
The End Is The Beginning

Eve's POV

   We were running nonstop from the people who were chasing us. I can see the extreme exhaustion in Maya's face but she keeps on pushing herself to keep up to my pace. I am a fast runner and I don't easily get tired. I guess my energy tonight was also pumped by the adrenaline rush. And why is that?.... Because tonight we are running for our lives.

Yes tonight is a different night. Tonight we might both die, me and my adopted Mum.

"I can't run anymore?".

I looked back at Maya who was panting and almost out of breath and I noticed she keeps on holding the right side of her waist.

"What's wrong?". I asked in full concern while keep glancing at our back.

"Nothing.... Let's pause and hide for a while".

She said and drag me to a dark alley. She sits down on a cold pavement while I was looking to the lighted street. I noticed the men who were chasing us seems to stop or fortunately got lost. I was hoping and praying for that to happen.


I heard her call my name and I turned to see her. She looked so pale and I got worried.

"Something is wrong with you... Tell me!". I whispered yell at her. I took her hand, the one that's keep holding her waist and I felt liquid on them. When a light hit our hands my eyes grew wide in shock. She was bleeding.

"You should go now.... I don't think I will make it back home". She said still panting.

"No I won't leave you here..... You're going to die here!". I took her arms and tried to put it on my shoulder so I could carry her but she just push me aside. "What do you think you're doing?". I almost yelled at her.

"I know I'm dying now, I can feel it". Then she cough blood. "But I don't want to drag you with me".

"What the hell are you talking about!.... You are not going to die.... I won't allow it... You can't leave me!". My tears are flowing now like rain and I can't stop myself from crying like a real child I am.

Maya smiled at me and cupped my face. I can see a heavy breathing and her eyes are slowly dripping.

"Let's go to the hospital please.... Mum!". I don't call Maya 'MUM' often for a certain reason even though she legally adopted me. One of the main reason is for my safety. She don't want her enemies to use me against her and she don't want me dead. But today I let myself call her MUM.

"Thank you... For acknowledging me as your real mother". She made a small smile but it was heart whelming.

"You are my mother and you will always be my real mother probably not by blood but by our hearts!". A gush of tears flows to my cheeks. I keep on tugging her arm because I want her to get up and go to the hospital with me but she can barely move now and from the mixed smell of the alley I can smell a lot of blood coming out from her body.

I didn't know when she was shot. We were running wildly far from the hitman who were chasing us earlier. All I can remember was the thud of a gun behind us but I was so sure back then that we weren't shot or maybe it was all that I thought.

"Go now my child and save yourself". Maya tried to push me but I keep pushing myself back to her side.

"No I won't leave you.... If you die I die". I told her in a firm tone. Maya is my life. Eversince she found me in the middle of nowhere, crying and screaming looking for my parents. I already considered her a part of my life. My mother. The one cared for me and never left me.

"You promised!".

My body froze when I heard her words. Yes I still remember. She made me swore that if ever something happened to her I will turn my back from this life I learned to live. But I only did say those words because she kept on bugging me with it. But my word is my bond and I need to keep it. It's a rule that Maya thought me since I was young and now I need to do it. Fulfill my only promise to her.

"Why?". That's the only question I can ask her. The only word I can say.

"Because I love you.... Because you are my only beloved daughter and I'm sorry for teaching you my ways and my kind of life.... Live a new life Eve.... This life of mine will end and my end will be your beginning". Her tears are slowly cascading down her cheeks and still I can see a faint smile on her lips.

"Mum I'm so sorry I didn't save you". My head bend down and my hands ball into a grip. Right now I'm losing my mind and I can feel my rationality is leaving me. Until we both heard a sound of a careful footsteps.

"Go now my child and take the box that I always hide under my bed. It will tell you where you need to go".

"Mum.... Please!". I beg her.

"Do this for me and make me proud for one last time". She gave me her sweetest smile and a kissed on my forehead then push me away.

I started to stand slowly and my feet started to move backwards. The slow walk became fast till it turn to run.

I run.

I run away from my dying MOTHER because this is what I promised her.

A thud sound that fainted quickly halted me for a second and for a second I burst to tears and began to run again. Away from that dark alley.

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