

After being cheated on by her husband, Zhu Biyu agrees to sign the divorce papers and leaves the marriage. But one night with that man seemed to have resulted in a baby, and with the help of her family, she escaped overseas to train her child and build her life back. Five years later, she's back with her genius son. Only, why was this man trying to win her back? Devoted assistant: "President Ye, Madam has been spotted with another woman" Ye Yating: Have the man's eyes unable to see her again. Zhu Biyu: There's nothing between us anymore, let's stay in our separate ways. Ye Yating: I have let you go once, this time, I'm tying you to my side! Lan Lan: Daddy, Hurry, Mommy is being courted again!!

Floatingyueshen · perkotaan
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17 Chs

You didn't know? She's pregnant!

Zhu Biyu and Ye Yating walked out of the civil Affairs Office together after thirty minutes. Ye Yating had some connections in the Civil Affairs Office and, so the divorce was taken care of quickly. 

"Are you sure you don't want anything at all, Zhu Biyu? I know that you have an awkward position in the Shen Family. If you take the money, you'll at least be able to have a good life." Ye Yating said. Even though they were no longer together, he wanted her to be able to live a good life without worrying about where to live. 

Zhu Biyu glared at him. "I said I don't want your money! I don't want to be connected with you in any way!" She said firmly. 

Ye Yating shrugged as he looked at her coldly.

"Let's never meet each other again." Ye Yating said to her coldly and walked away. 

Zhu Biyu watched him walk away. She held the divorce papers tightly and she felt as if she was getting crushed by a mighty mountain. 

Her heart was breaking into pieces. How did she fall for Ye Yating? And why had she loved such a cold man for so long? 

He never took her seriously, yet she gave up her education and dreams to marry and be there for him. All the years that she had spent taking care of him, of the home they lived in, flashed through her mind, and tears rolled down her cheeks. 

She had always wanted to be an actress, but she was afraid that people were going to talk badly about the Ye family if their daughter-in-law was a part of the entertainment circle, so she gave up on her dreams. 

Now that she was no longer with Ye Yating, she wanted to pursue her dreams. She finally realised that giving up her life for him was wrong.

Fang Yuhan was an actress, and yet he still loved her. 

The more she thought about it, the more she felt stupid. 

Why...why...just why did she think that he'd fall in love with her?! 

Why did she give you her dreams for him? If she had gotten into the entertainment circle the way she wanted three years ago, she would already be popular now. 

Zhu Biyu took a deep breath. She was still young. She had made mistakes, but she could still get her life back. 

She would go back to school and become the actress she had always wanted to be. 

Zhu Biyu left the Civil Affairs Office and started to walk down the street. She wanted to call an Uber but decided to walk a few steps to clear her head. 

Zhu Biyu's head throbbed suddenly, a terrible headache hitting her as the events from the previous day began to overwhelm her."

She realised that she could not walk the distance. 

She brought out her phone to call an Uber, but as soon as she was about to, she fell to the ground with a thud. 

The last thing she remembered was people crowding around her before she passed out. 


Zhu Biyu struggled to open her eyes. She felt as if someone was pounding her head in a bowl. 

She tried a few times before she was finally able to open her eyes. 

She looked around her. She was definitely in a hospital room. 

What....what had happened to her? 

She tried to say something, but she found out her throat was parched. 


Zhu Biyu managed to call out weakly. 

"Biyu!" Someone called out. 

It was her friend Liao Zhi! 

Liao Zhi looked at Zhu Biyu's face. She had been really worried about her. She had just gotten back from her business trip when she heard that her friend was in the hospital. 

She immediately came running. 

"Zhi...." Zhu Biyu called out, still trying to make sense of the situation. 

"Yes. It's me! Your brother is here too!" Liao Zhi said. 

Immediately, she got to the hospital. She met a handsome man who told her that he was Zhu Biyu's older brother. 

She had a lot of questions, including how Zhu Biyu got a brother in a few days, but she held them back. 

