
The Lantern

The Revolving Lantern is a japanese idiom, this idiom refers to life flashing before your eyes or memorys and such. Then, what would you do if a magical lantern suddenly pops up claiming to be The Ever Revolving Lantern? Let's find out what, July, a 15 year old girl would do.

July was a pale, and a small child, when she was younger others made fun of her for being short and liking cuter things. Now others either advoid or ignore her, some want to talk to her and befriend her but then another problem pops up, July doesn't understand them, their thoughts and feelings and how to react to them. July builds a wall with others and herself do to this, And July especially doesn't understand a talking lantern.

I stare at the lantern dumbfounded, why was there a talking lantern in her room and why does it know so much about her? Like her thoughts and emotions that she wouldn't even let herself know. The so called Ever Revolving Lantern began to speak, although it doesn't have a mouth so July doesn't quite understand how it speaks. "As I have said, I am the Ever Revolving Lantern, and correct me if i'm wrong but you are July, correct?" July was truly baffled, she just couldn't wrap her head around this lantern thing. "Of course you can't wrap your head around me, it's to small and I don't think heads are able to anyways." July became even more flustered, could it read her mind? "Nope, but I can read your memorys and feel your feelings." The lantern happily chimed to the confused July.

July sqeezed her eyes closed and opened them again hoping for the lantern to be gone. Is this a dream or maybe I'm hallucinating, could this be some type of prank or maybe a type of experiment? How could this lantern read my memorys or whatever, did it do something to me while I was sleeping? July could feel her anxeity creeping inside her, and twisting her thoughts into a panic. July's heart raced and her tears began to swell up. Calm down July, it's okay. First let's ask the lantern some questions. Like what? Like how it got in and why it's here, and what it is. But what if it's here to hurt you and what if- "July calm down, take a deep breath, breath in, 1,2,3,4, hold your breath, 1,2,3,4 now breath out 1,2,3,4. Very good July." July felt better, as her mind began to settle, her anxiety began to retreat, but it still left a parting gift of anxious thoughts.

July looked around her room, the walls were still a pale blue, her blanket and sheets were still grey, her dresser still had a bunch of random things July's bought or found. Lastly, July's most beloved camera was still there. "Now that you've calmed down we can finally start talking." Purred the lantern. "Firstly, I am here to help you understand the world around you, as well as help you to understand your own self." July starred at the the lantern with a doubtful exspression. "But why would you? What would you get in exchange, would I have to sell my soul or something?" July retorted. July was puzzled, why and how would some magical lantern help July. Would July be happy if she understood others and herself, but what if she finds out something about herself and others that she doesn't want to know? At what cost?

The lantern began to speak softly to July. "July, listen closly, I will not do you any harm and I won't take anything from you without permission, and as for why I'm doing this and what I get in return, there is a simple answer, because I want to. I want to help you and because I want to do this I don't need anything in return. July became even more confused, the lanterns answer gave nothing but more questions for July's anxiety to feed off of. Why do you want to do this, how long will it take, do I have to leave my home, are there more things like you, what are you, are you lying to me, will I change, do I have to, what if I find something I don't want to know, how are you going to do it? The questions swirl in July's mind, anxiety fueling the storm inside her brain. Can I even do it? July felt tired and lethargic, more so then normal. July slumps down onto her bed, she gazes up at the wall to her left that's filled with photos.

Some of the photos have people and some have scenery or bugs and plants and even some animals. One of the photos had three people, one is a girl with short messy dark red hair that had a small ponytail in the back, the girl was rather tall with a slender figure, she had a three peircing on one ear and four on the other. One was a boy with short blonde hair, he was a bit smaller then the girl. he had a soft look to him, he also had three attention grabbing braclets, one was a cute black bracelet with a calico cat keychain attached to it, the second one was a silverchain bracelet, the ends of the chains connect with a circle shaped part that had a letters on it. The last bracelet was a soft blue string that had all types of different beeds placed with seemingly no patern, although chaotic the braclet still had charm to it. The last in the photo was a younger July.

They had a curly dark brown hair that could almost be black and shorter then the girls hair but longer then the guys hair. Back then I would have been made fun of if I wore the clothes I liked so I could really only do that when I was hanging out with them. When I had became sick of my cowardly self I threw out any photo that cantained me not being me. Although that was not long ago it still felt like forever ago when I had that motivation, now I have reverted back to that cowardly self. I laughed as I looked at a photo that had me and the girl named Romy, posing with a turtle, I am just like that turtle, I try to change but whenevet I get scared I go right back to that shell. "Ever Revolving Latern, I don't think I can change or understand myself or the world. Please find someone else." I wonder if I have a choice.

I'm sorry if this chapter was boring, it's only the introduction so I hope you understand. Anyways this chapter has alot of foreshadowing, I didn't plan it to but whatever. Each story is going to be one or more chapters long, and all of the storys are connected in some way.

Tomikicreators' thoughts
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