
Evandle's Adventure: Random Special Chapters

These are chapters are mostly far in the story that I've envisioned, They are written when I have sudden inspiration however it's all written base on the plot and timeline that I already had mapped out in my mind but I estimated that it's too long like 300-500 chapters, im too lazy to write that much but I have some ideas that I want to write which are now in here. Btw the chapters are out of order, but it is in order of creation and not the timeline. - WARNING some chapters might contain some light sexual innuendo. My use of words might be a little wonky well ita because English is my 3rd language.

CyberElf_Evandle · Komik
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4 Chs

End of Evandle vs Clicc

The battle lasted for ages. After he had been bombarded by thousands of spells, Clicc felt as if he had been through some catastrophe. His expensive black suit was torn all over, and the magical gemstones on the OwO Scepter also turned dul, and worse his mustache was damaged slightly.

What was more terrifying was that Clicc was starting to feel his mana running out even with his naturally powerful mana. This battle was too intense even for Clicc who have fused with his other personalities. He was reaching his limits by using the Mana Shield and ice walls to protect himself from the thousands of magic spells for half an hour. After all, Clicc was still a human, unlike Evandle who's race couldn't be even identify due to the fact that her having the bloodlines of elf, human, and ice dragon,

Although Evandle's Ice dragon bloodline was artificially integrated by Althea it had already fused with every cell of her being to a almost close perfection, and already original having the human and elf bloodlines she has the strength of all those races

Clicc was already feeling his mana running out. He could only endure another 10 minutes before running into a possible mana shortage. By then, the Mana Shield and ice walls could no longer protect himself from harm. To make matters worse, his mental power was starting to run out too due to prolonged period of using high-intensity magic. His head was throbbing as if someone had been stabbing his brain continuously with a nail. Clicc knew that this was a sign of overusing mental power.

Fortunately, Clicc found an opportunity before he totally ran out of energy…

Perhaps it was because the prolonged bombardment of magic was too dull, or perhaps because even Evandle which had endless magic was exhausted. After a long while, Lin Li finally found an opportunity that couldn't be considered as an opportunity…

There were finally a few pauses between the storms…

So in a last ditch effort he gathered all of his remaining mana to cast a forbidden spell that he had personally created.

"Oh my, Evandle, come and join me in the deepest layer of hell, and let's take over hell together~" Clicc time his forbidden spell just as the opportunity appeared

"<V. I. P Ticket to Hell>~"

A golden projectile shot towards Evandle's direction in an unimaginable speed, Evandle tryed to flash away but it was already too late, even though Evandle had an endless amounts of mana but in the end of the day she is still a mortal who can get exhausted physically and mentally, this effect had already shown it self as Evandle's reaction time had clearly slowed down significantly.

The projectile was already in front of Evandle's face, she can clearly see the appearance of the projectile it was a golden ticket with 'VIP Ticket to Hell' written on it.

The projectile stopped in front of Evandle as it glowed brightly and exploded creating a unstable blood red portal pulling Evandle straight to the deepest layer of hell

"Well that was fun, I better follow in too" Clicc tided-up up his clothes and mustache as he prepare to inter the blood red portal

Meanwhile Evandle who is currently inside the spacial tunnel had a furious expression on her face "That bastard!" She then immediately cast her most powerful escaping spell

"<Shedding>" after casting the spell Evandle's intire body was covered with ice like a second layer of skin, inside the layer of ice is like a isolated space that isn't affected by any spacial Anchor or spacial distortions.

"<Ice Flicker>" due to Evandle bombarding countless amounts of ice spells on Clicc there where alot of ice the Evandle can teleport to.

Choosing the ice shard behind Click Evandle immediately flickered on that space node.

Evandle had menacing look while stabbing Clicc's chest from behind "You've put up quite the struggle Mr. Clicc, I've got to admit our little war of attrition has wore on me for long enough, But I have an endless source of mana. I am superior"

"Oh? What's with that obnoxious smirk?" Evandle said questioningly with a hint of majesty, However currently storms we're raging inside Evandle's mind 'NO SHIT!!! I TALKED TOO MUCH! FUCK!!! IS THE CLICHE FROM THE BOOK'S I'VE READ WHERE THE VILLAIN DIES BECAUSE HE TALKED TOO MUCH GONNA HAPPEN TO ME!? WAIT IM NOT EVEN A VILLAIN!. OR AM I?

"I didn't want to have to pull out my trump card" Clicc says as he continues to smirk

"but you are not the only cheat like existence here, Evandle... BECAUSE I ALSO HAVE INFINITE MANA"

"WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" Evandle eyes widen while in disbelief

"POUNDING INFINITE aMANAunt YOUR MOM WITH DEEZ NUTS!!" said Clicc as he falls on the ground with a smile on his face knowing that that he had one-upped his rival

Evandle just stares blankly at Click's face clearly dumbfounded and speechless.

However it worked, with Evandle being distracted Clicc immediately jumped inside the blood red portal and he also closed it it after entering successfully escaping from death.