"My brother....?" Zhu Biyu asked. 

"Yes! He was here when I got here! She's awake!" Liao Zhi called out to the man who was standing by the door. 

Zhu Tian immediately came running when he heard that Zhu Biyu was awake. 

"Xiao Yu....how are you? How do you feel?" He asked her. 

"Wa....I need water," she said weakly. 

Liao Zhi immediately poured her a cup of water. 

She helped Zhu Biyu drink the water. Zhu Biyu felt some strength had returned when she drank the water. 

"What happened to me? How did I get here?" She asked. 

The last thing she remembered was that she was getting a divorce from Ye Yating. 

"You fainted! I had some men watching you, and they immediately brought you to the hospital and called me." Zhu Tian said. 

Zhu Biyu looked at her " brother". This was the first time someone cared enough about her to look out for her. 

She had no idea how she was supposed to react to that. She liked that someone was looking out for her. But if she weren't his sister, she would lose it all again. No! She shook her head. She couldn't go through that again.

"I already got the DNA results," Zhu Tian said. He seemed to know what she was thinking. 

Liao Zhi looked from Zhu Biyu to Zhu Tian. 

"I'll be waiting outside," she said and walked out. 

She knew that she should not be there for the conversation. 

"The DNA test results have already come out, Xiao Yu. You are my sister!" Zhu Tian said, beaming. 

Zhu Buyi went quiet when she heard this. She had always wanted a family, but with her "family" in front of her. 

"I don't.....I don't know what to say...." She stammered. 

"You don't have to say anything, Xiao Yu. I have already informed our younger brother and our father. They are already on their way here to see you. As for our mother....her health has not been good since she lost you. We hadn't told her yet because we did not want her to get agitated. Don't worry about anything Xiao Yu. We are your family, and we will always be here for you," Zhu Tian said to her. 

"I.....I have never thought that I had a family. I thought they abandoned me because they did not want me." Zhu Biyu said. 

Zhu Tian frowned when he heard this. "Why....would you think that?" 

"I was found in front of the orphanage. I was just left there. That was what I was told. When they found me, there was a necklace with the name "Zhu" on it on my neck, and the matrons at the orphanage just let me keep that name and gave me Biyu.

After that, I was adopted by the Shen family. But that was just because a Dao priest told them that I had some good karma. They never treated me well. I was just another burden to them and an extra mouth to feed. Three years ago....I got married to Ye Yating. He was in an accident, and his mother believed that if he were married to me, my good karma would help him get better." Zhu Biyu said. 

She has never talked to anyone about what she had been through in the Shen family. 

She suddenly felt like talking with her brother. 

"I got married to Ye Yating because I loved him ...I thought I'd be able to change his mind about me, but he recently asked me for a divorce....he's in love with someone else.....I went to the Civil Affairs office to get the divorce today," Zhu Biyu's voice shook, vision blurring with tears. Why was she still crying? She thought this didn't affect her anymore.. 

Zhu Tian was so angry that his eyes turned red. He did not investigate too much about her life because he wanted to give her some privacy, so he did not know these things.

If he had known.....

"I am going to kill that Ye Yating!" Zhu Tian said, turning towards the door, phone in hand. 

Zhu Biyu grabbed his hand. 

"No ....don't do it. I am just happy I got away from him." Zhu Biyu pleaded.

"I can't let him be! After all he has done to you ...I need to teach him a lesson!" Zhu Tian said angrily.

"I ...."

Zhu Biyu was going to say something, but the doctor walked in just then. 

Zhu Tian faced the doctor. "Doctor....how is her condition? Is she okay? Why did she faint out of nowhere?" Zhu Tian asked. 

"She fainted because she had been severely malnourished, and her body could not take it anymore. You really need to take care of yourself more, Miss. Especially for a woman in your condition!" The doctor admonished, frowning heavily. 

"What....what do you mean?" Zhu Biyu asked. 

The doctor looked from Zhu Biyu to Zhu Tian. 

"You didn't know? She's pregnant!"