
Exhausted Heroism: I'll Try Pure Evil This Time Around

Náli Erduin was a name I've had for a very long time, one that has never left me even once. What do I mean? Well, I was reincarnated multiple times and lived many lives, a total of 6,968 to be more precise. That all contributed to my tiredness, not only was I trying my best to be a better person all this time, I ended up becoming a hero, one who would be hailed in many worlds, one about which stories were made, and one who always had to be there to save people or become known as a failure. So many just causes I fought for in so many different worlds and yet, I could never truly rest or rise, I was stuck in stagnancy because of the celestial beings above. They decided that a hero as usual as myself had to be put to good use and to keep things that way, a few sweet nothings here and there together with hidden limitations to my potential so that I could never become more than a mortal, and done! The perfect hero who would always continue to save world after world was born. I literally did all they asked, and they just decided that they didn't need me anymore and I was banished to the abyssal void. In there, all things were beings they had banished and there I found the Chaos Conductor Core, something that changed everything, something that gave me another chance. A chance to finally live my life instead of falling prey to the heroic fate once again. This time around, I'll try pure evil and see how it goes. Disclaimer: I don’t own the cover

Kikinori27 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 5: Conquering A Dungeon In A Disgusting Way

AN: Ok, I'll be honest with you. Some of the stuff... All of the stuff going on in this chapter is pretty much disgusting. So if you don't have a strong stomach, maybe this will be a bit much. Though there are no detailed descriptions for this same reason.

Warning: Scat and watersports(?) technically...


-5th Floor-

(Fainith's Pov)

"Great. Now let us move to the next part." Master announced leaving me excited to see what he'll do to the 4 Queens next.

Excited to see what he does, I focused all my attention on master, and he moved and smashed one of the eggs laid by each one of the Queens before walking back up to them, under my body.

"I know you like eating your eggs for nutrition, so have fun." Master presented the fly Queen with his feet covered in the 4 Queens' egg fluid, not that it was uncommon for them to eat their eggs anyway, actually, I was more so surprised the egg fluid stuck to Master's body, considering he usually doesn't get dirty at all.

In the end, what mattered was that they were Queens, now reduced to licking feet in order to survive... Though I'm jealous, I wanted to lick Master's feet!... No! I can't succumb to my desires, control yourself Fainith! Just enjoy how miserable the Queens are and don't think too much about Master.

The disgust on the fly Queen's face was palpable as she put her tongue out and licked the foot in front of her before swallowing the egg fluid on it. The same thing happened to all the other Queens and I could only smile while suppressing my jealousy. Some of them almost vomited it out, but they stopped themselves as they knew what awaited them if they didn't.

"Get off them, it's time for the last meal. If you can get through this, I'll actually allow you to live." Master declared and I was a bit surprised, why would he let them live? But I didn't dare say anything in this presence.

Not being what I expected at all, he pulled out his glorious cock... Oh, how I want it... *cough* I mean, it was a shock to see him do that. Was he going to mate with them?! No! Please don't! They don't deserve it! These bitches don't deserve it!

Contrary to my fears, Master began peeing on the 4 Queens! Hahahaha! Yes! Perfect! Right where they belong below you! Only once he had peed all over their bodies did master stop, and put his cock away... What a pity... Anyhow, it was then as they were trembling covered in piss and what I believe is fury with their frowns, that Master ordered them.

"Rip off one of your arms and wings and put them down in front of you."

The 4 Queens just like me didn't expect something like this, but unlike them, I was ecstatic, since even if the 4 Queens survived, they would have to live as crippled bitches! Amazing! Eventually, as this place repopulates, the current Queens will be overthrown and substituted by their own people, Master is truly devious.

Their reactions were as one would expect not the best and it felt like any of them would pop a vain at any moment, but none had the guts to speak up or reject the idea, after all, it was this or death. If they survive this, they might be able to turn things around and maybe even get revenge someday, I'm sure that was their thought process at this time.

Just as Master had commanded they each ripped off an arm, while the ant and centipede Queens also added one of their wings each, as the others didn't have wings to give. Each Queen had their limbs in front of them. At this point, Master turned to me and gave me the best order.

"Add an extra layer and excrete on top of their severed limbs." I could not believe the Master actually ordered me to do this! I had a deprived fantasy about it, but never did I ever think that Master would actually let me much less tell me to do it!

