

Plan. Analyse. Design. Code. Test. Debug. Release and Repeat. A Developer's life revolves around this simple lifecycle. Caught in an unknown accident, Noah, a young alpha tester is reincarnated into the game world he was testing. Moreover, in a world that is soon to meet its end. Blessed by the goddess of infinite possibilities, Noah is granted an ability to live the world with his previous developer's privileges. Open Console. Execute Script: script-0.sh ===== Reader Disclaimer: The first few chapters were written in haste to get my idea on paper. Please add comments if anything turns out too confusing (Some are intended lol, will be explained as the story progresses). Hopefully my language will also get better with time as well. Hope you enjoy the story. ===== Credit to KnightOwl for novel cover background. ===== Discord: TBA Patreon: TBA

k_a_m_u_i · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 41

Standing in the arena after defeating Asher and three other opponents, Noah recalled the conversation he had with Wilhelmina weeks before.

"Young Prince, outside your family, everyone in this kingdom will address you as a prince. Whether you like it or not, people will see you as a candidate for the throne. Even if you denounce that right, your actions will always be watched. Such is the life of a person born into a royal house. The title symbolizes you as a representative of the people of this kingdom.

But just because you carry the name of the Wyte house, doesn't mean that the people would truly respect you. The choices and actions you take will prove your qualifications to them.

As an heir to the throne, what do you think should be the foundation you need to have: Wisdom, strength, influence, capital or lineage?"


"Why do you think so?"

"If I have wisdom, I can stop any issue or disaster before it happens."

"Hmm... What if you do not have any information about the issue or what if it has already happened? Not everything can be known nor be controlled."

"In that case, I would use my wisdom to advise the people on the best course of action."

"What people? Who would listen if you don't have influence?"

"Influence? Hmm.. but if I only have influence, I may not be able to make the right choice. I might as well be the cause of their doom. What else? Strength? If I have strength alone, I may be able to overcome anything physically, but that will lead me to become a tyrant. Capital? Is money the answer? If I have money, I can buy the people who have wisdom, strength and influence…Ha, is money really the answer this time as well…" Noah drooped his head upon realisation.

"Money can never buy trust. Prince, why did you not consider lineage?

"Anyone can learn and be qualified right? What good are blood ties?"

"While the countries in the east are theocratic and democratic, have you wondered why we remain a monarchy?"

At Noah's silence, Wilhelmina continued.

"The Wytes have ruled this land for more than five centuries. This was not through force or manipulation. It is through the bravery and sacrifice shown by the descendants of the Wyte house that the people pledged to serve themselves towards this house.

Democracy or theocracy can be turned corrupt by money, greed or simply blind faith. When a mistake is made, the responsibility will be passed from one person to the next. Whereas in a monarchy, there is only one ruler and only one person who will take the blame. It's a heavy power. A power that can lead to the downfall of your entire family if used improperly. Throughout generations, the Wytes have ruled with this power prosperously. Even when our king decided to step down from the throne, the people of this country weren't afraid, they had faith that the next generation of Wyte would ascend to the throne. Your lineage carries the weight of your predecessors and all the people who have put their faith in them."

"But lineage alone won't suffice either, right?"

"Yes. You need all five. And the foundation for it is discipline. You need to showcase your wisdom without being overbearing, strength without becoming a tyrant, capital without arousing greed, influence without misusing and lineage without becoming authoritarian. As a noble and a prince, you need to maintain all five equally. If someone questions your qualifications, you must make it right. Whether it be verbally or otherwise."


As Noah continued to remain in the arena even after consecutive fights, chatter started to fill among the students.

"How long is he going to remain in the arena?"

"He has already won 4 times already. All of them were in the 1100s though."

"Who is going next?"

"I wonder if anyone wants to go next. Given that he hasn't used any mana yet, he still hasn't shown his full strength."

"Or is it that he can't? It's not like anyone can use mana." Getting up, the boy with silver hair walked to the arena. "I, Nox Glendin, challenge you."

The Glendin Barony was the secret assassin house in EtherWorld. Although they pose as upright noblemen with minimal power that came from the barony title, the Glendins controlled a large part of the underworld in the Equirrion Kingdom. It was one of the few secrets of the king that was revealed at the end of the war. Needless to say, they were wiped off even before Noah had a chance to interact with them.

Noah prepared himself as he watched the slender boy with silver hair walking into the swamp with a dagger in each hand.

Once both of them were ready, Norman signalled the start of the duel. Without wasting a second, Nox charged straight toward Noah.

All Noah could see was the water splashing where he earlier stood, before appearing right in front of him with his daggers aiming for his chest.

Caught unaware, Noah took out his ice temple sword from the inventory blocking the immediate strike.

Although it wasn't uncommon for assassins to be trained and proficient with multiple movement skills, Noah was barely able to react in time.

'Whatever skill he is using, the muddy water is doing little to nothing to slow him down.'

As the attack failed, Nox quickly shifted back, making distance.

Fixing his stance, Noah covered the sword with blue flames. After contracting with Azeas and Surtr, Noah was able to produce both the blue flames of Azeas and the black flames of Surtr. As he still hadn't learnt any skills from his contracted spirits, this was the best he could do with his current strength.

Watching Nox's quick steps, Noah knew Nox's speed and agility were in a league of its own.

Combined with the muddy swamp, Noah couldn't make any easy movements or swordsmanship.

Formulating a plan in his mind, Noah continued to remain in his original position for Nox to strike again.

To Nox's knowledge, the only way to arm oneself with a weapon mid-battle was only possible through an artifact or if the user had space-related abilities.

As space related abilities were rare, more so from an heir of the Wyte house that contracted with fire spirit, Nox quickly came to a conclusion.

'That crude sword must be some sort of artifact, I need to avoid it.'

As Noah continued to remain in the same spot, Nox decided to approach him cautiously avoiding the reach of the sword.

Before Noah's sword could touch him, Nox once again disappeared from Noah's sight, before reappearing from behind him.

But unbeknownst to Nox, this was exactly what Noah was aiming for. Taking the shield out from his inventory, Noah blocked the immediate attack.

Crouching down, Noah quickly froze the water around Nox enough to lock him in place. Without giving him a chance to escape, Noah quickly followed it with multiple slashes across his abdomen with all his strength.

As the pendant shined red, it marked the end of the duel.