the last thing I heard him say where "hmm I love how you taste wonder if I can add a few ingredients." what the hell is he cannibalistic being, although it wouldn't come as a surprise he is Lucifer.