Before he changed his mind, I went ahead and let my shit lay on their severed limbs one by one. Oh, Maker! I have never felt both so embarrassed and excited to do anything! As this felt more like a fever dream than something that could actually ever happen. It took a bit as I was nervous, but in the end, I wanted to have the Queens go through it and that was enough to motivate me!

"It's all ready, all you 4 have to do is eat your severed limb with a side of crap, and I'll let you live." Master just said the most unreasonable thing I had ever heard in my entire life, not only did the Queens lose limbs, got stepped, sat on, got pissed on, but now they had cannibalize themselves with their servant, me, who is now traitor's excrement on top of it all. This is insanity! Pure depravity like I've never seen... Completely and utterly disgusting! I love it! Master is too great!

No being has ever made me feel like I wanted to serve them, even though I had to serve the Queens it was more so because there were no better choices, but with master, it's not just that there aren't better choices! I want to be near him! And now my liking for serving him is starting to grow!

Maybe I should give up on the hope of turning the tables on him?... No! The prospect of having him is too appealing! I'll instead keep it as something to focus on whenever I have free time, and my true focus for the remainder of the time will be serving him. At that time, as I thought of that, I didn't realize I was rapidly giving in.

My mind was a bit messy, I was soon snapped out of it, when the fly Queen began eating without hesitation and actually finished all of it.

"Good, you can get up. You've found salvation. You have no need to thank me for cleansing you of the sins in which you used to indulge." At this point, I began questioning if Master was aware of the concept of shame at all. He just acted like he just saved the fly Queen, after putting her through arguable hell on a personal level, how terrifying this man is, I'm lucky he chose to take me in...

"I... I..." The fly Queen who had tears in her now hollow-looking eyes didn't know what to say in response to Master's ludicrous words.

"Go clean yourself and then come back, I'll reward you for having the best good behavior among all of you 4." Master continued to act as if he did nothing wrong and calmly talked to the new broken fly Queen.

Following that, the cockroach Queen was the second one to finish.

"May... May... I... Go?..." She who had more time to think about things, could articulate better than the fly Queen, but her mental state was obviously similar.

"Yup! Now that you have been cleansed, you can go clean yourself." Master almost seemed like a sort of paster who just gave them a sermon on the Maker, rather than someone who just tore them apart.

The third one to finish was the Ant Queen and in a similar way she got up, but unlike the others, she didn't even speak, she just looked the most empty with tears roaming down her face she was just there, standing.

"..." She was just there until Master did his thing a spoke as if he was benevolent and told her to go clean herself.

Lastly, it was the Centipede Queen, and she took quite much longer than the others and seemed to have the hardest time in the process as she vomited a few times, and was basically forced to consume her vomit too by Master. Honestly, I can't imagine what would happen to me if I made Master mad, and I'll keep it that way, because this man is too much.

Even after she got up, the Centipede Queen looked nauseated and dizzy, as she stopped herself from vomiting again, in fear Master will make her eat it up again.

Not minding the fact that made her eat vomit not long ago, Master still acted like he was some benevolent savior. Then sent her to clean herself too.

Building up all my courage, I went up to Master and finally spoke. "Master... Hum... Is it really ok to let them go?"

"Oh, you can speak?... Interesting... But to answer your question, they have nowhere to go or run to, no matter where they go, I'll find them and they would die for trying to run away. After all, they went through, I don't think they will dare to risk it all like that. They'll all come back... Or commit suicide, one or the other. Though it would be counterproductive to suicide at this point." Master answered.

It seems Master knows what he's doing... As expected of him.

After that, he turned to the thrones the Queen used to occupy and walked to them, and in the middle of the 4 thrones, in the wall, there was a green gem-like sphere, which Master touched.

[System Notice. The dungeon, name: Nightmare Trove. Location: Earth. Has been taken over by Cooperator 'Náli' 'The Host Of The Core'. All Authority regarding the dungeon has been transferred to him.]

The voice of the Maker, once again it acknowledges Master... Just who or what exactly is he?!

"Conquering this dungeon was easier than I thought... Oh well, maybe next time I'll get to make the enemy directly eat themselves rather than this tame version before they break... Hum... Let us hope that is the case." Master mumbled to himself and I couldn't help but feel chills in my spine with how nonchalant he sounded.