
ever lasting love.

Historical Romance
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What is ever lasting love.

Baca novel ever lasting love. yang ditulis oleh penulis rush09_Gonzales yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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The Galactic Portfolio

The constellations are making some budget cuts. There's simply not enough energy to go around. Some civilizations aren't producing enough mind power, leading to a net loss of energy, year by year. Deities are becoming impatient with civilizations not producing their own weight. One imp, however, who's grown fond of his assigned planet, makes it his mission to convince the constellations of humanity's ability to unite the universe with belief and balance, leading the stars into a Golden Age of power, enough to topple the competition. Observing humanity for centuries, past and future, across countless alternate universes, the imp compiles a series of tales of joy, despair, loss, joy, fulfillment, romance, and most prominent of all, unity. This is a retelling of those tales, as I wish to spread them to every corner of the galaxy. Welcome to The Galactic Portfolio. ---- Hello! As TGP is a little unusual in its main characters, genre, and pretty much every detail that's supposed to be concrete, I thought I should give fair warning to everyone reading. It's not exactly female or male leading, TGP is essentially a collection of stories, gathered by a very special imp, spanning pretty much every genre. I just chose female since it has some more applicable tags. Also, I think those browsing the FMCs would get more enjoyment out of the content of TGP, considering there'll be stories focused entirely around (mostly gay) couples. If that sounds interesting to you, then welcome to the story of stories, The Galactic Portfolio!

RelativelyGolden · perkotaan
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One Step At A Time (DanMachi)

Argus Hale is a dreamy 22 years old. Living the life of luxury which most would consider fantasy, he never encountered obstacles, other than just one time. During the last of his high school days, something happened, leaving him with an emotional scar. It ran so deep that he still struggles with it. As time went on, he made peace with the fact- that’s just the way he will spend his seemingly meaningless life. Having no real friends, he created an imaginary friend in his mind which helped keeping him all the pieces of sanity he could gather. Anime and Video Games helped too. In midst of living in his own fantasy, he ignored one thing which ended it all for him, just as it had for many others. While it did snatch it all, ‘it’ also gave something in return and his life began anew. But this time he will ignore nothing...he’ll ignore no one. This time around, he has chosen to fight with whatever he’s got. Even with a face stained in tears and snot. Even with a body screaming ‘GIVE UP’. Or with a mind filled with demons. He will still fight. Regardless of how ugly his struggles may look. Because he somewhat understood what his father once told him, “The only way I know to beat it... is to fight as though you’re immortal. Fight like a Knight... that never dies!” This is the story of a dreamer facing off against Reality. . . That ends the synopsis. Before you tap ‘Read’, I would suggest you read what I have to say first. 1. Read my work with an open and accepting mind. 2. Argus, the protagonist is born out of me getting bored with those perfect-looking MCs. Shocking people to oblivion just by breathing. Almost every female they come across gets crazy for them. They’re so-called ‘Alpha Swag’ has lost its charm to me. Those who are not ‘perfect’ are downright insane. That’s when a question came to my mind - What happens to the souls of the ones whose bodies our Reincarnated MC’s inhabit. My overthinking mind went on about it for days. That’s where Argus came along. So here we are. Idea was to create an MC that is at heart and soul, a human, just like any other. 3. Initial chapters may feel rather heavy. but, I wanted to establish Argus as clearly as I Can. 4. I’m open to constructive criticism but not biased. 5. Rather than blowing everyone’s breath away. This novel focuses more on the emotional aspect and growth of characters. 6. Characters in my novel will have the ability of independent thought and action. I’ve done my best to portray all characters as alive as I Can. 7. I had once dropped this novel because of the exams. now that I’m done with them, I’ve picked it up again...as promised. 8. I’ll be releasing a chapter a day. 9. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants it down... it will be done. TAGS: Action, Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Family. The ride may be bumpy but, I assure you- you’ll come to love it. That’s all!

An_Imperfectionist · Komik
48 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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