

In 2019, the apocalypse began.

The source was a small laboratory in Texas, that had interfaced with the main power grid responsible for servicing all of Texas.

A young man of 24 named Lucas Harrison was in this lab on the night of the accident. He was as the young people say "chillaxing", making use of his uncle's supercomputer and its advanced graphics to play the MMORPG- Everscape.


His Uncle was none other than Nobel prize winner Ethan Hawthorne Harrison, Nuclear Physicist, and acclaimed as one of the world leaders in dark matter research and development.

A private investor had paid Ethan for the lab and established the connections to allow him to tap into the power grid. His machine would require a vast amount of power, but if it worked would provide unlimited energy to the world.

Such jumps require faith, often failing with but a whisper of doubt.

Upon this night, a tired gamer, having stayed up too long took a sip of fizzy cola. The cola sent delightful sensations of flavor to his tastebuds, causing him to ever so slightly close his eyes as he set the soda can down, creating a spill.

Oops.. bzzzt! Zap! Pop!

The soda hit the desk and leaked on the super-computer, causing a variety of noises followed by wispy trails of black smoke.

Lucas Harrison, jumped with a start thinking, " Oh Shit! Uncle's gonna kill me! "

Meanwhile, the overloaded computer had sent out a surge of power that had inadvertently started the dark matter machine, which began to make a low humming noise

"What the hell is going on?" Ethan thought to himself as he tried to power off his machine. " It wasn't ready! The calculations aren't updated yet! I pray the formulas are on the computer or were all doomed. "

He tried to turn it off, unplug it, everything he could think of, but it still continued to hum louder and louder.

Ethan called his boss, it rang once before a man answered on the other end. "Yes? What is it?"

"The machine is activated I can't stop it. You have to evacuate before it.."

The conversation was cut off by the sound of the dark matter core exploding.


This event changed the course of history and life as we knew it.

Ethan had been studying the molecules between the molecules. He believed that with enough energy and the right mathematical formulas you could actually create matter within matter. He believed it was about sharing the empty space between the molecules, creating a uniformity of cohesiveness. Ethan thought that you could do the impossible with this technology. Regenerate tissue, cure sickness, disease, cancer, the possibilities were endless.

Ethan had spent years painstakingly perfecting his formulas, all gone with but one fizzy cola.

Instead of the perfect formula, the dark matter core interfaced with the running program on the computer, the Role-playing video game Everscape.

The dark matter core would have provided the world with unlimited power had it turned on successfully. Instead, the core had exploded, resulting in an energy wave that created a worldwide blackout.

A new unstable version of the original instructions rode this energy wave and brought instructions to every atom on the planet.

A shift, in reality, began as the world of earth was forced to share space with a video game world.

The world of Everscape became smashed together with the world of earth, bound together, becoming as one.

The Earth was being split in two, merging with a make-believe video game. The dark matter core had taken the games instructions and made them real, literally creating matter in the form of monsters, castles, cities, massive trees, dragons, and everything else that existed in the game Everscape.

All across the world things appeared, killing millions of people and causing widespread devastation. Dragons appeared in the streets, breathing fire. Houses, cars, whole streets and cities disappeared and were replaced. Monsters of every shape and size appeared everywhere, and panic ensued.

People believed it was aliens, the second coming of Christ and a thousand other conspiracy theories but no one would believe what really happened.

The cause of all of this chaos, Lucas Harrison had bolted out of the lab and was riding his bike down the street, trying to get away from the crime scene.

Despite the explosion, the lab and Lucas were entirely unharmed.

Lucas had noticed something was wrong with his vision, there was something in the corner of his eye that he couldn't quite make out.

Internally, the young man was freaking out, scolding himself for his stupidity. He just hoped and prayed that the consequences wouldn't be too bad...

That was when he noticed that the road ahead was gone, replaced with a giant 100-foot tall tree, and rich luscious grass.

Lucas looked around and realized everything was different. Some of the houses were missing, with large colorful plants and ancient stone pillars taking their place. More great trees could be seen in the distance, looming like giants above him. A figure detached itself from the tree and began to rush at the perplexed Lucas.

This figure was roughly 6 foot tall with green skin and a bulging muscular frame wrought with scars. Short white Tusks protruded from its salivating mouth, next to small beady eyes filled with rage.

Lucas recognized the creature as a green-skinned Orc from the game he was just playing, Everscape.

Lucas looked around frightened, recognizing the danger he was in with this beast before him. Even though he didn't understand why there was still a 6 foot tall green monster he could not deny it.

Lucas began to ride his bike back to the lab, pedaling as fast as he could. The orc let out a roar. "ROOOOOOOAAAARRR!!"

The beast flexed its muscles and followed him, moving incredibly fast.

Lucas remembered that In the game of Everscape, green-skinned orcs had a skill called sprint which allowed them to move at 200% speed for 30 seconds. It could apparently use skills.

Lucas cursed his luck as the orc quickly caught up to him, moving to within 5 feet in a few seconds.

As the orc prepared to slash his clawed hand into the young man, something black and fast hit the orc in the chest dropping it to the ground.


Damage numbers popped up over the head of the orc-like when he played Everscape, which surprised Lucas as much being saved.

A feather tipped arrow was embedded deep within the chest of the orc, a pool of blood gathering below it. Within a moment the orc lay still and stopped breathing.

Lucas followed the trajectory of the arrow and saw his savior. A pretty young wood elf holding a bow embedded with runes.

"Thank you for saving me! I have to go save my Uncle! " Lucas yelled to her as he rode his bike back to the lab.

Lucas was beginning to think his "accident" may have been the cause of this change in reality.

Unbeknownst to him, the wood elf known as Silveria ,the goddess of the hunt, sunk into the shadows and swiftly followed the strange human. She wondered what had happened to her world. She felt different here...free...

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