
Even In Another World, I Sleep!

Ferdinand Tamadito, a middle-aged salaryman from his previous world, wakes up resurrected in a fantasy world with extraordinary powers. However, everyone in this world, including Tamadito, is affected by an ordinary affliction called "Weariness," limiting their stamina and energy. Despite his potential to manipulate elements and learn spells, his actions drain him, leaving him vulnerable. Adapting to these challenges despite his lack of physical training in his past life, he starts training his endurance as a means to cope to his liability. Later on, he befriends creatures, contrary to his reclusive nature in his previous life. Using his knowledge from his past life experiences, Tamadito unravels mysteries with a rogue knight, an exiled sorceress, and a young warrior. He defies expectations, teaching valuable lessons and proving strength comes from overcoming limitations. Join Tamadito as he conquers Weariness and explores this peculiar world!

PwndAsUL · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

The Essence of Stamina

As I venture deeper into the castle, the questions swirling in my mind grow louder with each step. Why was I summoned to this world? Am I even alive in my previous world, or is this realm my new reality? The whole mystery surrounding my situation, you know, it's like a fuel for my curiosity. It's got me all fired up to find some answers in this abandoned castle.

I remember seeing my face using the [Magic Eye], so I tried peeking in and saw that I was indeed in a different body, far from the gloomy me that I was on my previous world. Instead of donning the usual black hair and "experienced" face, I had this young man's physique and overalls. I look like a handsome prince in this world, with long red hair and chiseled jaws. But I was wearing a rather dull-looking set of clothes, and I was even encouraged to look around and find something more comfortable to wear.

I tried looking around for an inventory tab, but all that I managed to drag out from that holograph was my equipment.


[Head]: [None]

[Torso]: [Brown Tunic]

[Legs]: [Linen Pants]

[Hands]: [None]

[Feet]: [Leather Boots]

[Main Weapon]: [None]

[Off-hand Weapon]: [None]

[Accessory 1]: [Magic Eye]

[Accessory 2]: [None]

Lost in thought, my musings are abruptly interrupted by a peculiar sight. Ahead of me lies a group of slimes, their gelatinous bodies quivering with an unnatural energy. I can't help but chuckle at their amusing appearance and whimsical name, "a Puddle of Slimes." However, my momentary amusement gives way to caution as the slimes glide toward me with hostile intent.

As I realize that things could get real bad real quick, my instincts kicked in and I reach for my magic tab. Focusing my energy, I decided to cast [Fire Magic] to conjure a blaze of fire and unleash it upon the approaching slimes. The flames engulfed the creatures, causing them to shriek and dissolve into a bubbling mess. Their corpses later gave out some sort of glowing energy that scared me a little, as it slowly creeped towards me. It was just their experience points.

As the slimes slowly evaporate out of thin air, I noticed something wrong with my mana. The fire spell I cast had drained a significant portion of my magical reserves, leaving me feeling tired.

[Ferdinand Tamadito]


<Mage-Class X>

Level 1



<HP:42 42>

<Stamina:31 52>

<Mana:698 850>

<Satiation:103 104>

Weariness: 16.60%

Moderate weariness. The person experiences some fatigue but can still handle regular activities without significant strain. Rest and recovery may be required after intense efforts.


Regeneration rate at normal level [100%]


Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10 [1,000]

Constitution: 10

Charisma: 10


<Magician's Blood>

[You hail from a lineage of renowned magicians.]

[Intelligence multiplier +100%]

<Arcane Insight>

[Attains a heightened state of awareness, granting the ability to perceive and comprehend one's own stats with extraordinary clarity.]

I realized that my spells consume more magic than I anticipated, and the strain takes a toll on both my mana and my overall stamina.

Taking a moment to catch my breath, I decide to sit down, with my back against the wall, and contemplate my actions before taking another. I need to find a way to optimize my magical abilities and manage my weariness, as I have no idea what may be waiting for me beyond the corridor.

It's during this brief respite that my keen eyes notice something totally weird—a hidden chest concealed within the shadows of the cave. I approached it slowly, trying to keep my guard up and not get caught off guard.

Doubt gnaws at me, so I decided to devise a plan before opening the chest. Casting [Earth Magic], I conjure a small earth magic bullet, its compact form humming with latent power. With a focused aim, I release the bullet, sending it hurtling toward the chest.

The earth magic bullet strikes the chest with a resounding thud, causing it to shake and emit a faint, ethereal glow. Yet for no reason, I have a strange feeling that there is some kind of danger despite the silence.

As I cautiously approach the chest, my heart filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, a sudden realization dawns upon me. The chest before me, bathed in the dim light of the cave, is not what it seems. The faint ethereal glow surrounding it was merely a ruse, an illusion meant to deceive the unwary traveler.

My instincts scream at me to retreat, warning me of the danger that lurks within. The mimic—a creature that mimics the appearance of an innocuous object—reveals its true form, a set of jagged, bloody teeth protruding from a gaping maw. It lunges at me, its hunger for flesh evident in its eyes.

As I panicked for my next attack, I decided to cast [Wind Magic] and blew the mimic away with a strong gust of wind. I was shocked, seeing how it was easily back on its feet and on its way to attack me. Having got less than enough time to think, I accidentally opened my character screen, making me fumble around as the mimic approached closer.

A powerful sting woke my senses and my character screen vanished, and I noticed that the mimic managed to scratch my arms. I was bleeding. Deciding that casting magic would take an enormous toll on my body and that the mimic would get me if I didn't act, I tried thinking of other ways to escape this creature.

An idea popped to my mind.

Using [Wind Magic], I applied the power of this element on my body, making me more agile than the mimic. This way, I could definitely take it on and avoid its attacks. Theoretically, I could also use the speed bonus and inflict more damage, if this world is using the same logic as the real world.

Taking a while to charge, the mimic dashed and pounced its way towards me. Despite having forgotten the [Magic Eye], I scanned the surroundings and saw an opportunity for a single attack that would probably knock out the mimic.

I started running towards the mimic, even when I had no weapons to fight with. I evaded its first attack, almost gnawing on my hands for a brief moment, and then leapt back from the column wall where I had landed. I landed a solid strike with my legs against the mimic, destroying its shell and revealing a mushy body beneath. I think it died on impact.


[You have unspent skill points]

I checked my character screen after seeing that the mimic had started evaporating.

[Ferdinand Tamadito]


<Mage-Class X>

Level 2



<HP:28 42>

<Stamina:18 52>

<Mana:209 850>

<Satiation:98 104>

Weariness: 66.32%

High weariness. Fatigue is evident, and the individual may struggle to sustain prolonged activity. Adequate rest and recovery are essential to prevent exhaustion and burnout.


Wounded. Regeneration rate [75%]


[You have 5 free attribute points]

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10 [1,000]

Constitution: 10

Charisma: 10


<Magician's Blood>

[You hail from a lineage of renowned magicians.]

[Intelligence multiplier +100%]

<Arcane Insight>

[Attains a heightened state of awareness, granting the ability to perceive and comprehend one's own stats with extraordinary clarity.]

[You have unspent skill points]

I decided to think about it for a while, as I badly needed rest. Leveling up in this world is kind of strange, as I didn't receive back my full stats. I need to be careful from now on.